Chapter Eighteen

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Eddie did it again. He was currently fighting with Richie, who was calmly explaining to him that he was wrong. "Eddie, what I'm TRYING to say, if that you must stop talking back to me." "You can't twell me what tu du!" "Stop it!" Eddie stomped his foot, eyebrows knitted together. "STOP BEING SO GODDAMN ANNOYING! You always put your big ass nose into my business, STOP!"

Richie Tozier hated the word annoying. It was his nickname in high school. Because of his ADHD, people would tell him that the A was for annoying. It stuck with him all through life, and Eddie knew it. He felt his eyes start to water. Yet he didn't want Eddie to see.

He was done with Eddie being bad. He was determined to show him that he was in control. But spanking never permanently changed him. So he came up with a new idea. Something Richie hated being done to him. "Okay." He simply said, keeping his face emotionless. This shocked Eddie. "Um, okay?" "Yes, Eddie. Okay." Richie then left the room without a word.

Eddie. The word rang inside his mind. Richie never called him Eddie. Eddie grew sad, but shook it off. Richie was going to forgive him anyways. He just had to be cute and bam! Forgiven. At least that's what Eddie thought.

At the dinner table, Richie just looked a this phone. He didn't spare one glance at Eddie.  Neither did he speak. Eddie was really confused. "Daddy?" Richie didn't answer him, not even fazed. "D-Dada?" Richie sipped his tea, setting it down and taking his empty plate, beginning to wash it. Eddie was getting scared now. "Daddy!" He yelled, waving his arms. Richie didn't even flinch.

Tears welled up in Eddie's eyes, yet he would not let them fall. "FINE! I didn't wanna talk to you anyway!" He stomped to his room, slamming the door. Richie let out a loud breath, his heart breaking. He had seen the tears welling up in his baby's eyes, but he would ignore him until Eddie apologized and meant it. Even if it would take a long time.

—-Two Weeks Later——
Two weeks. Two whole weeks. Eddie had to endure 14 days, almost 15, without Richie talking to him. Sure, he fed him, gave him basic needs, yet he acted like a robot, not providing him and affection. He never looked at him, nor did he talk to him. Richie even slept in the guest bedroom, leaving baby Eddie alone.

Eddie was at his breaking point. He was convinced that Richie didn't even love him anymore. Every night, the poor baby boy would start crying for his daddy to love him again.

That day, he couldn't do it any longer. Eddie ran to the living room, his penguin onesies tail flopping behind him. Richie was sitting on the sofa, bags under his eyes, hair messed up. Richie wasn't doing well either. He was sure Eddie hated him for ignoring him. He was also convinced he didn't love him because he thought that if he did, he would apologize alreddie.

Eddie jumped in front of the tv, blocking it. Richie stared right through him. "I KNOW YOU CAN SEE ME! STOP IT!" Richie bit his lip, trying to stop himself from giving in. "P-PLEASE! I know y-you can see me!" Eddie lowered himself in front of Richie's feet, hugging his ankles and legs. "Love m-me a-agawin, p-p-pwease!" Tears made their way down his cheek.

He felt two hands wrap around him, lifting him onto Richie's lap. Richie held him, cooeing at him as he rocked both of them back and forth. "I-Im sorry!" "Baby! It's okay! Im the one who's sorry! I forgive you!" "Y-You love Ed-Ed?" "Daddy loves Ed-Ed. I'm sorry! I forgot that you had anxiety. I really shouldn't have ignored you for that long." He thought for a while. "How bout I take my precious kitten on a date tomorrow?" Eddie gasped, "YES YES YES YES YES! PLEASE DADDY!" "Of course, darling. Whatever you want. I love you." "I love you too, daddy."

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