I am

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"Look at that, this fan photoshopped you and her." I say showing Taylor the picture.

"It's the only way he could get a girl." jodie says laughing. I shake my head

"He has me duh." she smirks.

"Does he really Mel, does he?" She smacks my back and walks away. I lean my head back against Taylor.

"What are we going to do about her." Taylor kisses my nose and smiles.

"The question is what are you going to do about her." I scoff and stand up, sliding my phone on my pocket.

"I'm going to tell Hayes to fix his girlfriend." Taylor grabs my hips and pulls me into his chest.

"And how is he going to fix her?" he says smirking. My arms wrap around his neck. I don't get to answer because Taylor dips his head down, pressing his lips softly to mine. Our kiss heats up and my fingers tug on his hair gently.

Then a cough echoes through the room. We pull apart quickly, my face is probably red. Cameron walks up to us. For a minute I'm scared. He walks right up to Taylor.

Then reaches behind him and grabs a set of keys.

"Sorry, left my keys in here." be says smiling his lopsided grin. I shake my head and run my hand through my hair. Taylor chuckles.

"Look at you all tomato like. You're so innocent it's hilarious." Cameron chokes on his water. He turns and looks at me and his raised brow falls flat and his face turns into a frown. I watch as he says "wow okay." and then his pace is quicker towards the exit.

"Shut up." I say crossing my arms. Taylor smiles.

"I can always change that." he says eyeing my lips. I smile.

"You know how I feel." he sighs and moves my hair from my face.

"I know baby, if you ever change your mind, I am right here." I chuckle.

"Oh I know." He kisses my forehead and grabs my hand, leading us out of the conference room.


"So he like choked, and then gave you that look?" Jodie asks shoving noodles in her mouth. I nod. She wipes her mouth and sighs.

"Look, carter is going out tonight, on a date. I mean we all are going out tonight. But he's bringing her." I smile and section my hair.

"I know, when the guy tweets. 'Can't wait for tonight' and a kissy emoji, he's gunna get laid." She looks at me and throws a pillow at my head.

"Look, I don't understand why you are getting angry." I say turning the curling wand and some hair.

"And I don't understand why you lie to Taylor. Now, do you think you can talk to carter." I roll my eyes.

"Jodie this isn't middle school, grow a pair and talk to him." she groans and shakes her head.

"That's the thing I already did, I don't understand why he won't forgive me?"

"Put yourself in his shoes. Your best friend from the start of time, whom you also have strong feelings for, is in bed, naked, with another best friend. Carter was about to ask you out... on a date jodie." she covers her eyes and I know she's tearing up.

"I didn't mean for it to happen, now he's off kissing some Deborah girl." I laugh.

"And you were off fucking his best friend." I regret my word choice as soon as they leave my mouth. Jodie lets out a gasp. She stands up and looks at me. Her eyes are red and I watch tears start to fall.

"You know what Mel, I'm sick of your shit. I took your past and pushed it aside, I don't bring it up, I don't guilt trip you. I have sex one fucking time and I become a slut. It's not my fault carter didn't speak up. You are not helping me here, you're being rude and I can't deal with my best friend... my sister, telling me I fucked Carter's best friend. We didn't fuck, it wasn't just sex. You're taking his side, that's bullshit." I slam down my curling wand and turn to her.

"Excuse me but when this shit went down, you were shit pissed that we didn't take Carter's side. Now all of a sudden he has a girlfriend and you're the victim? Look, if it wasn't just sex and you two didn't just fuck. Then what the hell was it? Making love? Bullshit. you have a fucking boyfriend who would move mountains for you, all you ever think or talk about is carter. You. don't. have. him. So grow up and learn to put the past behind you." I keep my anger, anger and stop myself from crying.

"You know what fine, but when Taylor learns about Cameron, and y'all's fucked up shit, don't come fucking crying to me when Taylor wants nothing to do with your lying ass." She storms out of my room slamming the door. I close my eyes and just breathe. I count to ten, twenty, thirty. Then I open my eyes and look into the mirror. My reflection laughs at me.

"Pitiful." it shouts at me.

"Failure." it says

"Murderer." it screams, and that's when I break down. I fall to the ground and cry, and cry. My chest burns, and I know Jodie's right. She always is when it comes to Cameron, Taylor and I.

A knock sounds from my door and the last person I need is Taylor to see me.

I stand up and dust myself off, I cover my face with my hair and continue to curl it.

"Come in." I say, my voice is edgy and it could possibly give me away. I don't see who walks in.

"Hey is everything okay, I heard yelling then the door slams." my whole body freezes.

"Yes Cameron everything is fine." I croak.

My hair is easily curled, with the huge barreled wand and the soft large curls it produces. So now I have nothing to cover my face.

"You have been crying." Cameron says walking up to me. He wipes my tear stained cheeks with his thumbs.

"What's wrong?"


I throw my arms up.

"I'm a terrible person." I say tears falling again. Cameron's eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"No you are not." Cameron reaches for a tissue and hands one to me.

" I'm the worst you can get. Im

A liar, I'm a bad friend." His face is pained and I know he doesn't agree.

"And most importantly, I'm a murderer." I whisper, this makes Cameron gasp and pull me into his chest.

"Listen, you are none of those thing, you are bright, you are beautiful, and you're an amazing friend." he takes my chin and our eyes search each others.

"I think we've all told lies, we've all made bad decisions. We just have to learn that not all roads are going to be smooth." I close my eyes and sigh. His words comforting me.

"You're the problem." I say softly and he sighs, he lets go of my chin and runs his hand through his hair.

"I know, and I wish it wasn't that way." I shrug and look at the ground.

"I think I may have lost my best friend." he shakes his head.

"You and Jodie have been through way worse, c'mon. This little fight is nothing. It's going to be okay." I laugh and shake my head.

"I've heard that before." I look at him and his face is serious.

"I promise, this time." Then in the blink of an eye, Cameron presses his lips gently to mine. The kiss is nothing like how it is with Taylor's. Kissing him is like coming home.

Then I pull away.

"We can't. I never forgave you, we can't, I can't. Just, Cameron I think you should leave." he closes his eyes and nods.

"I'm sorry you're right." He leaves me alone in my room. My index finger gently moves across my lips.



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