Chapter One-Hundred Two

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Requested by EddieTozier12


"For fuck's sake!" Stan smashed his fist onto his desk, the email he had been sent irritating him. He had been involved with so much for the past two weeks, and he had been neglecting his little, Bill. Bill could hear the yell from his room, jumping at the sudden anger. With a whimper, he tried to ignore it by playing with his doll.

He missed his daddy. He would cook for himself, which resulted in minor injuries that he would treat himself. There had been many times where he pulled himself out of little space to take care of himself, which wasn't healthy for him. He was very hurt but prayed that Stan would go back to normal soon.

Their afternoon tea time was approaching after all, and Stan made sure to not miss it, even if he stayed in the room, typing away furiously. He was still in the same room with Bill but didn't join the tea party. He would glance at him a few times before looking at the time, just wanting to go back to his desk and finish the hell out of his business.

But he needed to stay until the hour-long tea party was over. He would never miss that for the world. And Bill knew it was time, but he was a little scared to confront Stan about it. He knew he wouldn't hurt him. He was his baby boy after all. With a little giggle, Bill stood up and dusted his overalls, waddling out his room and towards Stan's office.

He knocked a few timid times, a huge smile on his face. He hadn't even seen Stanley that day, and he was curious as to what he was wearing. He heard Stan curse, which made his smile falter slightly, but he still stood straight and knocked again. "D-Daddy? I-It's tea time!" Stan's eyes twitched as he looked at the time. "Bill, go play, I'll be there soon." "H-How s-soon, d-daddy?" "Thirty minutes."

Bill gasped. That was too long. "D-Daddy! Th-That's too wong!" "Twenty then, GO!" Bill pouted but left anyway. He sat down on his soft, fluffy carpet and organized his tea party. He fluffed his curls and then sat down, staring at the clock. He had two minutes left until Daddy would come it. He gasped, almost falling over as he noticed that his other guests were missing. "M-MISS FWOWERS!" He screamed, running to his plushies and gathering them around the table.

He then looked at the time again. Daddy was late. he jumped onto the feet and ran to Stan's office. Without knocking, he barged in, scolding Stanley. "D-Daddy i-is late to baby's t-tea party!" He sniffled, stomping his foot. Stan looked up with fire in his eyes. "I told you I'd be there in twenty minutes. It's been-" he looked at the time to see that almost forty minutes late. He looked back at Bill, and then his work.

"Come here, Bill." Bill stomped over to him and cried out when his hair was gripped tightly, "I told you to be a fucking good boy while I worked. You're distracting me and very much annoying the shit out of me. Drink your tea, play with your stup- stuffies, and leave me the fuck alone. Got it?" Bill cried as his hair was pulled back even more, his beautiful curls ruined. "I asked you a QUESTION!" "Y-Y-Yes, D-Daddy."

Stan let go, Bill crying as he tried to soothe his hair. "YOU'RE A HORRIBLE DADDY! I-I H-HATE Y-YOU!" Stan glared at him and grabbed his arm, dragging him towards his room. "You want to disrespect daddy? I'll show you what bad little boys get when they act like little bitches." Bill sobbed loudly, trying to get away. "I HATE Y-YOU!" Stan's heart continued to break, but he took out his anger on his little. "WELL, THEN I HATE YOU TOO!"

Bill froze, Stan forcing him to go to his room. Dark spots began to cloud his vision and soon, he collapsed onto the floor. Stan froze, looking at the boy on the floor. "Bill, get up," he said coldly, although his voice was watery. Bill didn't move. "This isn't funny, Bill, c'mon. We'll get the spanking over with." He still didn't move, and that's when Stan knelt down, his hands shaking. "Billy? Baby? Please wake up, if you stop joking, I promise I won't punish you."

There was no response. Stan gathered the small boy into the arms and with tears streaming down his face, shaking him slightly. "Baby? P-Please wake up." He relaxed when Bill's chest rose up and down, meaning that he had just passed out. It was common for him to faint when in stressful situations, while made Stan's heart break even more. "I'm a motherfucking asshole, holy shit." He gripped his hand and pulled it stressfully, hurrying to carry Bill to his bed.

He let him rest and held his hand, apologizing a million times.


Two hours later, Bill slowly awakened. He screamed, making Stan jump to his feet to calm him. "Baby, baby, hey, it's just me. Daddy's here for you, my love." "N-NO!" Stan held his hands and kissed them, making Bill sob, "G-GO AWAY!" "Baby..." Stan's eyes teared at the frightened boy.

"Please listen to me, I'm so so sorry, I'm so sorry and I know whatever I say won't make you trust me a 100% ever again, not even if I apologize a million times. You're right, I'm a horrible daddy. I've been neglecting you and I dared to miss the most important part of my day because of stupid email. I want you to know that I'll never yell at you again, I pinky promise.

"I won't neglect you and I'll never scare you again. I'm so sorry I put you through that. I could never hate you, baby. I blurted it out because my biggest fear is you hating me because I hurt you. I can never live without you, Billy. I love you."

Bill wiped his eyes, looking down. He hugged himself slowly. "I-I n-need time, d-daddy. T-To think about f-forgiving." He sniffled gently. Stan nodded, "Take all the time you need. If you want, I'll even sleep on the couch if you need some time alone." Bill shook his head furiously with big doe eyes. "N-No sweep awone."

"Okay, kitten. That's okay." Bill slowly sat up and opened his arms for a hug. Stan accepted it instantly, hugging his tightly, soothing his curls and kissing his adorable cheeks. "I love you so much, baby." Bill nodded, "I love you too, daddy."

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