Chapter Sixty

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Little Eddie was home alone, waiting for his daddy to come back. He had recently slipped into his space, and he was currently watching some Disney movies to kill time. He was sucking on his mint green paci, bobbing it up and down between his pretty plump lips, eyes wide as he watched Bambi. 

He really missed his daddy, resulting in furrowed eyebrows and an adorable pout forming on his face. He had crossed his arms over his chest already. 

"Daddy!" He wailed, stomping his foot. He knew Richie was out with Mike and Ben, but that didn't stop him from having a tantrum. He hugged his bunny tightly, his cute little panda onesie's hoodie over his head. To say that he looked absolutely adorable was an understatement. 

He had sent Richie over twenty texts but didn't get a reply. However, Ben had informed him that everything was alright and Richie was safe. Eddie was mad at him because he was worried. "DADDY!" He yelled and yelled, probably disturbing the neighbors. "DADDY!" He screeched, the phone ringing loudly. With sniffled, left untangled the bunny from his arms and waddled over to the phone. 

"Hewo?" "Keep it down over there! You're disturbing my family's god damn sleep!" It was their left door neighbor, Mr. Philip. Unlike him, their other neighbors were the sweetest old couple they knew, always making sure to invite them over for tea and cookies. 

They also knew about Eddie being a little and Richie being his dom. They supported them, Mrs. Flourance always willing to give them a helping hand. 

Richie would drop his baby off at their house so they could babysit him for a few hours while he was at work or hanging out with his friends at the bar. 

Eddie's bottom lip wobbled in fear, "sowwy sir..." "Fucking hell, disgusting kids," the man muttered, slamming the phone down and cutting off the connection. Eddie was very upset. 

He was a very sensitive baby boy, always hiding behind Richie when they met new people. He wasn't sure what to do when he was left alone with people he wasn't familiar with either. His small frame was beneficial during those scenarios, making it so that he could hide from them. 

Eddie decided to call Mr. and Mrs. Flourance. He slowly dialed their number with his small fingers, holding the phone up to his ear. He liked using the house phone more than his cell. He hummed the dialing tone innocently, swaying back and forth. 

"Hello?" Came the sweet old voice of Mr. Flourance. "Hewo M-Mister." "Eddie? Hi, dearie, how are you?" "Daddy no home. Me miss him a lot a lot." "Oh? Where is he?" He heard the walking steps of the old man's wife. "Honey? Who is it?" "It's Eddie." "Oh hi, lovely!" 

Eddie instantly smiled. He loved Mrs. Flourance very much. "Hewo!"  Mr. Flourance explained to her the situation. "Oh, dear. That must be very sad. You're a very brave boy, Eddie." Eddie giggled, "Twankies! Me misses dada..." "Do you want to call him, dear?"  Mr. Flourance asked. "He no pick up. Buh-But Ben towd me he vewy good!" 

"That's great, sweetie! How was your day so far?" Eddie told the couple all about his living room camping adventure and his tea part with Mr. Tiddles, one of his teddy bears with pink fur. "Daddy joined too! It was vewy fun. He is vewy pwetty!" Eddie gushed over his boyfriend, cheeks pink. 

Meanwhile, the old couple was basically waiting for them to get married so they could die peacefully. 

The doorbell rang suddenly, making Eddie squeal, "Dada came home!" "Okay, sweetie. Please tell him we said hi. Maybe you guys can come over for a slice of cake? I'll make your favorite!" Eddie nodded despite the fact that the couple couldn't see it. "Uh hu! Buh-bye's." "Bye, darling!" 

He hung up, rushing to the door. He opened it, squealing when he saw Richie. "WoAH a PanDa." Great, he was drunk. Eddie, not realizing this yet, extended his hands, soft noises leaving his mouth and he jumped up and down. 

"Ups! Ups!" Richie giggled, hiccuping. He sut the door behind him, wobbling into the house. "Sorry, bAby panda. I'll go to the MAgical UYNnicorn castle with you some oTher day. *HIC!* I-I need to find my babY EdDEE." 

Eddie motioned to himself, pouting. "I'm here, dada!" Richie squinted his eyes, getting closer. He then proceeded to sniff the boy. "EddEE! FEWOUHWGOW!" He ran to Eddie, picking him up. Eddie, who was genuinly concered for his life, clung to him. "EdeDIEI I love hyouoy!" Richie slurred, pouting his lips for a kiss. Eddie pushed him away, giggling. "No! No daddy no!" 

Richie then began to cry. "EWDDIENW Doesn'T Lovreıf MEE!" Eddie began to whimper, "Me wuvs chu dada!" Richie gasped, all tears stopping. "REALLY?" Eddie nodded quickly. "IRIF LOVE YOU TOONRR EDDEEE. YOU'RE SO KAWAİİ DESUYO." Eddie looked into the camera like he was on the office. "Wha dat mean, dawwy?" "You're so CUTE! I LO VE you." 

Richie squished Eddie's cute little face, kissing all over for the enitre night. That's basically what happened. Eddie endured it with pleasure.


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