Chapter One-Hundred Twenty

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Requested by Annie_Maria123


Richie ran through the shape bushes and trees swift, crystal clear tears dripping down his face. The cold and rain air blew onto his face, wetting his clothes and making them stick to his body. 

He felt sick to his stomach. 

It hadn't been this depressing for a long time. In fact, he had felt happy like he hadn't for weeks. Up until a few days ago, where he had felt neglected by all of his friends, including his daddy, Bill. 

He needed the comfort and love he craved constantly, and when his expectations weren't met, he had felt the need to act up in order to receive it. His plan backfired before he accomplished anything. He had gotten a timeout punishment and strict scolding from his daddy, which left his heart aching.

Richie had reached his limit when the losers refused to even look at him when he stood in the doorway of the living room, calling out their names softly to tell them that his punishment was over, tears in his eyes. He had been wanting to ask them to join and watch the movie with them. But they hadn't acknowledged his presence, instead laughing at the movie.

That was when he ran away, depressing and self-harming thoughts filling his innocent yet hurt mind. He ran to the bridge where he had carved out his and Eddie's initials, his first love's. He slid down, crying and sobbing, his fingers covering his face as he let his pants get wet with the build-up of water. 

The only sound that could be heard was the loud pitter-patter of the rain, which muted his cries. The only sound until Richie looked up to see Henry Bowers, crazy in his eyes, holding a carving knife in his hands. 

His face was painted that of a clown: white, lips and nose red, eyes green and dazed, grin largely plastered upon his normally angry face. He screamed as Henry neared him, raising his knife slowly...

Bill was the first to realize that Richie was gone. After the movie had ended, he slowly reached out towards the remote control and turned the television off. He then took off to the stairs where Richie was supposed to be. Only, he wasn't.

Bill, angry that he was left, called out his name, grabbing the attention of the remaining losers. Without a response, everyone could sense the panic Bill felt as he ran up the stairs, skipping steps and barging into his and Richie's room. 

"Baby?!" He asked, yelling out Richie's name, trying to find the boy that wasn't even in the house. The losers joined in, searching all over the house. Beverly began to cry, Eddie joining in since he's a baby.  

After a few minutes, they finally noticed that the front door was open. Bill ran to the door, put his shoes on and bolted outside, shouting his name. Eddie stayed behind in case Richie came back, the others joining Bill.

Richie was left on the edge of the bridge, bruised and bleeding, shivering as he cried. He had been beaten and tortured for an hour, left there to die. Henry had run away once he heard the shouting of the losers. He spat on Richie, kicking him one last time before running off into the distance and away from the crime scene altogether.

When Bill saw the small body of Richie, he knew that he was in danger and hurt. He ran over to him, tears running down his cheeks. Picking him up, he ran back, leaving the losers behind and trying to get home as soon as possible to aid Richie back to health.


At home, they put Richie onto the bed, covering him up and changing his clothes to dry and fluffy ones. Bill lay beside him, cuddling him, sniffling as he pressed kisses to his skin. The losers were outside, waiting for their precious boy to wake up so they could all apologize. 

Eddie was ready with his first aid kit and a determined expression. He has taken care of his bruises and scars, thanking God that his injuries weren't that serious.

When Richie finally woke up, he began to smile sadly at Bill, who gasped and began to apologize frantically, holding his boy close to him. 

"B-Baby, I'm so sorry! For every leaving you I-I, why did you run away? Are you feeling okay?" Richie snuggled to him, trying not cry as he explained everything. 

"...I felt neglected and ignored during those days. A-And today, when you all didn't see me, little me felt too heartbroken. I ran away because of that. I'm sorry for worrying you, babe."

Bill calmed down, holding him tightly. 

"Did Henry do this to you?" Bill asked, knowing that Mike and Ben had already taken care of the boy in clown costume who was trying to run away. 

Richie nodded, goosebumps appearing on his arms. He cuddled closer, jumping when the rest of the losers came in, all apologizing and hugging Richie, fighting to get his attention.

Richie giggled, accepting the love and apologies with open arms, glad to have received the love and joy he deserved all along and from the start.

"Henry is taken care of, love. You don't need to be scared. If something like this happens again, we'll be there to protect you." 

"P-Promise?" The losers, including Bill, all smiled at him gently. Hugging him, they said in union:

"We promise."

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