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Mel's pov

"They should be here any minute, I feel it." I say biting my nail. Taylor shakes his head.

"You need a chill pill." He grabs my arms and pulls me down onto his lap. I sigh and lay my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry I'm just anxious to see her." He smiles.

"And I'm sure her boyfriend is as well." I roll my eyes. It feels like forever since I've seen Jodie and carter. I've just missed them. Hayes has been all boring and bummed out and without carter matt has just been boring too. I look up from my thinking to watch as the pair come strolling through the lobby doors.

"Holy shit yay!" I scream jumping out of taylors lap. But Hayes beats me to jodie. I walk up to carter and hug him.

"How was it?" I ask, he looks to jodie and smiles.

"it was quite the trip." She chuckles and I look between the two. I get my chance to hug jodie but then hayes is right there next to her again.

"So the two are back, great. Guys get ready, we have a show." Jodie sighs.

"I was really just looking forward to relaxing but this is a tour not a vacation." Hayes looks at nash and then back at jodie.

"If she needs to rest-"

"hayes shut up, people paid, so it's final. C'mon." Nash walks away and carter mocks him. I laugh and taylor taps my arm.

"Do you want a piggy back ride?" He asks and I smile.

"Why of course good sir." He leans down and I gently jump onto him.

"Hey look, it's the only time you'll see Mel riding Taylor." he flicks carter off and continues to carry us to the venue.

Jodie's pov

"Man I missed you." Hayes says against my neck. I smile as Hayes kisses me.

"Hey guys are you ready?" carter says interrupting us. I nod and Hayes walks ahead of me. Carter holds the door for the both of us. As I pass and nothing, then just as I'm about to walk out of reaching distance he grabs my hand and pulls me back.

"Where'd you learn that? a Movie?" I ask he smiles.

"Yeah thank mr. Indiana jones." I roll my eyes and carter kisses me hard. I push him off of me.

"Carter you can't do that, I told you we are not like that. We are never going to be like that."

"Go on, to your boyfriend. He misses you." carter says. I roll my eyes

"Carter seriously, don't be mad, I made my choice and you should respect that." Carter sighs.

"Your right, sorry. Go on." I shake my head exciting the room then I stop.

"Carter you know I don't hate you, it's just I love Hayes that was an accident." Carter smiles.

"I know I know we've been over this a million times." I smile and leave the room. Glad that carter understands.

"Hey. I was about to go looking for you..." Hayes says shaking his head.

"I know, you are such a caring boyfriend." He smiles and places his hand on his heart.

"I am." I roll my eyes and walk onto the stage.

"WHAT'S UP ORLANDO!!!" I scream into the mic and everyone screams back.

mel's pov (sorry I'm flip flopping)

"I swear I hear it, like a faint buzzing sound." I say placing my hand over my ear.

"Orlando definitely wins for the loudest crowd." Cameron says walking past us and grabbing an apple from the breakfast little area.

"Hey is everyone here?" carter asks and we all look around at each other.

"So, guys, everyone is here! great! okayyyyyyyyy so basically, since it's been a little stressful lately with carter and jodie getting back from the funeral. I figured why not celebrate the end of the tour... none other than... DISNEY WORLD." Nash screams, everyone cheers.

"Everyone will share a room with someone of course. Jodie and Mel, carter and Matt, the jacks, cam and I, Aaron and Dillon, and Hayes and Taylor. Shawn can't stay with us unfortunately, he has his own tour starting up." everyone claps and cheers Shawn graciously bows. I turn to Taylor, he is holding back a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask and he sighs.

"I was hoping we'd get to share a room." I nod and take his hand.

"It doesn't matter because we will be together every step of the way. He smiles and gives my lips a quick peck.


"Food poisoning?" I ask the doctor. He nods

"He's gunna need to be here for a bit, till it's completely left his system. I nod and walk into the room.

"Well this is some shit." he says and I take his hand sitting in the chair next to the bed.

"Look, Taylor I'm not going to be at disney while you're I'm a hospital bed." he stops me and smiles.

"I don't want that to happen. you go to disney world and you have a blast, I will be out in a couple of days or so, I'll be there for the last day. I promise. Now, you have to go check in with jodie." I smile at him and shake my head.

"I could live a million lives and never deserve you." I say leaning in for a kiss. He stops me.

"I don't want you to get sick." I roll my eyes and kiss him softly.

"Don't have too much fun." I say standing in the doorway. Taylor gives me a thumbs up. I blow him a kiss.

"I love you Taylor."

"I love you too Mel. Now go, Mickey is waiting."

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