Chapter Twenty Two

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Neko Eddie your welcome the cutest baby ever

Eddie was sitting on Richie's lap, being cuddled by the older boy. Richie sometimes scratched his ears, making the kitten purr in delight. "Baby, wanna do something?" "Like what, Chee?" Richie thought for sometime. "How about we bake?" Eddie perked up, "YES PWEASE!" Richie kissed his cheeks, "of course, baby. Lets go."

Richie attempted to lift Eddie off his lap, but the small kitten only whimpered, wanting to be picked up and carried by his boyfriend. Richie stopped, "kitten? What's wrong." Eddie turned around and put his face onto his chest. "Wanna be carried by you." Richie chuckled, "Okay, baby. Sure." Eddie squealed as he was picked up, Richie gripping the back of his thighs so his baby boy wouldn't fall. Eddie giggled, "This is fun!" Richie was dying, "why the fuck are you so cute?" Eddie gasped, "No cursing, Richie! That's a bad word!" Richie rolled his eyes, "I can say what I wanna say." "Not bad words!" "Yes bad words, little kitten." "No bad words! Or no kisses!" Richie shut up instantly.

He knew he was technically the dom/master in their relationship since he technically bought Eddie. But he never saw Eddie as a slave, or what the other masters see their nekos as. Sure, Richie had rules and punishments for Eddie, but those were easy to follow. He saw Eddie as his, as his boyfriend and other half. Most importantly, his cute little kitten. He loved him and he was whipped.

The two got to the kitchen, Richie putting the neko onto the counter, who starter swinging his legs instantly. Richie pecked his lips, smiling. "You're too cute." Eddie giggled, "You keep telling me that." Richie scratched his ears, making him purr. "That's cause you're so adorable. And you need to be reminded daily." Eddie blushed, "t-thank you, master." Eddie sometimes called Richie that when he got flustered. Richie was living for it, to be honest." "You're r-really handsome." Richie smirked but awed, "thank you, honey. I know."

Eddie pouted at him, making him awe again. "Stawp it I'm going to die." "Why, master?" Richie attacked his face with kisses, kissing everywhere, making the neko start squealing and giggling. "Because." Kiss, "you're," kiss, "so," kiss, "cute," two kisses, "and beautiful." Eddie giggled like a little kid, "Twank you! So kind, Chee!" Richie kissed his lips quickly before turning around, "cupcakes?" Eddie nodded innocently, "yes pwease." Richie nodded, giving him a smile and made Eddie go mush. He loved Richie so much that it hurt him. His heart was so full of love that he felt the heaviness of the organ. He felt the heaviness if his heart.

As Richie began mixing the batter, Eddie hugged him from the behind, his head reaching Richie's back because of his height. He was really small, about 5'1. He was insecure about it at the Neko/Slave Shelter but now Richie made sure he knew how much he loved how small he was compared to him. "Richie." He said, quickly blushing a deep red and nuzzling his face into Richie's back. "Yes, baby?" "I wuv yu." Eddie's words were slightly muffled because of Richie's back. "I love me too." Eddie gasped, meowing sadly, "W-What about kitten?" Richie awed at him, turning around. "I was just kidding. Of course I love you too, sweetheart."

Eddie hugged him even tighter. "Someone's clingy today, hmm?" Eddie sadly let go, looking down. "I-I'm sorry if it was annoying." Richie held his face in his hands, putting the whisk away. "Baby boy, my beautiful boy, when have I ever called you annoying?" Eddie looked up, "that one time wher-" "shh, silly. Other than that time." "You didn't, master." "Exactly. That's because you're my pretty baby and I love being with you more than anything and you get so cute and cuddly on the days where you're clingy. Makes me feel wanted and needed. Okay, honey?" Eddie blushed, nodding slowly. "Now get back to hugging me, little boy." Eddie giggled and clung onto him instantly. "Good boy."

Richie continued mixing the batter, adding some few things to it. "Baby, I need you to let go for just a minute. I need to put the batter into the cupcake holder cups things and then to the oven." Eddie meowed at Richie, "n-no." "Baby, please. I won't ask again." Eddie slowly let go, pouting and crossing his arms. Richie gave his a warning stare and quickly put the cupcakes in the cups.

"If you won't love me then I no love you too!" Eddie glared at him across the room. "Eddie. Stop it right now or you'll get corner time." "You can't tell me what to do! I'm my own person! Kiss my ass! You don't even love me because you find me annoying and you don't want my huggies!"

Richie grabbed his arm roughly, "listen here, little boy. I can tell you what to do and I will when I want to. You belong to me because I bought you. If you ever dare to curse at me, I'll bring you over my knee in a second. You're too sensitive, I never called you annoying. Now go stand in the corner and don't you dare move until I tell you to or I'll punish you using a worse tactic."

Tears filled Eddie's eyes as kneeled onto the floor in front of Richie. He sat on his knees and lowered his upper body onto the floor, almost in a praying position. "I-I'm sorry for the way I spoke to you, master. I don't deserve your love or care as I am nothing but property. I-I'm sorry for being sensitive. I belong to you, a worthless nothing with no value. I-I'm so-sorry-" Eddie was picked off the ground, face to face with Richie's angry face. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He softened his face and raised his hand, making Eddie flinch and run to the bathroom, locking himself in.

Richie wasn't mad at Eddie for his speech. He was mad at whoever told Eddie he was property and a worthless nothing. He ran after his kitten and banged on the door. "BABY? Are you okay?! Please open the door, it came out wrong!" He heard quiet sobs and meows coming from the bathroom. "Baby, please..."

He heard Eddie stand up, sniffling as he walked to the door. As soon as he opened the door, Richie pulled him into his chest, cradling him. "My poor baby. I'm so sorry for sounding angry. I'm mad at the son of a stitch who told you that you were nothing and worthless. You mean the world to me and you know it. I'm so sorry. I got too mad and aggressive, I'm sorry again." Eddie sniffled, "I f-forgive you. I-I'm sowwy too." "I love you, kitten. So so much. I'm so sorry." "I love you too, Chee-Chee."

He looked up sweetly, "kiss please!" Richie awed at him silently before kissing his lips quickly. "More more kissies!" Richie pecked all over his face, his lips more than the rest. Eddie gasped, "RICHIE! The CUPCAKES!" Richie's face paled. He ran to the kitchen just as the timer went off. "Phew. You really saved us there baby boy." "I'm a super hero!" "Yes baby."

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