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Mel's pov

Carter doesn't say anything. He's quiet for a real long time. finally I can't take it anymore.

"Well say something!" I croak. Carter licks his lips as we park at the AT&T store. when we get out of the car he stares at me. I roll my eyes.

"Carter you can't see it." he smiles.

"Oh yeah uh I knew that." I shake my head, I want to know how and why he ended up breaking my phone, but I don't have the energy.


I end up with a brand new phone and now carter and I are enjoying Chinese in front of a lake.

"It's weird, to think that I have this living person growing inside of me." I say and carter shutters.

"That's gross Mel, I'm trying to eat." I smile.

"But uhm, you do realize, you're going to have to tell people. Most importantly Cameron. Taylor knows it isn't his." He seems to whisper the last part. I close my eyes and shake my head.

"I can't tell Cameron, he's already been through this once, and the thing that sucks is, there's no possible way it's Taylor's." Carter rubs my shoulder. I feel like he has something to tell me.

"Carter do you have something to tell me?" he pales and that gives him away.

"No no... I- yeah nope. I'm just, even though this is terrible timing, congratulations." he says and I eye him suspiciously.

"You do have something to say, but I'm too exhausted to pry." I say gently laying back. carter sets his stuff aside and lays down next to me.

"How far along are you?" I shrug.

"Doctor said about a month and a half, and I'm not getting rid of the baby, I'm keeping it. No way would I give up this opportunity." carter nods in agreement.

"I think you need to talk to Jodie." his word surprise me.

"What do you mean?" he shrugs.

"You just should."


I stand on the doorstep of Jodie and Hayes's apartment.

"Oh hey, stranger." she says a bit harshly. I sigh.

"Can I come in?" I ask and she nods opening the door enough for me to walk in. The place is nearly empty. Boxes are everywhere and the walls are bare.

"Are you moving?" I ask shocked that she didn't mention it.

"Yeah, I would've told you, but you were out with jenny." I shake my head

"You still could've talked to me, just because jenny was there didn't mean you couldn't tag along." She chuckles.

"Exactly tag along. Melanie, I haven't talked to you, as in just us, in ages. You practically replaced me with jenny." I frown at her.

"Jodie that's not even the case, do you know how many times I wanted to come talk to you?" She crosses her arms.

"Yeah so I could hear you complain about Taylor and Cameron. Yeah well Mel, I'm sick of you being selfish. I have a life too, you were to wrapped up in Cameron, who isn't even your fiancé, to ask what was happening in my life. I'm going to university, I'm going to be a lawyer, and Hayes has gotten drafted. I'm moving to a total different state. I'm going to Harvard. Hell, we both are going to Harvard. This is all I've ever wanted in life, and I wanted to go tell you so bad, but you were too busy." Her dark eyes stare into mine. My face falls and my shoulders slump. The only thing I can think of doing is to hug her.

She hugs me back and rests we chin on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I've been so inconsiderate." and that's when I decide, today is not the day to tell her of my pregnancy. So I we sit on the floor and drink tea, talking all about her upcoming future.


Carter's pov

I haven't told Mel, I haven't gotten to talk to Cameron, and it's driving me insane. I'm becoming irritable, and before I take it anymore out on my dear jenny, I decide to arrange a time to talk to Cameron.

Cameron and I chose the skate park. Cameron said he likes to skate when he's stressed and I said this would stress him out for sure. I'm not telling him about Mel being pregnant, that's not my place.

"Okay so when I say this, I need you to remain calm." Cameron bites his nails.

"I can't promise anything, but go on."

"Okay so it started when Mel and I were going for her yearly check up, you know how she has hospital anxiety now." pain runs across his face and I can just see it physically hurt him.

"Well she left her phone in the chair on accident...." and I tell him all about Taylor's butt dial, and this Dakota girl. And with each word Cameron grows more and more furious. By the end he picks up his skate board and throws it across the way, watching it break. He let's out a shout, and a lot of profanity. then he sharply turns to me, fire in his eyes. He points at me as starts walking toward me.

"I fucking new something was going on. I knew it, he doesn't fucking deserve her. What country is he in right now, I'm going to kill him!" I grab Cameron's shoulders.

"Cameron calm down, you killing him is going to get you sent to jail."

'you need to stay out of jail to raise your kid.' My conscious says and I close my eyes.

"Cameron breathe." Cameron sighs and nods.

"I can't let her marry him."

"She's planning the wedding, she's got the color theme and invitations." I say quietly. Cameron's eyes go wide and his jaw clenches.

"I have to tell her, I have to." Cameron starts walking to his car. A pregnant hormonal Melanie, does not need to know that. I stop Cameron.

"No no, I think it's best we leave it be for right now, Mel hasn't been feeling her best lately, so I don't think this is the time." Cameron's face softens and concern washes over his face.

"Is she sick? what do you mean?" I wave my hands out in front of me.

"Whoa yeah calm down, she's okay, just a stomach bug." Cam sighs and sits down and puts his head between his knees.

"Do you need some time alone?" I ask and Cameron looks up at me with a smile.

"You're a good friend carter." I smile.

"I try my hardest. don't do anything stupid Cameron. Mel may not say it, but she needs you." I pat Cameron's shoulder and leave him there to question my words.

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