Missin you

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"Don't tell me, it's your favorite." I say as we stroll through the park. Cameron shrugs.

"I like to think that it is." I roll my eyes. Just as I'm about to say something my phone rings. Taylor's name flashes over the screen, an I feel shocked and weird.

"Hello?" a sigh comes over the phone

"Damn I've tried calling you forever, why the hell are you with him?" Taylor hisses through the phone and I'm taken aback.

"Seriously this is the like first time you've actually talked to me and you call me because I'm spending time with a friend?" Cameron bites his lips and nods to the ice cream stand across our way.

"Mel this is stupid, I don't want you spending time with him."

"Taylor this is stupid, you went to the vma's with Dakota and didn't even tell me you were going to be in town. You didn't even stop by to say hi." Taylor scoffs.

"You went with Cameron."

"As friends." granite we did have sex after but I'm not about to say that.

"Yeah well, you're getting married to me, not him. Remember that." I frown and watch as Cameron pays the vendor and walks back over to me.

"Taylor if you have nothing good to talk to me about, like how Filming is going? Or how all those tropical places are like, don't call me. I don't need your permission to hang out with people." Cameron hands me my ice cream and with his now free hand he rubs my arm in hope to soothe me.

"Well I was waiting for you to ask." he says simply and I let out a short laugh.

"Taylor talk to me when you're in a better mood." I hang up and have the urge to throw my phone.

"Mel, you can't be that mad at him." Cameron says finally. I sigh and start to eat my melting ice cream.

"Everything feels crazy." I say rubbing the bridge of my nose.

"I barely see Jodie anymore, jenny and I are closer, carter is occupied with his girlfriend, Taylor is missing, I'm practically dating you." I shake my head and eat my sorrows away with ice cream. Cameron doesn't say anything because I know he doesn't mind it.

"I'm engaged to Taylor. when he comes back, he's expecting us to get married." Cameron cringes.

"I'd rather you be marrying me." Cameron says under his breath and I pretend to not hear it.

"I'm going insane." I say aloud. Cameron smiles.

"Not yet." I throw my arms up.

"And when is the mark when I am insane." Cameron wraps his arm around me.

"The minute you tell me you love me and you're dumping taylor for me." I laugh and pull away from him.

"Yeah that's definitely the insane point." Cameron hides his hurt and rubs the back of his neck. He practically lives with me. His stuff is in my room. I think I basically know what I want, but I'm scared of the reaction.

It's not till thanksgiving comes around that I realize, something has to change. Taylor calls me spilling an apology and I accept. He doesn't once ask me about the upcoming holiday. Which really surprises me. Last time we went to his parents.

I'm sitting on the window seat on my plane to my hometown. I had suggested Cameron come, but he said it wasn't a good idea. My parents would be confused and my mom would probably bring something up and say stuff she shouldn't repeat. Carter was going to jenny's and Jodie was going with Nash and Hayes to the grier's. So unfortunately Cameron and I had to split.


"Where's Taylor?" my mom asks when I walk in the front door. I groan and walk past her.

"Mother I told you, he's filming his movie." she taps her chin.

"What about Cameron?" I stiffen.

"What do you mean." She waves me off.

"Sorry, I forget you and Cameron are no longer friends." oh we are a lot more than 'friends'.


I stare at the tweet.

"I miss you."

And for the first time, I reply with my own subtweet.

"I miss you too."

Not even five minutes later does my phone explode. Not from Taylor telling me he loves me, nothing from him. It's carter and Jodie and just everyone. But the only call I answer is the one I was missing.

"Cameron?" I ask and I hear a sigh.

"I miss you."he finally says and it makes my heart soar.

"Yeah I miss you too."

Taylor's pov

"This show is absolutely stupid!" I exclaim and she laughs.

"Yeah who even watches it anymore?" I shrug and close my eyes, throwing myself back on the bed.

I do reopen my eyes so I can watch her. The way she just floats around, the way she carries herself. A confident girl, is what I've always loved.

"Taylor?" she says, her voice is soft and hesitant.

"Mhm sweetie?" I ask grabbing my phone from the nightstand.

"Tell me why you didn't go see your family for thanksgiving?" I sigh, I was expecting a different question but this one was just as tough to answer.

"I uhm, I don't know, I didn't want to."

"Why didn't you go home for the break?" I roll my eyes.

"Because I wanted to stay here with you." I grab her arms and pull her on top of me.

"Now stop talking and kiss me." I say as her small lips press against mine. She gently pulls my bottom lip between hers, as she runs her fingers through my hair.

"But listen, now we can go where we've always wanted to go." she stops and looks at me.

"You've always told me you wanted to go to bora bora." I watch her face light up. Her phone chimes and she gets up. I watch her face turn into a smile.

"Mel misses you." I roll my eyes.

"Yeah well, good for her."

"Taylor why the hell are you getting married to her, you're not even interested in her?" I shake my head.

"It doesn't matter. Come back to bed." I pat the bed and stick out my bottom lip. She sighs but holds the smile that is her lips.

She rests under the covers and in my arms.

"I love you." she whispers against my neck. I smile and lean my head on hers.

"I love you too Dakota."



Mind blown.

Wow okay, *screams*


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