Epilogue pt.2

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So per request I'm doing Jodie and Hayes

Jodie's pov

I dab the tissue under my eyes careful not to mess the small amount of eyeliner on my eyes.

"Awe don't cry baby." Hayes says pulling me into his arms." I smile and watch as our son walks up in his cap and gown. He's got his fathers bright eyes and light brown hair, but thankfully he got my chiseled features. He hugs me first, he's even taller than his father, he's a towering 6'3. A charasmatic boy graduating from UGA and quarter back just like his dad.

"I couldn't be more proud of you stark." Hayes says hugging his son. Stark smiles.

"I couldn't do it without y'all. I love you both so much, you guys mean the world to me." I smile up at my son.

We'd chosen a normal life. Hayes played for the nfl while I started my own law firm. I'm retired now of course. Hayes and I waited to settle down and get married after college. It was worth it all.

Stark is actually going into the military, not something I wanted for him, but he's always wanted it and I'll support my son in whatever he wants.

I remember the first serious girl he brought home.

"Hey mom this is Isabelle." He introduced a short brunette with light green eyes, freckles lightly dusting her nose.

"Isabelle? Oh my god Reynolds?" I ask hugging her. Carter's daughter.

"How did this happen?" apparently she was in his sociology class and the two often argued and I guess they were like magnets. He's told me he plans to propose here soon. It's crazy fate, as carter said.

"Well shit."

I watch my only boy, get married and then later go off to war. I think it was the hardest thing to ever do. but he came home and that was the best feeling. It got even Better when Isabelle announced her first pregnancy.

Though Hayes and I are retired and "old" as the young folk say. I like aging. Hayes and I sit on our rocking chair and discuss things with Isabelle and stark as the little ones play. We often have family gatherings.

I live a perfect life, if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing.

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