Chapter One-Hundred-Eighteen

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Requested by Annie_Maria123


Richie was over at Ben and Beverly's house since he was being babysat. His daddy, Bill, was out, drinking with his friends as he did every weekend. He had been going more frequently lately, which always worried and scared the baby.

Richie and Beverly were hiding from Ben as they played hide and seek, both giggling at each other when they saw where the other one was hiding. Ben counted out the numbers '34, 35, 36', growing closer to 50.

Ben found Richie instantly. He had hidden behind the curtains, his curls poking out and his little feet were seen below. He scared the little, yelling out a "boo!" and tickling him, which made the boy burst into giggles, then let out a little whimper in pain. His sides still hurt after all.

Ben and Richie quickly found Beverly, who was hiding under a bed, working together to find her. After that, they decided to watch a comedy and let time pass. Before they knew it, it was 1 A.M. and Bill still hadn't come back from his night out.

Deciding to give him a call, Beverly carefully slipped away from the living room, where Richie sat, exhausted but determined to stay awake so he could welcome his daddy when he came. If he came. The thought suddenly made goosebumps appear on his arms and tears well up in his eyes. With quivering lips, he listened to his daddy and Beverly's conversation.

"What do you mean you aren't coming...? Bill, are you drunk? ... What? ... Where are you? ... You can't keep doing this ... Holy shit, are you hearing what you're saying? ... Shut the hell up, asshole." She then hung up, rubbing her forehead. Richie looked at her with hopeful eyes, and when she noticed, she smiled sadly.

"Baby, would you like to have a sleepover with Ben and I? We can watch movies for the whole day and have pancakes in the morning." Richie's face fell. He shook his head sullenly, looking down with tears in his eyes.

"W-Want my daddy. G-Go home? Baby go h-home?" He asked politely for permission to get home. Beverly and Ben shared a look, both alarmed and sorry for the boy.

"Baby, your daddy has lots to do tonight. He can't come to pick you up. Um, he told me to tell you that he uh, he loves you." Richie started sobbing and hiccuping, shaking his head, making his curls go from side to side.

"D-Daddy l-left b-baby, a-abandon. N-Not good enough f-for d-daddy. B-Bad b-boy!" He wailed, trying to punish himself by scratching his arms. Beverly ran to him, grabbing his hands and putting them away from his arms, making him look into her eyes.

"Baby, please look at me. That's not true. Your daddy loves you. He's just busy tonight, very busy. He'll be here tomorrow to take you home. You're a very good boy, honey, the best boy. You're more than enough for all of us, I promise." Richie shook his head.

"N-Not get punishment i-if w-were a good boy." Ben sat next to him, looking at Beverly, scared. "What punishment did you get, baby. What did you do?" "G-Got yelled at a-and pushed. T-Then spanking. Hu-Hurt." Beverly, her jaw dropped, looked at Ben, who had the same reaction.

"G-Got yelled at?!" She asked, shocked. Richie only nodded, playing with his arm. Beverly noticed something underneath his sleeves, so she gently took his left arm and took a look at it. She gasped when she saw scars, not deadly, but still enough to inflict pain. Richie snatched his arm back, looking at her through his tears. he had done them when he had gone to the bathroom.

"D-Did you- D-Did..." She sobbed, covering her eyes, Ben holding onto her and Richie's hand.

"W-Why?" Ben asked, tears in his eyes. "B-Bad boy. Needed punishment." Beverly collected herself then placed Richie on her lap, cradling him, telling him how beautiful and how good he is, how adorable and kind he is. In the morning, she'd tell Bill to fuck off and get help before ever trying to contact Richie. He would be safe, Richie, as long as Beverly and the losers were alive.


Time Skip (9 months)

Nine months ago, Beverly had gotten help for Bill, who dealt with major drinking problems and mental health issues. He had gone to rehab and gotten much better, still on medication. He was actually dismissed a month ago but he stayed home just to make sure he was good to see his baby boy again.

God, how much he had missed him. With his problems, he had neglected the boy, scared him by yelling and sometimes even pushing him. He'd never forgive himself for what he had done. Richie knew he was at rehab and was happy he was trying to get better for him. He was waiting for the day he came back and when they would reunite.

Nine months passed, and now, Bill had gotten inside of his car, driving to Stanley's house and trying not to have a panic attack. He had gotten chocolate, flowers, cupcakes, and a little surprise for his angel. One that barked. 

Bill drove quickly but safely, shaking as he gathered all of his things. He had called Beverly once a week, and she knew that he was coming to pick Richie up (if he wanted it as well). Bill took a deep breath and rang the doorbell, awkwardly standing with flowers and chocolate in his hands. Biting his lip, he waited for someone to open it.

Seconds later, a shorter boy opened the door, peering up at him with rosy cheeks. Bill's heart beat sped up as they made eye contact, a smile appearing on Richie's face as he giggled, over the moon. He screamed, "DADDY!" loudly, opening the door fully to embrace the older.

Bill, shocked, slowly hugged back, trying hard not to cry.

"Hi, baby. I'm back."

"I-I missed daddy soooo much!" Bill grinned, the rest of the losers watching secretly.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. You already know what I was dealing with, which is not an excuse. I've gotten great help, and I'm sure that I'm much better. I-If you trust me enough to never hurt you again, I'd like to ask you if you'd like to come home with me?" 

Richie looked up, thinking comically before nodding, jumping on the older.

"Love you, daddy!" Bill let his tears out, smiling at the losers.

"I love you too, baby." 

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