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Cameron's pov

Nash was oblivious to the real reason why I wanted to throw this party. I just wanted to beat Taylor's face into the cement wall and swoop Mel off her feet.

But I told him I just missed the gang, which is true but I'd rather kill Taylor first. But the way carter said Mel needed me, it just was strange.

I sit for a bit, just watching for them to walk through the door. But it never happens. I see carter and my jaw clenches.

"Where Taylor and Mel?" carter adjusts his snapback.

"Uhm, Taylor and her are out cake testing, but listen, Mel found out." My blood runs cold.

"She did what?" Carter gulps and sighs.

"Dakota the girl Taylor has been with, actually confronted her and basically told her to fuck off. I mean you tell a pregnant eating fries that her soon to be husband has been cheating on her and just straight up lying, like-." My jaw drops. "Well fuck." I push past carter and grab my keys running outside.

I hastily turn the car on speed to Mel's house. I throw open the door and watch as she jumps to her feet. Confusion is all that shows. I walk up to her and fall to my knees.

"Cameron what are you doing?" I just smile up at her.

"You're so beautiful, the way your dark eyes shine, the way your smile just lights up the room. You're the love of my life, I'm never ever going to love someone as much as I love you. Now I know this is all insane, I honestly can't feel my fingers." I take her left hand and remove the engagement ring, throwing it behind me. She covers her mouth as tears trickle from her eyes.

"Cameron I-" I stand up and shush her.

"Mel, I love you so much it literally hurts, you mean so much for me, and I never want to lose yo-"

"No listen Cameron you don't love me, I'm pregnant, with our child, again. I'm not loosing this chance." I shake my head and my smile grows.

"I know! I know you're pregnant, and I don't want to lose this chance either, we've all made mistake, but this is truly a miracle and I don't wanna waste it. Mel I guess I never really asked, but will you take me back?" I give her a minute to process, she just stares at me.

"Cameron, I am insane." she says quietly, no it's my turn to be confused.

"I love you more than Taylor and I'm dumping him for you, as childish as it sounds, but yes I will take you back. I smile and grab her face gently between my palms, just as our lips brush I'm thrown off of her.

"Yo what the fuck are you doing with my girl?" Taylor yells. as I stand up I look him in the eyes, and all I see is red.

"You, are going to fucking die." I race towards him and grab him up by his shirt collar. I hold him a good few inches above me, I slam him against the wall and pull my arm back to swing. Then out of the corner of my eye. I see Mel, and that little wobbly boy running behind her. I don't want her to see me like this, I wouldn't want my son to see me like this either. I turn back to Taylor and his face taunts me, but Mel's haunts me. I slam him hard against the wall and then I slam him against the ground.

"Pack your bag, we're leaving." Mel starts to the stairs

"Uhm she's not going any where." taylor says standing up unsteadily. Mel pauses, I wave her on.

"You don't get to dictate what she can and can't do. you are a cheater. You don't deserve Mel, hell I don't either, but at least I was only with Mel. I never lied to her about where I was, I never pretended to be sick."

"What the fuck are you talking about, I have no idea what's going on?" I laugh.

"Bullshit, don't play fucking stupid with me, you butt dialed Mel's phone, carter picked up and listened to the little exchanges of love you shared with Dakota." Taylor's eyes go wide. That's when he knows it's over. Mel scurried down the stairs. She starts to walk outside the door when she stops and walks up to Taylor.

"I'm sorry I'm so boring, and I hope you and Dakota have a wonderful fun and not boring rest of your lives. Do not invite me to the wedding." she turns on her heal and walks out. I turn back to Taylor.

"Oh and while you were in the hospital playing sick, I was in my room, making her scream my name. When she fucked you, she had to think of me, so who is the real boring person here?" Taylor is fuming. I walk outside and slam the door behind me. I get into my car and turn to look at Mel. She looks at me and then the flood gates break. I grab some tissues from the glove box and hand them to her.

"We'll crash at Nash and I's place for a bit till we find our own okay?" She nods while blowing her nose.

"How long have you known you've been pregnant?" It's hard to form the word, to actually say it. To know that Mel is pregnant again.

"I've known about two months, but how did you find out?" I smile.

"When carter gets under pressure, he tends to ramble." she laughs and it's the first time I've seen her smile in a while.

"I love you." I say grabbing her hand.

"I love both of you." I say blowing a kiss to her stomach. She blinks a few times.

"Why haven't you ran away in fear?" I look at her oddly.

"Why would I do that?"

"Cameron three a year ago, you almost fainted, you kicked me out when you found out I was pregnant." I pat her knee gently.

"People change, I woke up one day feeling different. The thought of having a little mini me running around barefoot on our hardwood, sounded a lot better than being in an empty house. She smiles.

"I don't need to say I love you, because I never stopped."


Yes that is the end, I will post the epilogue later today.

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