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I take in the surroundings. I can run straight or go left. Left has a few barrels but straight is nothing, but it leads to the perfect place to snipe. I take in a deep breath as I decide. I slowly make my way to go straight another takes the risk. within seconds, the blue paint from my gun splatters against her back.

"Goddammit." Jodie said throwing her paintball gun on the ground. She rushes off to the bench. I check my surroundings and take in a deep breath. I hear a shot fired as I begin my journey straight, The distraction on the other side had allowed for me to make a straight beeline to safety. Where I stood the sun wasn't in my eyes and I could practically see the whole area. It was a perfect place and I didnt want to lose this round.

A body ran and I shot, my blue paint splattering against the back of someone followed shortly by red paint, mixing on the poor persons back, purple.

"Twice seriously!" The person screamed and I knew it was taylor, I don't know who else was out but I had gotten at least four people out.

I decided when the announcer announced two players left, to change positions. Thats when cameron and I stood at gun point."Go ahead." I said he shook his head.

"no you shoot me." I looked at him and pulled the trigger.

"And we have a winner." I walked over to a rainbow colored taylor. we'd spent all day playing paintball and I knew I'd have bruises tomorrow.

"maybe it's just not your game babe." I said kissing taylor, he huffed.

"You and Cameron though, Y'all are good." I smiled and watched as Jodie walked up to carter. Her black clothes looking extra dark next to his white.

"Carter reynolds, explain to me as to why you decided to wear all white to a day full of paintball matches?" He flipped me off whilst laughing. Taylor was too tired to say anything. Jodie high-fived carter but then Hayes grabbed her left hand, pulling her gently back to him. I smiled and nudged Taylor.

"Hey look at them." Taylor turned around and spotted the two flirting.

"What am I looking at?" he said still pouting. I wrapped my arms around his torso as we walked.

"I love you babe." he said sighing and finally smiling

"Aye guys we've got an event tomorrow." nash said running up, his eyes glued to his phone.

"That's why we are here nash." Aaron said laughing. these goofballs. They made me smile no matter what mood I was in.


Jodie's pov

"Hayes Grier, I am not a loser." I said firmly. He crossed his arms.

"Oh really then chose something to beat me in." I sighed and tied my blonde hair up.

"Fine beach volleyball, my team verses yours." he smiled and shook my hand. Hayes was so competitive and it just made me like him even more.

"Okay and if you lose this you have to go to dinner with me." Hayes said running his tongue over his teeth. I thought about it.

"What if I win." Hayes tapped his chin.

"Then I will take you out to dinner." I laughed.

"So either way I have to go to dinner with you." Hayes shook his head.

"Yeah pretty much, I'll see you on the beach in 10." He winked as he left me in the room alone. I bit my tongue, waiting for carter to burst into my room. But he didn't. I moved to my suitcase and got out my bikini.

The lovely simplicity of a plain white bikini made me happy. It made my skin look tan and fit me perfectly.

Ten minutes later, I stood on the left side of the net, choosing from our group of people, fans stood all around.

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