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Quick authors note, I made Hayes an upcoming senior previously but I close changed my mind, he graduated, so the kids not in school anymore.


"So I'm thinking a nice simple pair of vans and some-"

"Mel I don't care about what you wear." Taylor says crossing his arms. I sigh and just choose an outfit.

"You'd care if I was naked." I mumble as I walk into the bathroom.


"Mel listen, You can't avoid sleep." jodie says as she brushes through her hair.

"I'm not avoiding it, I'm just setting it aside. It's terrible when I do sleep. Last night, I couldn't even close my eyes or get comfortable." I end up spilling all about last night.

"Don't forgive him." she says quickly and I'm shocked at her sudden answer.

"Seriously? Why?" she smiles at me.

"He doesn't deserve your forgiveness, think about it Mel." I scoff.

"I do all the time. It literally haunts me. Jodie I don't think you truly understand." she nods.

"I never will, we've had this talk a million times." I smile and agree.

"Just focus on Taylor, not Cameron. Put all that behind you." I shake my head and follow her out of the room.

"I only know the past, so how am I supposed to focus on something I don't know about."

"Stop focusing on the what if, focus on the what's next or the what now." she pats my shoulder and then smiles as Hayes's arm snakes around her waist and he plants a big smooch on her lips. I smile and walk away from the two love birds.

"I never thought I'd see the day where Hayes and Jodie would be together." I say as Nash joins my side. he laughs.

"I never thought he'd get laid by anyone, I guess we both thought wrong."

"So you're not pissed about this? Your brother.... the whole sex before marriage." nash shrugs.

"I'm not in charge of him, he's 18 now, turning 19 in June, so I mean he's on his own. It's his choice, and the sex before marriage thing, it's all about the girl honestly. Im sure Taylor would have you right now if it was his choice, but he respects you so, until y'all get married you'll be virgins." I smile at the word virgin.

"Are you wearing spandex?" cam says dropping his keys in the basket. I turn around from the fridge.

"Well I wasn't expecting you home early." I say looking at my attire, I'd just gotten done with working out. A sports bra and spandex, I wasn't expecting anyone.

"Mel, you're tempting the fuck out of me." He says coming near me, he pushes me against the counter and his lips are deadly close to mine.

"You look that good barely dressed, what do you look like completely undressed?" he whispers against my neck sending shivers down my body.

"Cameron what are you suggesting?" I say smiling even though I know what he's going to say. He picks me up and takes me to our room, laying me on the bed.

"I think you know very much." his lips press against mine and fire courses through my body.

"Mel, Mel... you're staring?" Taylor was shaking my shoulder gently. I jump an my hand places itself on my chest afraid my heart is going to leap out.

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