put her in place

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Jodie's Pov

Though I told myself I wasn't going to cry anymore I did. I lay in bed thinking about carter's words

"I think I love her."

why would he love her, she's done no good and he's only been with her a short time. How could someone say something like that. Hayes groans and kisses my forehead.

"why are you not asleep yet?" I sigh and Hayes pulls me into his chest, tucking me under the covers more.

"I can't." I say. Hayes smooths my hair out of my face and stays silent.

"Baby, it's going to be okay, there's no going back, crying isn't going to help you feel better." I nod and turn to face him.

"I guess I just have to let him go." Hayes gives me a soft smile.

"Not completely, you can still hold onto him in your heart, it's just not like how it used to be, your mind will be at rest." Hayes thinks we are talking about Carter's dad, but I'm talking about carter.

"Hayes why do they say "and now you may kiss the bride, after all the ceremony and stuff?" Hayes chuckles.

"Moving fast aren't we." I roll my eyes.

"I'm serious." He sits there and thinks about it.

"Because I guess that's the kiss that seals the deal, their first kiss as husband and wife. It's like the stamp on a letter. A final goodbye to their partner ship as boyfriend and girlfriend."

"But goodbyes are terrible." He nods in agreement.

"So then look at it as a new step into a new relationship. They closed that chapter, but they started a new one." I look into Hayes's eyes. They are so much more different than Carter's, they're light and remind me of the cool ocean. They sometimes change colors slightly. Like when he's angry they'll be a darker blue but when it's just us and we are talking like this they are a light crystal blue, not a cold soul piercing blue, but a soft welcoming blue.

"Hayes, we've only been dating for two months, and maybe to others that's a while, and some others might say that's not a lot. But I'm just going off a whim here, but Hayes, I think I'm in love with you." I watch in the darkness as Hayes's pupils dilate.

"Jodie, I've always been in love with you." Hayes kisses me slowly and I sigh against his lips.

"You should sleep, we've got a long show tomorrow." I nod and turn over, as I close my eyes and fall asleep. Hayes smiles against my neck and whisperers.

"I really do love you."


"So you kissed him and then left." Mel says clearly not understanding.

"Mel, I let him go, he told me he thinks he loves Deborah, I don't like her but if she makes him happy, Hayes and I love each other, I'm not stopping Carter from loving who he wants to love. I think you should do the same with Cameron." She turns and stares at me.

"excuse me? Uhm okay look, Taylor and I have been together a lot longer than you and Hayes, we've known our love longer, just because you exchange I love you's for the first time does not make you some love expert. Great you and carter settled your shit out, it's not me who's indecisive, it's Cameron, I can't make his mind up for him." I exhale and shrug.

"I'm just saying, I feel at peace with myself, and I'm sure, you will too if you do the same." Mel shakes her head laughing.

"Jodie, you're something else. I'm not having mixed feelings for Cameron, I know exactly how I feel for Taylor. " I raise my brow at her.

"Do I need to remind you about your 'dreams'?" She rolls her eyes.

"Okay look, that could mean anything, I haven't had sex in like a year or so and maybe my hormones are all crazy especially when Taylor brings it up." I smile.

"SO why don't you just, you know?" she closes the mascara and puts it away, walking past me she grabs her phone.

"I don't know honestly." She walks out of the room and I groan.

"You're so complex it hurts Mel."


"Carter I'm not going to a damn funeral, at all, like ew no thank you." I hear, the bitchy voice makes me stop in my tracks. I peer around the corner to see carter and Deborah.

"Please for me?" Deborah shakes her head.

"carter, I think we need some time apart anyways." carter throws his hands out in front of him.

"Seriously time apart. I love you and you want 'time apart'?" She looks at carter, her face not faltering.

"Yeah you heard me." Suddenly I feel someone next to me and I turn to see Nash and a few other guys.

"I can't watch this anymore." I say starting to turn the corner. Nash grabs my arm.

"Uh what are you doing?" I smile.

"I'm going to put a bitch in her place." Nash smiles and nods. I put a little swing in my step as I walk up to the couple. I come face to face with Deborah.

"Can I help you?" I smile.

"no but I can surely help you. Take a seat." I motion to the chairs. she rolls her eyes.

"I said take a fucking seat bitch." I say shoving her down into the chair. Her jaw locks.

"Good girl, now listen up. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but you surely think you can just treat carter like shit. Carter says he loves you and you don't even blink. I'll be damned if I watch my best friend waste his love on some ungrateful slut. So either you get your shit together and learn to respect him, or else." She licks her lips and grins.

"and what are you going to do if I don't?" I smile bigger.

"You like that pretty little nose of your don't you?" I gently tug on her nose ring, she flinches and smacks my hand away.

"So we strike a deal, you treat carter right, or you fucking leave him, he doesn't need dead weight like you dragging him down." I look up at him as I speak.

"he deserves someone who is caring and charismatic and is fun, who understands him and actually gives a shit about him. All of those you are not." She crosses her legs.

"I can't change who I am." I look at her and shrug.

"then I guess you don't belong with him."

"I can't help he acts like a fucking lost puppy." I laugh.

"Listen his father died, he's going through some serious shit, and if you truly were his girlfriend, you'd be right there by his side, holding him. You'd be there to calm him down when he gets angry, you'd clean up the broken pieces form the lamp he threw. You'd hand him a water bottle and some aspirin when he gets a headache. If you truly wanted to be with him, you'd be so much more. But from what I see, you're a piece of shit. I suggest you take your things and leave. carter doesn't need you." I step away from her allowing her to stand.

"Fine I fucking will."

"Oh and do me one more favor, make sure the guy you fuck always has a condom, god this world doesn't need anymore shitty people like you." She flicks me off and walks away. When she's gone I let all the air out of my lungs and I look up at carter. His eyes are wide and I can tell he doesn't know what to say. the rest of the group fills up the lobby, every ones faces mirroring carter's. Then, everyone cheers.

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