Should have

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I slowly stirred my lemonade, the sugar easily dissolving.

"I should've kissed you." My best friend mocked as she sat in the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, I knew exactly who and what she was referring too.

"Are you going to sit there or are you going to actually work?" I asked her. Her response was a shrug, figures. Surprising me she got up and grabbed the bag of lemons and started working. I stared at the tweet.

"Maybe he should have, it would've changed everything." Jodie said still talking about the tweet. I chuckled and agreed. Now it was her turn to yell at me.

"Are you going to just sit there staring at a single tweet or what?" I looked up from my phone and smiled sheepishly.

"Do you guys even talk anymore?" She asked pestering me.

"Listen, Jodie, I get that you "Ship" us but it is not happening." I locked my phone and slipped it into my pocket. Jodie was making a mess, lemon seeds and juice were sprayed all over the granite counter." I let out a sigh of frustration as she giggled. Living with your best friend who was not really the cleanest person was a very difficult task. Jodie would never make her bed, her clothes were thrown all over her room and I always ended up with a hair clip imprint on my foot.

The front door opened and in strode my best guy friend. He grabbed a lemon and began tossing it around.

"Not everything is a ball, Carter." I said removing the fruit from his hands, he frowned and just grabbed another. Jodie walked back some and Carter threw the lemon too her, their little game of catch was bothering me.

"Guys seriously I'm trying to get this together and Y'all playing around is not helping!" I exclaimed, the lemon dropped and Carter looked dumbfounded.

"Maybe he should have done a lot more than kissed her." he muttered to Jodie, I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

"Carter if you're not here to help, then go bother someone else." Jodie bit her lip getting my vibes she grabbed Carter's arm and they left. Leaving me and a total mess to clean up.

No one new Cameron's sub tweets were about me, not even my boyfriend. Only a certain group of people did and it was only because I trusted them with everything. Maybe it wasn't the smartest thing but they were the best I had.

I shook my head and focused back on what I was truly supposed to be doing. The whole family was getting together and celebrating the first day of summer. Hayes, Aaron, and Shawn were finally done with their school year so we were all celebrating. I wasn't nervous just scared to see what would happen when my eyes met his. Sure I'd be taken and I'd have my boyfriend beside me, but still. We knew. They didn't.

My front door opened yet again.

"I swear if that door opens one more time." I shouted but stopped when he walked into the kitchen.

"Well if you don't want me here then I will leave." Taylor said throwing his hands up in surrender. I smiled.

"No you idiot I want you here." Taylor kissed my cheek and took in his surroundings.

"This is what happens when you put Jodie to work." Taylor laughed.

"You know she wasn't this crazy until she became friends with y'all, you ruined her calm and collected style." he rolled his eyes but agreed. No matter how much Jodie denied it, her and carter had feelings for each other. You could tell by the way they gave each other secret glances every so often or how their cheeks flared when their hands accidentally brushed. Taylor and I started off that way too, so I understood.

"Its only a matter of time till I get them a wedding date." Taylor said grabbing some paper towels. I scoffed.

"You'd be lucky enough to get him to admit his feelings for her were much more than as a friend." he laughed and cleaned up.

"Thank you." I said kissing his cheek, most people on the outside saw Taylor as this wild boy who followed no rules and lived life to the extreme. Half of that was true, Taylor was actually this serious boy who was down to earth and when it came to the people he cared about, he would do anything for them. I hadn't realized I was staring at him till he stopped.

"what?" He asked with a smile.

"Just remembering when I first met you." He laughed and nodded.

"Yeah you hated me and called me and annoying twat." I smiled and turned back to the lemonade that was made. Taylor stood behind me and rested his chin on my shoulder. I turned around.

"Did this kitchen get smaller?" He asked looking at my lips, I pulled the bottom one between my teeth. Taylor leaned down to kiss me just as the. Front. Door. Opened.

"Hey is the lemonade- whoa okay I will come back later." I sighed and leaned my forehead against Taylor's chest.

"Nash it's fine, yes the lemonade is ready." He scratched the nape of his neck, Taylor not letting go of my hips. Nash smiled, what a little cutie, and left the door open.

"Well at least he didn't shut the door." Taylor said grabbing the pitcher behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"It still was opened. "

"Well I could lock it and we could stay here." He said liking his lips.

"Oh how tempting." I said flipping my hair as I passed him down the hallway.

"Mel, don't even play." He said catching up to me. I looked both ways before crossing the street and walked across, making it safely to The park.

We'd all chosen a nice little are where we could all meet up and hang for times like these. The guys wanted to be close and this was as close as they decided to be. Most people suspected that Taylor and I shared a house, but honestly we are modest and I don't think Jodie would want that. Another Taylor speculation, he is not this amazing sex god, we have never done it and truthfully don't plan on it till we are married. Marriage sounds scary though. I cant imagine myself getting married, Jodie and I stayed up late one night and discussed our fear, and how we can see who is at the altar waiting and all the people surrounding us but, I cant see me, I cant see myself and how I look.

Taylor took my hand as he let the pitcher sit on the wooden table. The whole family was out on the lawn, music was going. I watched as carter slung his arm around Jodie, her face went blank trying to fight her feelings. Then she saw us walking up and she mouthed.

'Should have' jerking her chin to my left. I followed. There Cameron stood laughing with Nash. I quickly looked away and moved closer to Taylor.


um yeah hello *Pushes up glasses* I am Betthany and I um *sucks saliva from mouth* I love Cameron Dallas.

This book updates every monday

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hope you like the new book lovelies

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