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My first instinct had been to run to jodie and tell her. But I couldn't. I had no idea where she ran off to, and I know we still had the party to attend.

I hide my emotions behind makeup and a sparkly dress. Jodie does the same. She wears this black body con dress and, is pressed against Hayes, a smile is on her face as she greets everyone.

"You do look fantastic." Taylor says playing with one of the curls right by my cheek. I smile.

"Is it the lace or the white?" I wear a white lace peplum dress and I know it doesnt reflect my mood, which is dark and my thoughts are all jumbled and frantic.

"No I think it is just everything." He kisses me and my eyes stay closed longer than they should. I let out a sigh and taylor tilts his head.

"hey whats up?" I smile and shake my head.

"nothing I just missed you." He chuckles and grabs my hand.

"May I have this dance?" he says bowing, I laugh, blusing.

"Of course." Taylor smiles and walks us to the dance floor. There his hand settles on my waist and we slow dance our way. I stare into taylors eyes. They aren't like the dark ones I was previously looking into. These aren't filled with sorrow and regret. These are filled with passion and true love. Taylor was there for me, he took me under his wing and just nurtered me back out of my funk. He never asked what happened, he never asked why. He just took care of me. I don't think I would have lived without him.

"Taylor, I want to say thank you." He smirks

"Why?" He laughs and I shrug.

"I don't think I've told you enough how thankful I am for you, and I don't think there is enough time in my life to say thank you as many times as I feel I need to." He presses his forehead against mine.

"Mel, you don't need to say thank you, you're thanking me, with this. Having you everyday, seeing you smile and laugh, and just free. That's how you are thanking me. I never want to let you go." His words are soft but so powerful.

"I think Jodie hates me." He makes a funny face and then laughs.

"I highly doubt that." I shrug.

"I hope she doesnt, I don't know what I'd do without her." He nods and then Nash's voice carries through the room.

"Can I have everyones attention?" Hayes laughs.

"I don't know nash can you?" nash hesitates from flicking him off and jodie tells him to hush.

"Now, I'd like to make a toast to our wonderful tour and where we are now. Let's dedicate this toast to the fans. without them, where the hell would we be?" Everyone cheers and the music changes to a more up beat tempo.

I walk away from taylor and grab Jodies wrist.

"Uhm hello?" She says as I shut the bathroom door behind us.

"we need to put our anger aside or whatever the hell is up, because-"

"I saw her." She interupts me.


"Deborah, she is totally just ew. She's got a nose ring and she's so just I don't even know." I grab the bridge of my nose.

"Jodie you have a nose piericing." She huffs and her hands are placed on her hips.

"I don't like her." I laugh.

"Of course you don't. Look, I will approach him and introduce myself, and learn about her." Jodie nods and smooths down her hair.

"Good luck, meet me back in here in ten minutes. tap your nose twice if you need more time." I nod and leave the bathroom. It reminds me of back when we were in high school. We always had code names and just eye language. we might as well work for the damn secret service.

I smile as I appraoch the couple. A dark haired girl with very dark makeup stands next to carter. Carter rolls his eyes and I sigh.

"So this is the lucky girl right?" I say and she nods. Carter bites his lip and I know he thinks I'm up to something, I mean I am.

"So how'd you guys meet, let's hear this love story." Deborah smiles and looks at carter.

"I'm going to get a drink." With that she leaves.

"Uh what was that?" I ask, pretty offended. Carter shrugs.

"She knows what went down." I face palm.

"Oh of course, gosh, how could I forget something I was so involved in. Man." He rolls his eyes and adjusts his snapback.

"Look I don't know why you are over here and I really don't want you intimidating my girlfriend." I laugh

"yes Carter because that's exactly what I came over here to do, despite the fact that I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love dearly. But I guess I could intimidate her. Even though you're like my brother." he sighs.

"I'm sorry Mel, I just these past weeks have been hard." I smile and pat his shoulder. "none of the guys talk to me except Matt. the funny part is, is that I was the one who got my face beat in, I didn't even throw the first punch." I hop up on the seat next to him.

"I know, and you're being an asshole about it. Do you really like Deborah?" he stands up and adjusts his hoodie.

"Of course I do, who the fuck do you think I am, if you think I'm with her to get back at Jodie, that's bullshit and I'd expect you to think higher of me." I shrug and carter walks away pissed at me. I look at my phone and see it's been longer than ten minutes.

Jodie pulls me into the bathroom.

"Where the fuck have you been damn. So?" I smile and turn to the mirror, fixing my hair.

"We are talking serious shade." She smiles.

"Who told you?" I shake my head.

"She didn't even talk to me, she walked away." my phone lights up, Taylor asking where I am.

"Look I'd love to stay and chat but Taylor needs me." she sighs.

"Can we talk about us." I text Taylor and tell him I'm in the bathroom healing with Jodie.

"I'm sorry, I'm just, I don't even know what wrong with me, and I just snapped." I smile and place my hand on her shoulder.

"Jodie I forgive you, everything you said was true. And look, I take you for granite." She smiles and holds her arms out. We hug and then I hesitate. Wondering if I should tell her. I chose not to.

When I walk back out into the party I search for Taylor and see him no where. Then suddenly arms wrap around me and Taylor's familiar build hold me.

"I was so bored without you." he says. I smile and he gives my lips a quick peck.

"I think we should ditch this party." I say and he smiles.

"The hotel has a jacuzzi." he says and I smirk.

"So tempting." I say drawing circles on his chest.

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