Chapter Eighty-Nine

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Little! Eddie, Daddy! Richie, Daddy! Bill


It wasn't always like this. Eddie wasn't always ignored by his daddies. Especially not when he was going through a hard time. But lately, as in for the past two weeks, something had changed. His two daddies, the two loves of his life, had been ignoring Eddie, somewhat neglecting the poor boy. 

Eddie was going through a hard time and all of this ignoring was making it even harder for him to cope. He was having difficulties with his nightmares. And there was no one there to help him.

He felt like he was drowning, honestly. 

He was tired of the late night depression, the days he spent in bed while doing nothing but listening to Bill and Richie have their fun without him, his nightly cries, tears streaming down his face as he tried to muffle his sobs. 

He couldn't sleep anymore.

But every time he felt the need to reach out for help, he felt like he sank lower when he was pushed aside. 

Why? He would ask himself at times. Why is this happening? What happened. 

But he was never able to pinpoint what he had done to deserve such treatment. 



A gloomy day. Bill and Richie were cuddled up together, watching movies on the couch, drinking Bill's signature hot chocolate. Eddie was watching from the stairs. His hair was a mess and the dark bags under his eyes were more evident than usual.

He had been wearing the same shirt for three days. 

He gripped onto the wall, pulling himself up. He wanted to talk to his daddies. He ran down the stairs, walking to the couch and cuddling between the boys. "Dada, me have some chocwate too?" Richie kept his eyes glued to the television, "Eddie, you stink. Go take a shower. You can have some later." 

Eddie stood up slowly, hurt. He looked at Bill, "Daddy, hewp wif shower?" Bill ignored him, too focused on the movie. "Daddy?" Eddie whispered again, his stuffie falling onto the floor. Still no response. 

He turned around, leaving without a word, his bloodshot, swollen eyes filling with tears. Eddie hadn't even picked his stuffie up. 

He stripped, not bothering to lock the door. Turning on the shower, not adjusting the temperature, he hopped in, flinching when the cold water hit his skin. Slowly, he let out his tears. They blended in with the shower.

Eddie's knees trembled, so he kneeled and sat down, pulling his knees to his chest. He cried, full on sobbing, loudly, without holding back.

He let everything out. 


The movie was over. Bill stretched, cracking his knuckles. "Damn, that was good." Richie nodded, agreeing. "Should I make the hot chocolate for Eddie?" Bill shook his head, "I'll make it, you go help him with his shower."

Richie nodded, giving him a kiss before he walked up the stairs. Surprised, he stood outside the bathroom door. It had been twenty minutes since Eddie had gone in. That was longer than any shower Eddie had taken. Richie could tell that he was still taking one, hence the sound of the water.

He knocked softly, waiting for a response. "Eddie?" He asked. He opened the door slightly, smiling slightly when he saw Eddie, asleep in the shower. He cooed, "Someone's sleepy." But as he walked closer, he noticed Eddie shaking violently.

He ran to him, checking the water. It was freezing. He quickly turned the water to warm, stepping in, yelling for Bill to hurry the fuck up and come upstairs. He was soaking wet, but he didn't care. Eddie's lips were blue, face red and blotchy. He had been crying.

Richie began to cry, something he rarely did. "B-Baby," his voice cracked as he sniffled. "Wake up, baby. P-Please." Bill ran in, panting. "What the fuck happened?" He asked. "Eddie's out cold, he's been in the shower for twenty minutes with freezing water on, Bill!" Bill came closer, eyes filling with tears as he saw his boy shake.

"I'm going to turn the heater on in the room. I'll set up a few blankets. Keep him warm!" He ran out, Richie pushed Eddie's wet curls away from his face. "I'm so sorry, baby. Daddy's here now, you'll be okay, baby, I promise." He whispered, kissing Eddie's closed eyelids. 

Eddie's shaking had stopped, the boy breathing just fine. Bill ran back in, "We need to wrap him in towels. Quickly, he can't be cold again." Bill opened the towel, Richie quickly wrapping it around him. He turned off the water. 

"Let's dry him up."


Soon, Eddie was dry and dressed in a large sweater and some soft sweatpants. He was covered in many blankets, Richie and Bill waiting for him to wake up.

Bill had made him his drink, caressing his cheek. 

After long minutes of waiting, Eddie opened his eyes. "Daddy?" He asked, looking at Richie. Richie jumped, running to Eddie, covering him in kisses. "Oh, baby. I'm so sorry! Are you feeling alright? Dada made you some hot chocolate, just for our sweet baby boy!" 

Eddie was confused. "No mad, Daddy?" "No! God, no, we're not mad!" 

Bill kissed Eddie's cheeks, "We're sorry, bambi. So sorry." 

"Why ignore Eddie? Eddie naughty baby?" 

"You're the best baby, not naughty at all." 

"We didn't mean to ignore you, baby bear. We were bad daddies." 

Eddie looked down, reaching for his hot chocolate. Bill handed it to him, the boy sipping on it.

"No do 'gain." 

"Never," said Richie sincerely. "We love you." 

Eddie smiled, "Wuv oo too. But if you do 'gain, me leave you poos behind and neva wook back cuz I'm an independent woman who doesn't need no man." 

"Yes, baby." 

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