Chapter Twenty One

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Will and Mike were the first ones to get there. Poor Will was getting nervous, really trying hard to please Mike that day because he wanted it to be a special day for him. He kept quiet, his eyes on his lap. Mike started to notice as he lowered himself down onto the fancy seat.

"Baby boy? You okay?" Will looked up at him and gave him a fake smile, "I good, dada. Twank oo for aswing." Mike was sensing that something was up. He moved closer to Will and picked him up, placing him on his lap. Will giggled, "Dada! Peoples are hewe." "Shh, baby. Let me love you for a bit." Will giggled as Mike began to kiss the side of his face, slowly moving to his ear. "What's wrong, cutie. You seem down." Will began to answer, not even realizing. "So Wiwwy wanted to be good boy for Daddy tu make dis day special!" Mike chuckled, "oh, baby. You don't need to act different or any better to make sure my day is special. As long as you're here, it's more than perfect." Will blushed, "twank oo!"

"WHAT'S UP- *covers Eddie's ears* -FUCKERS?" Will giggled, "that bawd word, Uncle Rich!" Eddie gasped, "WILLY!" "ED-ED!" The two little sons of mine hugged, Eddie showing Will his new paci while Will showed him his new stuffie. "ME MISSES WILLY MORE, DADA! I WANNA SEE HIM MORE!" Richie tapped his thigh as a reminder, "darling, inside voice please." The small boy blushed, "sowwy.." "its okay, also, of course you can see Will more, baby boy." Eddie sat on his lap, giving him a kiss, "TANK Y- tank you." "Thank you for using your inside voice, angel."

Will poked Mike, "we cuter than thenm, rite dada?" Mike nodded, "of course, baby. We're cuter than them." Richie heard and said, "HAH! You wish! Eds and I are the cutest couple ever." "You are incorrect, child." Stan said, entering the room, a cute lil Bill holding his hand as he looked around in wonder.

"D-Daddy, look! F-Fishy!" Bill whispered, pointing to the fish tank that seemed to be the main attraction to little children. It was a pretty decoration. "Yes, baby. I see. Wanna go look at it?" Bill beamed up at Stan, "y-yes, pwease." Stan nodded, kissed Bill's head as he patted his bum, "go ahead, angel. Don't go too far off. Stay where I can see you. Daddy wants to see his pretty little baby." Bill giggled smolly as he made his way to the fish tank, looking at it in awe. "DADDY! ME WANNA LOOK AT FISHY TOO!" "Indoor voice, Eds." "Sowwy." "Darling, it's too crowded there. Maybe some other time, yeah?"

Eddie stomped his feet, crossing his arms and pouting. "Me wanna see fish NOW!" Richie took him by the arm and whispered something into his ear, making Will hold Mike's hand nervously. Eddie whimpered and bowed his head. Richie glared at him one last time before smiling a fake smile. The waiter began making his way to the table, Bill and Stan coming back. The waiter seemed young, around his early twenties. "Hello sirs, would you like to order?"  He eyed Eddie hungrily, not taking his eyes off him. Richie gripped his thigh as he looked the waiter dead in the eye, "I'll have the caesar salad and sea bass. My BOYFRIEND will have some tomato soup and the nuggets from the kid menu." The waiter rolled his eyes as he wrote down the orders.

When everyone was done ordering, Richie was fuming. Mike noticed and took his aside to talk, trying to calm his twin down. Meanwhile the waiter came back with Eddie's strawberry milkshake, a napkin under it. He winked as he went back. Eddie giggled as he saw the boy's number. Will nervously watched, speaking up, "Ed-Ed, Uncwle Wichie will be real angwy." Eddie shrugged, "I no care. Daddy doesn't care about me so I no care!" He always got upset like that when he knew Richie was mad at him.

Richie and Mike came back, Richie spotting the number on the napkin. He tried to calm himself down and asked, "what's that you're holding, darling?" Eddie looked away, "non of your bui-business!" Richie snatched the napkin, taking a good look at it. "So that's fucking why you were all blushy and giggly, slut." He was furious. Eddie whimpered, "N-No, daddy, I-" he was snatched up to his feet and dragged to the bathroom.

Will was really scared now. Mike was never that rough with him. "D-Daddy?" Mike was really disappointed in Richie. He was probably punishing Eddie in the bathroom. A loud, "OW!" Echoed through the bathroom. Mike clenched his fist. "Yes, baby?" "Wh-Why Uncwle Wichie so r-rough with Ed-Ed?" Bill nodded, "y-yeah. Daddy's n-never that r-rough." Stan kissed his cheek, smiling at him comfortingly.  "Baby, there's a lot you don't know. It's not Richie's fault." The littles didn't know about Richie's bipolar disorder.

Richie came back, holding Eddie's hand who was covering his face in embarrassment, hiccuping into his hands. Mike's eyes widened, "Richie, I need to talk to you." Richie nodded, kissing Eddie's head who was still crying, and leaving the table. Stan, Bill and Will instantly reached out to Eddie and comforted him. "Dude." "Dude." "Dude." "Why'd you bring me here dude?" "You're being rough with Eddie, dude." "I know right dude. I should calm my tits." "Yeah, go comfort him dude." The two dudes I mean brothers walked back to the table. Eddie was no longer crying.

"Baby, may I speak to you?" Eddie sniffled as he nodded, getting up. Richie kneeled down to his height and held his face. "I'm not sorry for disciplining you but I am sorry that I went too hard on you. I shouldn't have done it out in public too. It's just that, the possibility of you wanting that waiter dude over me just struck me and I was so upset and mad, and I-I'm sorry, baby." Eddie smiled and hugged Richie, "it otay! Pwus, I no like that boi! I wuv dada and onwy dada!" "I only love Eddie too, angel. Wanna go see the fishys now?" Eddie nodded, jumping up and down.

Meanwhile, Bill was sitting on Stan's lap, cuddling into him. Will was busy being smothered by kisses. And Eddie was being held securely by Richie whilst watching the fucking fishes he desired noice yeet.

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