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"Yes, you can't leave your room. What if someone sees you." carter groans.

"I'm not a child, I shouldn't be grounded because of someone else." nash's hands clench and I can tell he's getting pissed.

"No you're acting like a spoiled rotten child who isn't getting his way, so yeah you need to be fucking grounded." carter scowls. I'm a bit shocked at Nash's choice of words and his tone. I've never heard it until now.

"Because I'm not getting me way." he unlocks the hotel door and shoots me a glare before slamming the door in Nash's face. I don't let my head fall, but my heart does. I can't look at Hayes and smile at him, knowing carter is in his room unhappy.

Carter and I were inseparable and so when I was down he was down, but he was also right there to cheer me up, same goes for him. But where am I now? Wrapped in another's arms, laughing with him, making him smile, while carter sits alone, swollen and bruised.

"I know what you're thinking." Hayes says, unlocking the hotel room door.

"And what would that be?" I inquire. He sighs.

"You think you're doing the wrong thing. You sit here and be all happy with me, while carter is alone and in pain." I bite my lip, picking at my bitten finger nails. "I knew it, jodie, you told carter himself, He has no right to be angry, if he truly wanted you to be his, he should've done it from the start. Don't punish me for his faults. Don't keep your happiness locked up because he isn't. Im not dating him, I'm dating you." He wraps his arms around me and sighs.

"Jodie, I want you to be happy." I smile and squeeze back.

"I am happy." I say and look Hayes into his eyes.

"Then prove it." I tilt my head in confusion.

"What?" he smiles.

"You heard me, prove it." I place my hands on my hips.

"Hayes Grier how the hell am I supposed to prove my happiness to you in the middle of the night."

"It's like you want me to take you out and do something spontaneous." I shake my head and rub my temples. Hayes's smile grows.

"That's what you want me to do?" he nods.

"Lets go." Hayes grabs my hand and we are out of the hotel room again.

Mel's pov

I lay in bed, neatly tucked in like an army recruit. My hands gently crossed over my abdomen. I probably look like a brunette sleeping beauty, except for the fact that I can't find sleep. No matter which way I turn, how I have the blankets or pillows set up. I. Can. Not. Sleep.

I tried watching tv, I tried listening to music, I've tried everything. So I grab some clothes and slip them on, in hope to go for a peaceful stroll.

The hotel is dead silent. It's a real nice hotel, real shiny floor and bright walls. A little fountain out front. I find my eyes searching the little food bar that they usually serve breakfast out. My stomach growls.

'Food.' It screams. I walk and search for some fruit, nothing but stupid oranges. Which I cannot have due to my beautiful strange allergy. The unmistakeable figure of Cameron sits at a table, his back facing to me.

"What are you doing?" I ask sitting next to him. He shrugs and I notice the carton of ice cream and bag of spoons.

"I couldn't sleep." he says taking a scoop.

"Cookie dough." I simply say and he nods. He slides the pack of spoons to me.

"I couldn't just buy one spoon, because they don't sell those so I had to buy a small pack, besides, I know you when you're stressed. You need some." Cameron says not looking at me. I smile and take a spoon simply scoping some ice cream.

"Why are you stress eating?" I say staring at the table. He laughs.

"I honesty don't know, I just feel off." I nod

"I think it's just the stress from others rubbing off on you. I mean when Taylor is stressed I feel stressed. You just kind of feel each others emotions. That's why I know you've got something on your mind." he smiles and slowly eats his ice cream.

"Everyone always has something they are always thinking about." His words and smooth, I nod and I'm sure we are thinking the same thing. The past. I try not to think about it, but it's all I know, so my mind thinks about it more than anything else. I'm too tired to start an argument or ask him why.

"Do you think Jodie and carter will ever makeup?" He asks. I stare off into the distance.

"Maybe, they are good friends, carter is just shot down by hard cold rejection and a literal punch in the face. Her and him, yeah they'll get better. Hayes and carter, they are guys. It could go two ways. they either will continue this grudge, or they will just snap out of it." I say and Cameron sighs not saying anything.

We sit in silence and eat cookie dough ice cream.

"You do realize it's four am." cam says walking into the kitchen. I shrug and stab my spoon into the ice cream carton.

"What are you doing up?" He says yawning and rubbing his eyes. His pajama pants hung low and his shirt is gone.

"I don't know which looks better, this ice cream or you?" cam shakes his head and wraps his arms around my waist laying his head on my back.

"Why are you avoiding my questions?" I lick my lips and set the spoon down, turning to face Cameron.

"Go back to bed if you're tired." he sighs.

"Melanie, baby, what's wrong?" I bit my lip and want to tell him, but I don't.

"Nothing, I just was craving ice cream." he kisses my forehead and let's his lips stay there.

"You only ever eat ice cream when you're stressed." I smile.

"I'm good I promise. I have no reason to be stressed. Go back to bed." he frowns and sticks his bottom lip out.

"You know I can't sleep without you, that's why I woke up." he says quietly automatically making me feel guilty.

I cap the ice cream and clean up my mess as Cameron fights sleep, leaning against the door way.

"C'mon cam, let's go to sleep." I say taking his hand and guiding him to the room.

"I love you." he whispered into my hair as we settle in. I smile and kiss him.

"I love you too."


"Well this sucks." Cameron says snapping me out of my flashback. I look to see why he's talking about. The ice cream is all gone.

"well yeah, that does indeed suck." he smirks.

"I guess more than Jodie." I gasp and slap Cameron's chest. He laughs.

"Ow, why'd you hit me, you're laughing just as much as I am." It is true, I am laughing and Cameron and I just sit there and laugh together. Maybe it's because we are sleep deprived, or high off all the sugar we just consumed. Cameron picks up the trash and we both stand up.

"Thank you for eating cookie dough ice cream when you get stressed." I say laughing with Cameron.

"Yeah I guess your habits are just so easily acquired." He says shaking his head making me smile.

"Mel, you said Hayes and carter could forgive each other. And Jodie and carter as well...." he pauses thinking about his words. "do you think you will ever forgive me." his words strike me with surprise. I don't react like I thought I would.

"I don't know, when I do know the answer. I will tell you." I walk away and watch as Cameron nods, sliding his hands into his pockets. The truth? I don't even know the answer to the question.

Sure it'd be easy to just say

"Hey cam I forgive you for everything and none of it will ever matter." but that's not the case. It's not a situation I can just push away and forget. I can't say I will never forgive him, but I also can't say I'll forgive him soon.

We have time so what does it matter.

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