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Mel's pov

"I don't even know what to say?" It comes out muffled due to the fact that My face is in Taylor's chest.

"I don't either like damn, love triangles." Taylor says, I look up at him, his eyes still wide as if he is still processing what happened.

"I'm glad we don't have to worry about that petty crap." He says kissing my forhead. I chuckle nervously.

"Yeah I guess we are just more grown up than them." Tayor nods and sighs.

"Do you think Carter's face is going to be okay?" I shrug.

"Yeah I'm pretty sure, I mean, it's going to be all over the media..." I stepped away from Taylor and turned to Nash's direction.

"Shit what the hell are we going to tell everyone?" Taylor looks at me and then we rush off to nash.

Nash is sitting in a chair and Hayes is sitting in front of him, a piece of ice in his hand against his eye. Jodie sits by the window staring outside. I walk through the mess and grab her arm. She jumps a little and then sees me.

"Oh sorry, I don't know why I'm so jumpy." I shrug and smile, I tell taylor to give us a minute and I shut the hotel room door behind us as we sit outside the room.

"So...." I say sitting down with her.

"SO...." She says back putting her thick hair into a bun.

"Well, lets start from the begginning, you and hayes." I say scrunching my nose up and laughing. She laughs.

"I know, crazy right, I mean like we were just sitting there talking about staying up all night and then he said don't hit me and I didn't understand then he kissed me, and one thing led to another..." She trailed off smiling in memory. Gross, all I saw about Hayes was a goofball.

"So then we both you know finished and we kinda just curled up next to eachother and fell asleep. It was perfect until carter walked in and all hell broke lose."

"Wow, so you've had an eventful night." she laughed.

"Hayes asked me out." I laugh.

"Damn he better have, should've asked you out before but..." she nods "What did you say?" She smiles.

"I said yes." I squeal.

"Oh my gosh, jodayes is real, Jodie and Hayes are dating oh shit!" I scream and Jodie slams her hand onto my mouth.

"Shut up would you. God I don't want anyone to know yet, so keep your trap shut." I pretend to zip my lips and lock them. Jodie sits in her seat and plays with the sleeve of her shirt.

"So like what now? what's the plan?" she asks. I shrug.

"I don't know, I didn't even know we had a plan." she laughs.

"Just carter is sick and cant come to the events, Hayes, oh he's okay, he's going to learn what concealer is." I say laughing. Hayes walks up to Jodie, his hand smooth on her back, she turns around and smiles at him, looking up.

"Well I'm off to bed.." Hayes trails off and Jodie hugs him, I open my mouth to say they can kiss but Jodie sends me a glare. After a fifty minute hug Hayes finally leaves and I collapse in the chair.

"Ashjkkfglhgbm, y'all are so freaking cute, he didn't wanna let you go." she sits down and pouts. Hayes is still in view from her chair.

"Go get your man jodie." she smiles and runs after him, jumping onto his back. Cutest moment ever.


"Plan is, carter is too sick to even leave his room, he's living our of the bathroom he's so sick, and yeah." I say trailing off. Hayes is leaning against a table, Jodie between his legs a dollar tree bag in her hands.

"Hayes, you're getting your makeup done." I say and everyone laughs. It's normal like nothing happened, nothing is bothering us, there is no weird vibe.

Then carter walks into the room.

And there goes the weird vibe. The room goes silent and Hayes tightens his grip on Jodie.

"Well is everyone clear?" nash says pulling in their attention. Everyone nods and Nash walks up to carter guiding him away from us all. I scan over our group, I look at Cameron. I find myself walking toward him. I feel jodie's eyes glued to me.

"Cameron." I say and then there it is, that wall he puts up when I come near him.

"I just wanted to let you know, that, this would be us, if anyone new. So I suggest you drop everything." Cameron's hand takes mine, the physical contact shocks me.

"I am never going to just drop it, just know that." he lets my hand go and walks away. I nod and crack my knuckles. I don't know how I feel. I got what I wanted to say off my chest, I think. I rub my temples and turn back around as Taylor approaches me.

"What's up?" he says pulling me into his chest by grabbing my hips. I sigh and use him to support my body.

"Nothing I'm just all wonky from this drama." Taylor kisses my forehead and rubs my back.

"It's just petty drama baby, c'mon let's go meet more people and make them happy."


Jodie's pov

"Hayes Grier sit your ass down." I say stomping my foot.

"Awe are someone's shorts a little too tight?" I automatically smooth them down.

"No they are perfectly fine for you information." a smirks.

"Oh really, so your ass is not tied up." I push him down into his chair.

"You know what, your face isn't fine so let's focus on that." he sighs finally giving up.

"Guys you have five minutes." nash says yelling. Everyone is gone except for us, and I think maybe matt.

I uncap the concealer and rub a bit on my finger.

"Close your eye." I say leaning in and gently dabbing the stuff trying to conceal his beautiful eye.

"Ouch this hurts babe." he says sticking his lip out and pouting. I cap the makeup used and wipe my fingers off, Hayes grabs my legs and pulls me down on top of him.

"Hayes Grier." I say warning him, his lips dangerously close to mine.

"That's my name, mhm." he says kissing my softly. I smile and roll my eyes.

"We are going to get into trouble." I say as his lips kiss my neck. He laughs.

"Man who are you? where's my bad girl." I smirk and remove myself from his lap.

"Only behind closed doors." I wink taking off, Hayes runs after me. When he does he picks me up and we walk into the halls.

"Wait, won't people notice how we are acting?" I say and he stops and gently let's me down.

"It's not like we are holds hands and making out on stage." I nod and press my hand on his chest.

"I'll go in first so we don't show up at the same time." he frowns a little but agrees. This isn't going to last forever I can't take the having to hide thing, but if it's what we have to do, I will deal.

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