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Taylor walked up the stage, my teal shirt looked fabulous on him, my name in graffiti font across the front. Of course I was wearing his merch. It was just a deal we had. Everyday we all would wear each others shirts or hats. Everyone except Jodie. She liked her own shirts and that's what the fans loved about her. Her selfishness and sassy self. we each had a quality about ourselves and alone we were good, but put us all together we had this crazy chemistry that just felt right.

Nash walked up on the stage after Taylor and looked out into the crowd. it was silent as we all stood up there, the lights were bright and a few screams rang out every so often.

"HELLOO SAN DIEGO!" Nash screamed. the crowed erupted in screams.

"So this is the start of our awesome summer tour, and what Better place to kick it off in than San Diego." The crowd cheered and the mic was passed down, each of us reintroducing ourselves.

"I'm Mel c-" Taylor interrupted.

"Mel caniff." Matt smaked Taylor and Taylor laughed the crowd screamed again.

"Cooper, everyone, cooper." Jodie smirked and grabbed the mic.

"Jodie Williams, better known by y'all as Jo Jo." Hayes shook his head.

"Since when?" Hayes asked, carter stepped up.

"Forever, some of us have been here since the start." Jodie's eyes went wide, panic seeping through her façade.

"Okay Dillion you're up."

"Nothing like a good show with a little friendly competition right boys?" Nash said slowly.


Cameron's pov

"Never doing another." Jodie said rubbing her stomach and yawning.

"Holy shit that was fun why did we ever stop?" Mel said grinning ear to ear. Her dark eyes shinning.

"Well we have another tomorrow."

" 'Jo Jo' shut the hell up!" Hayes said teasing Jodie, adding air quotes around her new nick name. Jodie scowled at Hayes.

"Aye you shut up, don't be mad you can't think of a nickname." carter said eyeing Hayes. Jodie rolled her eyes.

"Oh I can come up with some pretty good nicknames." Hayes said smiling and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do enlighten me." she said laughing at him, I watched as her and him walked off, carter just watched. Mel walked up to Taylor and sighed in his arms. Our eyes briefly met before I looked away shamefully. I don't understand the chemistry happening between Hayes and Jodie and carter.

"Nash, what is up with Jodie and Hayes." Nash looked up from his phone.

"Seriously cam? does it matter?" I nodded and sat down at the chair in front of him.

"Yeah it does." Nash sighed.

"Honestly I'm not sure, they went on a date the other night. I think they might be romantically interested. I don't know." he said laughing.

"But why now?" Nash shrugged.

"Hayes is head over heels for that girl, you know it I know it, everyone knows it. Jodie told him that she just only saw him as a friend. Maybe now she's changed, Hayes is older. Now the carter situation, I have no honest idea."

"Changed?" Nash groaned.

"Cameron if this is about-"

"No! it's not!" I said standing up pulling at my hair. "I mean I'm just curious." He nodded and smiled.

"Man you're tired of being single aren't you." I looked around the room. My eyes meeting with Mel's. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'll be forever single though."

"Nahh, man you're Cameron Dallas, c'mon bro you could get all the ladies." I frowned and shrugged.

"But I only want one." I hesitate from looking at Mel one more time.

"And who is that?" I don't answer his question, I just walk away and go meet some fans outside.

It was my fault. I was stupid to have said what I said. To just push her away, but honestly I was scared. I look back now, hell less than hours after she left I looked back and regretted it all. But it was too late. Now she's gone forever, but she's not. I get to see her beautiful face everyday, I get to see her charming smile and hear her silly laugh. But I'm not the cause of them. I sit in the back watching as she moves forward in life, it's all my fault too. There's no one to blame but I, and I curse at myself everyday for that.

Maybe someday I'll get her back. Maybe she will finally accept my apology. I don't think it will be soon but, it might be. life is crazy, it's a roller coaster and I'm prepared for whatever it throws at me.


I'm pretty sure this is a super short chapter but I just want to say, my room I completely unpacked and set up. I think we just got wifi so yayyy. I will e writing more and more since it's summer and I'm not moving anymore. I'm going to be busy again the next couple days bc I'm going back to Disney, so yay... enjoy the bad update ~bee

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