Chapter Seventy-Three

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Little Richie, Daddy Eddie, Daddy Bill
Warning : gore and blood

Richie sat on the kitchen table, waiting for his food. It had been over an hour since he sat down and asked Bill to make something for him since he wasn't allowed to cook when little.

Bill had told him to wait for a few minutes, but he had came into the kitchen a few times and left without preparing anything. When Richie asked Eddie, the boy shooed him away, telling him that he was busy.

It had been a few weeks since Richie felt loved. He was neglected and barely given attention. It was as if he didn't matter in this relationship, and Eddie and Bill were the only ones in love with each other. It was as if they didn't love Richie.

The small boy's stomach grumbled as he pushed his glasses up his nose. He sniffled, trying not to cry. Richie felt as if everything around him was grey. He hung his head low, his messy curls bouncing at the motion. "Daddy?" He whispered, sensing that someone came in.

His eyes widened in shock when Bill pushed Eddie onto the counter, making out with the boy in between his arms. Bill never did that to Richie anymore. Richie didn't even join them in sexual actives, not even when he was big. It was only them, as if Richie was a ghost.

The little boy's biggest fear was coming true. He was being forgotten, treated like a ghost. Ignored. Eddie giggled underneath Bill, tugging at his shirt as an indication to take their heated moments to the bedroom. Once the two left, Richie let his tears fall, teeth gritted as if to not let any sounds escape his mouth.

He softly took his old blanket that Eddie gave to him a few years ago, not forgetting his stuffed kitten. He shuffled to the fridge, struggled to grab an apple through his blurred vision. Richie softly padded over to the front door, heart shattering when his innocent ears became the victim of the sinful moans of his boyfriends.

Without another look, he ran outside, not shutting the door behind him as he ran, tears streaming down his face.

Eddie giggled tiredly, chuckling as Bill wiped him down. "Fuck, that was great," he breathed out, chest rising up and down as he panted. "Yeah, I agree," Bill replied, leaned down to kiss him.

"Damn, poor Rich. He must've been traumatized. He's still little right now right?" Bill nodded, heart dropping a little. "Or maybe not, he usually naps after he sleeps. You put him to bed, right?" Eddie asked, hoping Bill did the job instead of him.

"I was hoping you did it..." "Bill, did you even feed the poor baby?" The two shared a horrified look as they quickly dressed, running downstairs and almost tripping over themselves. Bill rushed into the kitchen, his wide eyes darting all over the place.

Richie was gone.

Bill screamed for Eddie. The shorted boy came running in. "He isn't here." "What?! He isn't anywhere in the house, Bill! Call the police, right now!"

It took the couple to find their baby four days ago. While searching outside in a park, they spotted a bruised, bleeding boy inside of a toilet stall. They instantly saw that it was Richie, his blanket and stuffie torn and ripped to shreds.

Eddie instantly began crying, hugging his boy close to him while Bill called the ambulance. The police identified the beater as Henry Bowers, and took him into custody.

After a few hours, Richie woke up in the hospital bed, crying in pain. Bill woke up, waking Eddie up too. The two began to shower their boy while love, kissing him softly and holding his hands.

"Baby, we're so sorry. We love you so much, baby duck. We're so sorry." Eddie began to cry again, kissing Richie's hands and nuzzling into them while Bill played with Richie's hair. The smallest boy relaxed, sniffling.

"Daddy," he whispered to Eddie. "Yes, baby boy?" "No cwy peez. Make me sad." Eddie wiped his tears, kissing Richie softly. "Sorry, baby. Daddy's sad that his baby boy got hurt." " 's otay. Me otay now. Dada me wove oo too, here; love." He said as he patted Bill's head softly and innocently.

"Me wove bouf of oo. Fowgive oo too." The three hugged, the stuffie just chilling on the bed like wow gay.

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