Disco ball

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Mel's pov

Jodie is fuming. She had just been sitting on the floor looking like she was gonna break down a tears, and now she's up pacing and back to being angry.

"You know what fuck him, he had his chance, he's known me for fucking ever." Jodie says angrily pacing. I grab her arms and stop her.

"What the fuck happened?" She stops and closes her eyes. When they open, tears fall.

"I broke his heart Mel. He told me after he hung up on some girl named Deborah, he called her baby." she croaks. I reach in my purse and hand her a tissue.

"He told you that." she nods as she blows her nose. I walk over to the mirror and begin applying my crying routine makeup.

"Yeah, he's trying to break mine too." I sigh.

"Jodie he can only break it if you let him. Look, you've got Hayes now, and carter just have Debra so everyone had moved on."

"Deborah." she says coldly and I shake my head.

"I want to apologize to you but I'm scared I ended up breaking your heart too." I wave her off

"No no, you didn't break my heart, it's already been done. I understand your words and I think you're right." I close my makeup bag and turn to her.

"We all fuck up right?" she laughs and nods. I throw her my bag of makeup and she thanks me.

"I'd never thought this day would come." she says hiccuping. Her horrid side affect of crying.

"What day?"

"When I was using your makeup to cover up I'd been crying." I shrug.


I sit next to Taylor on the plane Jodie and Hayes in front of us. Taylor intertwines our fingers and brings our hands up to his lips. He kisses my hand and I smile.

"Love you." I say and he says he loves me too.

"You have been crying." I hear Hayes sat flatly. Taylor and I's attention turns to them. She sets down her magazine.

"Hayes I have not, shut up." She says laughing lightly.

"You always get those weird hiccups when you cry." she sighs.

"Yeah okay fine I did cry, but it's because I kicked the trash can in the ladies room." By now I notice we aren't the only ones listening in, carter is too.

"That's bullshit. Why were you crying." Jodie's head falls and I watch as carter closes his eyes and Leans back in his seat. He pinches the bridge of his nose and bites on his lip.

"It's nothing, can we drop it." she says and Hayes sighs in defeat.

"Can I wear a white tux?" Taylor asks suddenly. I laugh and shake my head.

"For what?" he looks at me like I'm dumb.

"For our wedding Jesus girl." my body freezes.

"Since when are we getting married." I say a bit too fast, I can see the pain flash across Taylor's face, but he smiles.

"What you don't want to marry me?" I feel eyes on me. Jodie taps three times, the signal cam is looking at me.

"Of course I do baby, I just, I don't feel like right now is a good time to discuss marriage." he sighs and nods, slightly slumping in his sleep. Taylor closes his eyes and I do the same.

"There'll be this huge chandelier, and beautiful light everywhere." Cameron says jumping off the park bench.

"You're an idiot, I think there should be little light, like dim lit." I say and he taps his chin.

"A disco ball can be our chandelier." he says excited.

"I can't dance either, No, no disco ball, that can't happen." He sticks out a pouty lip.

"Don't you dare." I say standing up and watch as his brown eyes sucker me in.

"Fine god Cameron, we can have a disco ball." he jumps and kisses me.

"But before a wedding happens, we both have to not be afraid of commitment." he says and I laugh, agreeing.

"We don't need a disco ball, ceremony thing to make our love official." I say wrapping my arms around him.

"Right, Mel I love you." he says kissing me again. I smile.

"I love you too Cameron." he closes his eyes and rests his forehead against mine. Then I poke him gently in the side.

"What was that for?" he says laughing. I smile and bite my lip.

"TAG YOU'RE IT." I shout and Cameron runs after me. He ends up tackling me to the ground. His fingers attacking me side.

"Stop Cameron." I squeal through laughter. He laughs along.

"Cameron!" I shout again.

"Baby cakes, you okay?" Taylor says shaking me gently. I sit up and catch my breath up to my heart, or is it slow my heart down to my breathing. Whatever it is, I'm slowing down.

"Yeah I'm Okay I'm fine, why what's up."

"You were calling out for Cameron." he says mono tone. I feel all the blood leave my head. Jodie's Morse code for everyone is looking plays.

"Uh yeah well you see, in the dream, there was this shark, and he was chasing cam and I, and Cameron was far behind me, almost about to get ate." I sat as taylor hands me water. I meet eyes with Cameron and he frowns.

"You said no disco ball, babe." Taylor says. I shrug.

"Uhm I don't know, I don't remember that." Cameron chuckles and I'm sure he knows what I had a dream about. All these flashbacks were hurting my heart. I hated that I sometimes talked in my sleep. Like what if I freaking have the one dream around everyone, what if I end up saying "I love you Cameron." In front of everyone.


I sit in my hotel room curled up on the bed, scrolling through twitter. I notice carter's tweets are really weird and sentimental and just straight up gay. Just as I'm about to click on a tweet with him and this chick, my door flies open.

"Jodie?" She runs her phone to me.

"Look at this." I look at my phone to see the picture has loaded. It's of him kissing a girl, I'm guessing his girlfriend.

"whoa look at this." I hand her my phone, when I look at hers she has the same thing pulled up.

"He's got a fucking girlfriend, like what the hell?" I smile and set the phone down,

"Oh Jodie, but you got a boyfriend, it's only fair." She scowls.

"Her eyes are open, they are kissing and her eyes are open." she exclaims. I shrug.

"and?" She groans and throws herself on the bed.

"I guess I didn't break his heart too bad."



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