Chapter Thirty Two

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Little! Will Little! Eddie Dom! Mike Dom! Richie
Byler and Reddie
All characters are over 18 years olds!
Also, this trip is Richie's apology to Will for like being mean to him a few chapters ago.

Richie stared down at his precious boy. Eddie was currently sleeping, all cuddled up to Richie. The two had to leave for the airport soon, but Richie didn't want to wake his baby up. He looked absolutely adorable, all dressed up in his cute panda onesie.

Richie sighed, playing with Eddie's curls for a few seconds before he gently shook him. "Eds? Baby? C'mon little one, gotta get up now." Eddie whined, shaking his head. "C'mon baby. We need to leave for Thailand. Gonna see Will and Mike, remember?" Eddie slowly opened his eyes, yawning smolly. "Awe, cute little panda." The smaller boy giggled sleepily.

"Good morning, daddy!" Richie smiled adoringly at him. "Morning, baby. Did my little boy have sweet dreams?" Eddie pouted and shook his head. "I no remember the dream..." Richie fake gasped, "you know what that means?" Eddie curiously looked at him, eyes wide. "What, daddy?" Richie suspiciously looked around, whispering, "the memory vampire came and bit you in your sleep! It made you forget all of your sweet dreams!" Eddie gasped, "b-but I wanna remember da good dweams! Daddy, what am I going to do?!"

Richie snickered silently, "there's only one cure, baby." Eddie shot up, "tell me!" "I need to give you extra kisses. Only then will you be cured!" Eddie giggled, "then gimmie da kissies!" Richie attacked Eddie with kisses, kissing all over his small face. Eddie squealed and giggled, thrashing around. The tall boy started to tickle his sides too, making Eddie shriek. "D-Daddy!" Richie kissed his cheeks countless times, pulling away with an, "ah! So sweet!"

The smaller boy blushed underneath Richie. "T-The vampy g-gone now?" He asked innocently. Richie just awed, "awe, cutie. Yes, baby, it's gone. Nothing other than me can bite you." Eddie blushed an even deeper shade, "n-no bites dada!" Richie smirked at his boy, eyes glimmering. He perched himself upwards and brought his face close to Eddie's neck, making the boy's breath hitch. "D-Daddy..." Eddie whispered.

Richie sunk his teeth into the skin, not enough to actually hurt. He then quickly sucked on the skin, making it turn a red color. Once he was satisfied, he jumped off Eddie, kissing his curls quickly. "All done!" Eddie jumped off, waddling to the mirror to see his new hickey. "Daddy! Naughty, you gave Ed-Ed a hickey!" Richie walked towards him, smiling. "Indeed I did. Oops?" Eddie just rolled his eyes, not being able to hide his smile though. Richie sneakily gave his ass a pinch before he walked to the closet.

"Okay, baby. Gotta get changed into big boy clothes now. We need to leave soon." Eddie groaned in response. "Hmm, did someone forget that they'll see Will?" Eddie gasped. "WIWWY!" Richie just couldn't help it. He picked Eddie up, kissing his face all over. At some days, he got extra cuddly with Eddie and honestly? The smaller boy lived for it.

Eddie giggled as he was put down back onto his feet. Richie walked to the closet, moving some hangers out of the way. He pulled out a cute little outfit that consisted of a white shirt and soft blue overall shorts. "Like this, Eds?" Eddie peeked over at the outfit, nodding. "Let's get you changed." Eddie whined, moving away from Richie. "Noo, I a panda and I stay as a panda!" Richie couldn't help but awe at him. "Aww, how cute. But cute little pandas like you need to be dressed too, baby. Once we get to the hotel room, you can wear your other panda onesie." Eddie pouted but nodded. "Okay, daddy..."

Richie quickly took his onesie off, leaving him in his toy story boxers. Eddie laid down as Richie put the onesie into the laundry bag. He turned back to the small boy, leaning into his stomach. "Look at this cute little tum." He blew raspberries into his stomach, making Eddie squeal. Richie giggled too, blowing another one. He grabbed his left foot, "look at this cute little stinker." He kissed the top of his foot.

Once Eddie was all dressed, Richie grabbed his hand, grabbing all the other bags in his other hand. "I expect you to be on your best behavior, baby boy. I won't hesitate to punish you later at the hotel if you break rules. Especially on a plane, that's really dangerous." Eddie looked down and nodded. "Yes, daddy." The older boy smiled, pressing a kiss to his cheek quickly. "Welp, lets go to thAiLanD anD eaT sOmE fOOd."

Mike and Will were alreddie there. They had been for two days now and had unpacked alreddie. Currently, Will was in corner time because he yelled at Mike and was acting bratty. He was outside, sitting on the concrete floor, face turned towards the wall as Mike spoke to someone on the phone. It had been twenty minutes and he had forty left.

The reason why he had to go so long was because he had yelled at Mike about a really sensitive topic. Mike did not tolerate bratty behavior and knew how to punish Will. Tears were leaking out of Will's eyes as he kept thinking of Mike's face when he brought up the time where he was depressed for a whole year. Will made fun of it because he was mad at Mike.

Soft cried were ripped out of him. The cries echoed through the house and stabbed Mike over and over again in his heart. He was itching to just rush over there and pick Will up and cuddle him. But he knew better. Will had to learn, plus, he really broke Mike's heart. And that was what was hurting Will. He knew he had hurt Mike a lot and the guilt was eating him up.

To keep a close eye on Will, he decided to sunbathe out in the garden of the villa. Well, Mike wasn't going to tan. He was a pale boi but he needed to see if Will was okay but keep it lowkey yes. He grabbed one of those long ass chairs they have at the beach and set it up in the garden before laying on it. He watched as Will's shoulders shook with each cry. Mike had to look away.

"D-Daddy..." Will whispered. Mike bit his lip as he forced himself to say, "no Will. No talking. You still have thirty two minutes. Keep your back straight." Will nodded, desperately wiping at his eyes to stop the tears flowing. "I-I'm cold," he blurted out. Mike instantly got up, picking Will up and taking him by surprise. He didn't look him in the eye as he put him inside the villa, making him stand in the corner of the kitchen.

"Better?" He asked. Will sniffled and nodded. "I-I'm sorry." Mike sighed, "stand for five more minutes then you can come apologize like a good boy." Will nodded, "y-yes d-daddy." Mike patted his head before leaving the room.

Will stood there for five more minutes until the timer went off. He padded to the garden to find Mike, shirtless and sunbathing. Trying not to think of the fact that his boyfriend was shirtless, he shyly walked towards him and climbing on top of his lap. He nuzzled into his chest. "What do you say, little boy?" Will sniffled, the water works beginning to start again. "I-I sowwy! D-Daddy I no mean it! I love you!"

Mike cooed at his little boy, caressing his face. "Shh, it's okay. You're forgiven." Will shook his head, "I-I bad. Willy hurt daddy!" Mike held him tightly, "No baby, you aren't bad. And you're forgiven, cheer up precious!" "Willy a good boy?" Will whispered, shyly looked up at the tall boy. Mike nodded, "yes baby. You're my good boy. And even good boys do naughty things sometimes, but their daddy's still love them." Will sniffled, "love daddy." "I love you too, shortcake. Now, lets go cuddle a bit, hmm? Reddie should be here anytime soon."

Part two coming this Friday poipol.

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