Oh god

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Mel's pov

It's been a long while and honestly I haven't done anything. I was there when Sierra gave birth in December. I held her daughter and it was the most magical thing I've ever experienced. It's February 14. the dreaded valentines day.

Cameron pulls me tighter into his chest and is press my lips softy on it. He smoothes my hair from my face, probably fixing my bed head.

"Hello to you." he says and I smile.

"And hello to you too."

"Do you know what day it is?" he asks and I frown.

"Yeah valentines day." Cameron smiles and crawls out of the bed, giving me a clear shot off his butt. I shake my head and close my eyes, not really caring about what he is doing.

"Sit up but keep your eyes closed." I grab the blankets and pile them around my bare chest. I feel him get on the bed. He moves my hair to the side and his fingers run across my collar bones. Something cold is laid against my neck. I open my eyes and look down. A perfect shiny new pearl necklace. I smile, Taylor never did anything like that for me. Cameron's lips press against my neck shortly before I turn around and kiss him.

"And in return, I'm taking you out." I say. Getting out of bed and walking to my closet.

"What do you mean?" he says following me, as he pulls sweats on.

"Well, you know your favorite restaurant, the one we went to for my birthday that one year?" he nods and leans against the wall as I look through my clothes.

"Well, I booked us reservations." Cameron smiles real big and walk out of the closet.

I quickly pull on a dress, that I grabbed off a random hanger, and slide it on. I smile as I write my next tweet.

"Kiss me like you did last night." I post it and saunter into the kitchen.

"What are you making me chef cam?" I ask bumping my hip into his as I stand beside him. Cameron smiles but doesn't look up from his phone.

"Well I was looking up things to make for breakfast, but then suddenly I got distracted by- wait did you say chef cam?" he turns to look at me. I just smile. His tongue runs over his lips and he pushes me against the counter. I smile when his lips press against mine.

Carter's pov

"We really don't have to do this." I say staring at Jodie. she waves me off.

"Carter she's alone on valentines day I haven't been there for her much." I but my lip nervously. There could be two things happening in her house right now. She's either in bed with cam, or making breakfast with cam. Whatever it is I know it has to do with cam, and I also know Jodie doesn't approve of cam.

"Jodie, how about I go in first as if it's just me and then you come in with the balloons and crap." I say and she nods oblivious to what I really am hiding. I unlock the door with the spare key. Sure enough when I walk in cam is kissing Mel against the counter, it doest faze me a bit. Cameron automatically jumps away from Mel.

"Jodie is outside feeling bad that you're alone on valentines day." Mel hops down from the counter and fixes her hair. she's clearly flustered and embarrassed.

"Well I don't know what you want me to do." Cameron says. Mel frowns and turns to him.

"You have to hide." Cameron sighs and I can tell he doesn't want to but he will do it for Mel. Just as Cameron starts to walk away Jodie runs in screaming.

"Happy valentines day Mel!" Her smile falls and she drops the basket that her hands held.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Cameron doesn't look to her when she speaks to him.

"I asked you a question." He does look at her finally.

"And I'm not entitled to answer it, I have just as much right to be here." She scowls at him. I hold my hand up to stop Jodie but she ignores me.

"When was the last time you talked to Taylor?" She asks placing her hands on her hips. Mel plays with her fingers.

"Yesterday morning." Cameron's eyes go wide.

"You told me you hadn't talked to him in a month."

"I facetimed him, he's coming to visit soon." She says quietly. Cameron laughs and I can just feel the air shift.

"Are you fucking serious, Mel, what where you going to do with me? Kick me out, send me away while he was here? Throw my clothes in a suitcase and store them away while Taylor was visiting, but then the minute he left you'd drag me back? I'm sick of being your teddy bear! You throw me around, I used to think that as long as I was with you I was fine, but that's bullshit. You have yet to say if you're going to end things with Taylor, you keep me here on a string, for what? Mel you're supposed to get married to Taylor and when that happens and he leaves again, I'll be damned if I step foot into your house. I love you so much and you're abusing that." Mel's strong demeanor has dissappered and she look at deumbfounded.

"Cameron I-" Cameron shakes his hand at her.

"No you know what, I don't want to hear it, nothing you could say could change my mind, I fucking protected you, I was there for you, and you just, you're taking advantage of me." She scoffs and I can tell she's getting angry. Jodie slowly moves over to me and suggests we leave.

"What the hell do you mean 'protected me.' Bullshit because if I remember correctly, you told me to leave, you're the one to always come back to me, I don't drag you back, but if it's such a tough thing then maybe you should stop and leave me alone."

"I can't leave you alone that the problem, I hid the fact the Taylor was three rows behind us sitting with this blonde, his hand was on her knee and if you asked me and I didn't know better, they sure as hell looked like couple. But I know what you look like when you're heartbroken, and I didn't want to see it again." I watch as Mel watches cam with disbelief.

"Then why are you telling me now? You break my heart everyday. I think you've gotten too focused on spotting things that Taylor does wrong, Taylor is perfect, he's sweet and he loves me, he'd never break my heart. I think you're right, I do need to makeup my mind, and I have finally made my decision, you're a selfish man and I don't want to spend the rest of my life with someone who is selfish." My eyes go wide and Jodie lets out a quiet holy fuck.

"You know what, when he does break your heart, I don't want to fucking hear about it, because I'm fucking selfish, so I hate to hear about others problems." Mel walks to the door.

"Fine don't let the door hit you on the way out." Cameron glares at her and he stiffly walks out. Jodie makes a quick exit but I sit on the couch in the living room. Shortly Mel sits next to me. We sit in silence. I turn to look at her and her dark eyes meet mine.

"Oh god." Is all she says before she breaks down into tears

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