Chapter One-Hundred Seventeen

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Requested by @Annie_Maria123

Enough had been enough. Richie WAS the baby of the household, the little prince that had won over every loser's heart, the baby-faced angel that was the light of all of their lives. But that didn't mean that enough wasn't enough.

It had been this way for three weeks. Richie hadn't been punished before, at least not too severely, only ten spankings at most. Richie hadn't been disciplined in a while, which had caused the baby boy to act out. The losers were all caregivers of Richie, but they weren't his daddy. That was where Stanley Uris stepped in, claiming the role of the angel's boyfriend and daddy.

Richie hadn't been punished for over two months. It had been that long because he hadn't acted out enough to be deserving of one. But as stated before, for the last three weeks, Richie had been undeniably bad. He'd break things, throw tantrums, have sudden outbursts, and cause mayhem in the losers club household. Everybody knew that he needed discipline, but nobody had the heart to follow through with what they needed to do.

But as the author already said, ENOUGH WAS ENOUGh, Stanley thought once he stepped into his office to see his neatly piled stacks of paper everywhere in a muddle. He was enraged, glaring at the little boy who only giggled sweetly and adorably, clapping his hands, already in a much smaller headspace.

Stanley, furious, grabbed him by the hair harshly, pulling him up, too infuriated to see how much this hurt Richie. The precious baby wailed, trying to fight against his daddy's stronghold.

"I'm so disappointed in you," Stanley hissed, dragging the boy up the stairs, who could only try to call for the other losers. Stanley had never done this before. He'd never acted this mean without an explanation. He'd explain to Richie with a stern but calming tone whatever he had done and why he must be punished. Now, he didn't even know what he had done wrong.Stanley took them into the bedroom, ordering Richie to strip and face the wall. When Richie failed to do so, he raised his voice, telling him again to comply. Richie removed his clothes, crying and wailing as he faced the wall.

"I'm going to give you fifteen. You don't need to count. Any noise, and I add two more." Stanley took his belt off and began his spanking, not hard enough to break skin but also sufficient to sting. Richie could handle the spanks, but not his thoughts that kept him wondering what he had done.

When his spanks were finished, Richie sobbed, not daring to move a muscle, crying softly.

Beverly, who walked by, locked eyes with Richie, who had tears dripping down his cheeks, whimpering. Beverly gasped, screaming Stanley's name, who stopped to look at his friend.

"Stanley Uris! Who do you think you are, dragging the baby around? He's sensitive, look at him." Stanley looked at Richie, who was shaking, trying to keep quiet. He didn't want to be punished more, so he'd keep quiet until he knew he'd never be treated like that again.


Four days had passed. Richie had gotten fantastic aftercare, as usual, with lots and lots of kisses, apologies, and cuddles. Richie wouldn't speak, though. He hadn't spoken in four days, and the entire gang was dying with worry. They wanted their old baby back, the one who was a bundle of joy, always laughing and making everyone happy.

It was Stanley's fault, and even he knew it. And he was going to do everything in his power to bring his baby boy back into his old state.

He cuddled the boy closer, the one next to him in his bed, kissing his soft cheek and precious curls.

"Baby," he whispered into his hair, kissing his head again. He still couldn't believe that he had grabbed onto them so harshly. He'd always beat himself up over his actions. He wrapped an arm around Richie's waist, kissing all over his face. When he saw a smile, he knew that he was awake.

"Baby, I just wanted to say that I'm so so so sorry for what happened on Friday. I was just too angry and took it out of you. I should've explained to you and treated you in a much better way. I promise you I will never do that again. If I hurt you or do something you don't like, you have to tell me, angel, okay?" He felt Richie slowly look at him and reply in a croaky voice.

"O-Okay, daddy." Stanley gasped, throwing the covers off his body and picking Richie up, twirling him around and kissing him all over his adorable face as he giggled.

"My baby spoke!" he announced, the entire losers club awakening at that moment. They all rushed into the room, praising the little baby, who cuddled closer to Stan, giggling at the love he received only for existing.

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