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"So when do I get to meet this jenny?" I ask holding the phone between my shoulder and ear. I pour dog food into the bowl as the door bell rings. My heart beats faster.

"You can meet her very soon. But uhm Mel, what does Cameron mean when he said 'I should've kissed you'?" I chuckle, thinking about his newest subtweet.

"Uhm I don't know, but I'm busy carter, so I'll talk to you later." I hang up and straighten my shirt and pull my shorts down a bit. Fixing my hair I walk up to the door. I open it and have to block Zeus with my foot.

"Wow he is big." Cameron says staring at Zeus. I laugh. And move the dog back so Cameron can enter the house.

"Okay you think you can handle this?" I ask and he smiles.

"Mel, you act like I've never washed a dog before." I shrug and lead him around. Showing him around the house.

"There's carpet everywhere." he says "you hate carpet." I shrug.

"Taylor liked it so I sacrificed some for him." Cameron nods and it's just so weird to see Cameron walk around in my house. Usually it's only Taylor or carter. Nash comes in but he never walks through the house. And here Cameron is walking into my bathroom, Zeus happily following him.

"I'll start the water and you grab the soap." I say turning on the water, Cameron opens up a cabinet and looks for the shampoo. Then I hear him laugh. I turn around to see him looking at at condoms.

"He uses condoms." I roll my eyes and take zeus's collar off.

"Yeah, something you didn't do." he raises a brow at me.

"You're not giving him all the pleasure he could have, and I'm sorry, condoms are boring." he throws them back and then opens the next one, thankfully grabbing the dog shampoo. He walks up to Zeus and surprisingly lifts him into the bathtub. I would be lying if I told you I didn't stare at his muscles. His muscle tee leaving his abs and arms clear to my view.

"He's a bit wild." Cameron says trying to get the dog to sit long enough.

"Yeah usually carter helps me, but he is on a lunch date." I say a bit irritated.

"Well I'm sure he'd much rather be here helping you wash a dirty dog, than be on a date with a lovely red head." my eyebrows shoot up.

"A red head?" Cameron nods and begins to work the shampoo through the dogs fur. I get on my knees next to him and make sure the shampoo doesn't dry in his fur, I gently pour a small amount of water over his back.

We are quite. It's a little weird and awkward. I want to say something but I don't really know what to say.

"Hey Mel?" cam asks and I turn to look at him. Instead of him talking, he rubs soap suds on my face. I gasp and blow them off my face. I grab a wad of them and rub them in his hair. Zeus let's out a bark and we both laugh. I grab the sprayer and act like I'm rinsing Zeus, but I shoot Cameron with it. He let's out a shout and then grabs the cup. I watch as he pours the water over my head, making the water fall around my face.

"Cameron!" I shriek as I push him. He starts to slip and he grabs my shoulders to steady himself. Zeus jumps out of the tub and runs away.

"Get him! he's going to dirty the whole house." Cameron and I spring to our feet. We run through the house following a trail of wet paw prints and soap suds.

Suddenly I hear a shout.

"Got him!" I sigh and wipe my forehead. Thankful Cameron is here. Though I probably wouldn't be soaked in dirty dog water and out of breath.

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