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"Jodie and Hayes sitting in a tree K-i-s-s-i-n-g, first comes love-." carter shoves his hand over matts mouth.

"Bro can you be any louder?" carter says obviously annoyed. we sit in the airport, waiting. I fiddle with my hair as Hayes rolls his eyes. It's clear carter isn't annoyed with the noise created by Matt, but at the lyrics spoken by him.

Hayes wraps his arms tighter around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest, I had woken up from matts singing, I was comfortably asleep on Hayes's lap when I was awoken. Maybe that's another reason why carter shut him up.

Every time I had thought carter and I were good, Hayes would pull me back. Id start to approach carter but Hayes would ask me a question, or pop up next to me, preventing me from speaking to carter. Hayes and carter and just all the guys were at this weird stand off. The only guy who still regularly talked to carter was Matt. Everyone had formed this group and just sat carter aside, excluding him.

The other day I had watched as Aaron rallied all the guys in, and asked them to be in a group photo. Aaron asked carter to take it.

Then Hayes tweeted saying he loved his family. Tagging everyone but carter. They even unfollowed him. I was getting pretty fed up. It was stupid and they were complete idiots.

"Mel can I talk to you?" I ask her, interrupting her cuddling with Taylor. She sighed and got up, blowing Taylor a kiss.

"What's up chica." she says clapping her hands.

"What's this with the guys and carter." she shrugs and starts to braid her hhair

"I honestly don't know, I think us two are still following him, all the others stopped." I nodded.

"Yeah why? And who the fuck is he subtweeting. It's like cams subtweets about you." she shushes me But nods.

"I don't know maybe they are about you." I smirk.

"I highly doubt it. 'Last night was great'." I say reading the tweet. My heart beats fast.

"Mel, I wasn't with carter, I barely get to look him without Hayes butting in. What if he's found... a girl?" I say and Mel lets out a horrified gasp.

"No he couldn't, that's preposterous." she says in a British accent and I roll my eyes.

"I'm being serious Mel." she smiles.

"Jodie, it shouldn't matter, you are dating Hayes." she starts to walk away.

"So you're saying if Cameron got a girlfriend it wouldn't bother you." she stops dead in her tracks. I look around thankful I dragged us far away from the guys. Though cam does look up at us. I wave at him and he waves back sending me a small smile. Then his eyes float to Mel. I just watch the way he looks at her, with sadness and longing, and pure heart breaking fucking love. Like a lost puppy.

"I wouldn't care, it wouldn't bother me one bit. He can date whoever. I. don't. care." She says flatly. I know she's lying.

"You can't have Hayes and keep carter for yourself." she says. I roll my eyes.

"You should think about your own words too." I say walking back to Hayes. Mel scowls at me and walks away towards the restroom. Cam

Shoots me a 'whats wrong with her look?' and I just shrug. Mel is a complex person. She lies to herself too much.

"God I'm such a fucking hypocrite." I say turning around to confront Mel again. Carter's eyes meet mine and for once I feel like I have two things I need to fix. I walk right up to carter.

"Carter we need to talk." he hold his finger up telling me to wait. Then I realize he's on the phone.

"Okay bye baby." then he hangs up and looks at me.

"You need?" I feel my heart turn ice cold and my hands curl up.

"I said we need to talk, starting with who was that." Carter rolls his eyes.

"First off, we have nothing to discuss, secondly, that is Deborah." I blink a few times and laugh.

"What is she an aunt, a grandma." He scowls and crosses his arms.

"Look, we don't have to talk about anything now if you'll excuse me-"

"You what, what do you have to do carter that is so important. This is the longest time I have been able to talk to you since I started dating Hayes, he's finally letting me talk to you." Carter chuckles.

"That or he's asleep." I look at Hayes to see he is indeed asleep. I turn back to carter and resist the urge to slap him.

"Look, Im forgiving you, and you're making it really hard to do so." carter busts out laughing. Through hysterics he says

"You, are forgiving me? I am so fucking flattered and thankful. God yes, jodie has forgiven me. I am so sorry for whatever it is I did." My face is set into a scowl and I want to rip his head off.

"What's the matter with you? You're being an ass." he loses his smile and his lips are set in a tight line.

"You broke my fucking heart that's what's the matter." and then he walks swiftly away from me. My jaw drops open and I feel a stabbing pain in my heart.

Now it is me running to the bathroom, tears brimming in my eyes.

"Fuck carter. Fuck him." I hiss walking into the bathroom kicking the trash over.

"Jodie what the hell?" Mel says her eyes are puffy and slightly pink. she's a cryer even though she hates to admit it, only the closest people to her know. I remember the first time I saw her cry. She'd injured her ankle and wasn't able to play soccer, and the doctor told her it wasnt any healed. Prolonging her time away from the team. She cried and cried, I thought she'd never stop. As we went through highschool, I learned to carry a pouch of tissues with me, cause one she starts crying, it's the whole deal, snot and niagra falls of tears.

I walk to the trash can and pick it up.

"Look, don't get angry but-"

"But what?" I say turning on my heel to face carter.

"I don't think you should date him, he's clearly a douche." carter says hugging me. My bottom lip quivers and I bury my face into his chest.

"Why would he even do that to me." carter sighs and rubs my back.

"Men can be evil sometimes." he step back to look at him.

"You're a man." he nods.

"Yeah and one day I'm probably going to be evil. Will you put up with me." he chuckle and nod.

"Of course I will. I mean how many times have you been here for me wen I was angry, I could've kicked or slapped you." For a while I thought he was gunna kiss me, and maybe he thought so too. But he didn't.

"Jodie I'm not afraid to risk it all for you." I smile and sigh in his arms.

"Thank you for calming me down."

"No thank you."

My vision blurred by tears I look at Mel.

"I didn't keep my promise."

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