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Jodie turns up the car radio and I watch as we enter the Disney world entrance.

"I've been here a lot but it feels different each time." I say and Jodie laughs.

We check in with ease. We unload the car with help from Hayes and Carter.

"This whole wrist band is crazy." Jodie says as we walk into the room.

"You know what else is crazy?" I say she shrugs and carter sits on one of the beds. I watch how Jodie gravitates towards carter, not drastically, but the way she stands so that her leg rubs against his. Then it clicks.

"Holy shit." I say covering my mouth. Jodie and carter jump and look around for what is making me act this way. I walk up to carter and pull down the neck of his shirt, I do the same to Jodie.

"Oh my god, you two you guys you had sex." Jodie is horrified and carter looks like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Look it's not like that it was only when we went away, a drunken mistake and that was it." I run my hands through my hair and pace.

"You, you pretty much cheated on Hayes." Jodie shakes her head.

"Mel please, you won't tell him, it was only that time, we promised never again." carter nods. I look at her, her eyes full of desperation.

"You know, I'm not going to tell him, because you've both kept my secrets. So I'll keep yours." Jodie lets out a sigh of relief.

"Oh my god thank you so much Mel." I shrug.

"If you two ever hook up again, and you're still with Hayes. I will not hesitate to tell him." Jodie nods and shakes her head.

"No no. weren't going to be doing that again." carter nods and gets up leaving us in the room.

"I just want you to know, I'm going to be I'm Hayes's room the whole time." I nod.

"I noticed when none of your bags came here. Guess I get my own room." She smiles and walks out of the room. I actually didn't want to be alone. I sit in the Disney room, alone. It's just not as fun.


"The FURST day is you ready?" Jodie says cutting into her waffles. Hayes pats her back.

"Babe, calm down." everyone laughs and my phone buzzes. Everyone stops laughing.

"Sorry it's Taylor guys." I answer the phone.

"Hey babe how'd you sleep." I hear a grunt.

"Terrible, my stomach feels like it's doing a gymnastics routine." I laugh.

"What are you doing?"

"Well the gang and I are about to hit up, Hollywood studios."

"Awe that's great honey, look I gotta go okay." I nod even though he can't see me.

"Okay bye babe love you."

"Love you too."

I lock my phone and look up at everyone. They all give me sad smiles, except Cameron, is face is not up, he's too busy staring at his food. I frown and return to eating my food.


"You know, I have this theory, that jodie and Hayes will not stop holding hands this whole time, that their hands will melt together, from the heat and constant of holding them." carter says drawing invisible circles at the two In front of us.

"Carter you're an idiot, that's impossible for humans to melt together." he smirks.

"Is it? I member you told after the first night you and Cameron kissed you'd said something like. Oh my god his lips were so perfect and we melted together." Carter says using this high pitched voice. My eyes go wide and I slap Carter's hat off his head. Cameron catches his hat before it touches the ground. He smirks at carter

"I think the word you're looking for is molded not melted." I bury my face in my hands in embarrassment. Carter laughs and takes his hat back. He doesn't say anything. I know how he feels about that whole situation. He's never said that I need to forgive Cameron. But he's never said don't forgive him.

"Carter can I ask you a question?" He looks at me and he knows I'm thinking about Cameron. We slow down, separating ourselves from the group a bit .

"Shoot." He says and I sigh.

"Should I forgive Cameron." He stops and laughs.

"If you do, that's seriously a waste. You mean to tell me, you've shut him out and blocked him from your life, for a very important reason, and you're just going to forgive him." He shakes his head.

"No way Mel, I'm not letting you just throw that away. What happens when you do forgive him, he's going to still love you just as much. I think that would be a stupid decision." I nod and we start walking again.

"It's your choice, I'm just giving my opinion." I smile and hug carter.

"It's nice it have you back." He smiles but rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever." He pushes me away and I just shake my head.


"I'm seriously having little fun." I mumble to myself. I stand in line waiting for the bus to come to take me back to the resort. While waiting in line a couple fans notice me and so I take some pictures. I wasn't really in the mood but, I had no other choice, those were probably the ugliest pictures ever. I'm wrapped in a towel and in my bikini, my hair still wet from the pool. When the bus comes I'm a little too excited to just get back to my room and take a nap, and shower and change into dry and warm clothes.

I twist the little Disney band they require around my wrist as I walk up the stairs. I am just about turn to head to my room when a voice plays out behind me.

"Hey how come you're back here?" I close my eyes and breath. I spin around and look at Cameron.

"I could ask you the same, but listen, I'm tired so I just want to take a nap, I'm dying of boredom, I need to shower." He runs his hand through his hair, a nervous habit of his. He shuts his room door.

"hey look, I've been thinking, and I was wondering if we could talk?"


... next chapter, be prepared just fyi

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