Chapter Thirty Nine

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Requested by croe840 and _reddie I combined the requests. Before anyone hates Richie, I was to put it out there that he isn't doing anything wrong when punishing Eddie. Eddie can safeword anytime he feels like he needs to and Richie will stop instantly. Hopefully no one thinks this is abuse. THERE IS CONSENT THANK YOU
All characters are over the age of 18 and DDLB BYLER AND REDDIE MOSTLY REDDIE
Warning: Punishment

"Baby?! Cmon sweetheart we need to get going now!" Eddie whined softly, pulling his dinosaur swimming suit on and yelling back, "daddy, i no wanna go!" Richie sighed, shooting Mike a look that said, "this is what I deal with on a daily basis," and Mike telepathically said, "lol dude same." Will was holding onto his arm like a little baby, playing with a loose string on Mike's swimming trunk. "Eddie, I'll get you ice cream if you come here in five seconds."

Eddie gasped, grabbing his stuff and running to Richie. "Ice cweam!" He said, throwing his hands into the air. Richie kissed his cheek, smiling. "Alright gays lets go." He securely held Eddie's small hand as he walked to the car, placing Eddie into the backseat as Mike did the same to Will. He hopped into the drivers seat, Mike hopping into the passengers seat.

The four were going to the beach. Will wanted to learn how to swim and Mike invited Reddie to come too. Eddie was always scared of the sea. He found it terrifying, the big waves looking at him like a prey as they came closer to him, trying to swallow him whole. Richie, on the other hand, was a whole beach dude. With his stupid Hawaii shirts and ugly beach shorts, he rocked the beach like it was no body's business.

The drive to the beach was really loud and fun. Richie blasted Put Your Head On My Shoulder through his speakers and boom drop yes. Mike just looked out the window and pretended he was in a sad music video as he contemplated life and thought about that wet dream he had about Will I mean what. Eddie wiggled around in his spot, yelling for ice cream. Will joined in after a few minutes.

"Ice cream! Ice cream! Ice cream!" They chanted in sync, making Richie let out a huff. "Michael you bitch help me out here." "Will, baby, why don't you yell louder so Uncle Richie can hear you. He obviously can't hear the prince's demands." Will giggled and chanted even louder, "I SAID I WANT ICE CREAM PEASANTS GET ME ICE CREAM OR I'LL EAT YOU." "Good boy, baby."

Richie finally parked outside of a local ice cream stand. He took everyone's orders and came running back with cookies and milk for himself, mint for Mike, strawberry for Will and caramel for Eddie. "Happy?" He grumpily asked, making Eddie and Will look at each other, "yes, twank you!" Richie sent him a flying kiss, to which Eddie giggled.

The beach was surprisingly empty. Eddie and Will were confused. "Daddy, where are da peoples?" Richie smirked at Mike, "a sea monster ate them all." Eddie gasped, hiding behind Richie. "D-Daddy don't let the mons-monster eat me!" Richie cooed at the little boy, kissing all over his small face. "I was just kidding. We reserved the beach for the day, so we won't have any human interaction with other people."

Will was really happy about that. He turned to Mike and poked his arm shyly, making Mike open his arms for him to nuzzle into. Will did so, blushing as he buried his face into the crook of his neck. "D-Dada, I'm scawed." Mike frowned, holding Will's face in his hands, "why, baby boy?" Will looked up at him with his big brown eyes, making Mike melt on the inside. "T-The sea." Mike frowned, bending down to Will's level. "Daddy's going to be here with you, baby. No need to be scared, hm?" Will nodded, pouting his lips. "Kiss please!" Mike awed at him before pecking him sweetly.

Meanwhile, Richie was alreddie half naked, holding Eddie's hand as he happily skipped to the sea. Eddie was practically shaking as Richie ran to the water, not knowing what to do. "YHA HAH EDS LETS GO!" He ran all the way in, screaming as the water was really cold. Eddie giggled at that. He walked to the shore, staring at the waves. They were big and really scary looking. "Cmon, baby! I can't wait all day!" Taking a huge breath, Eddie began to walk deep into the water until the water reached his shoulders.

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