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I walk out to the patio.

"Sorry I was gone for so long, I just wanted to look through the house." my mom smiles and I sit next to Taylor on the porch swing.

"So what are you guys making for dinner?" I ask and my mom rolls her eyes.

"Something's never change." I laugh and then my mom smiles at taylor.

"So tell us, how did you two meet?" Taylor looks at me and I nod.

"Well she was sitting all alone at this table in a cafe and she just looked a bit down. So I walked over to her and sat by her. And from that moment on, we just started to talk even more and then one day I just asked her out." I smile through my thoughts. Cameron said he had been there, if he had walked up to me instead of Taylor. Would this all be different?

"So how Long have you two been engaged?" my dad asks.

"Just a little over a month." my mom nods and my dad gets up and starts the grill. My mom passes out some drinks and I graciously take one.

"So what ever happened with you and Cameron?" I choke on my tea.

"Cameron?" Taylor asks sitting up straight.

"She's talking about one of my friends from here, Cameron hunter. She's talking about him." Taylor looks at me and I know he's wondering if he should believe me.

"No no, it wasn't him, Mike who was it-" I glare at me mom and she ignores my pleas of her to shut up.

"Dallas that's who Cameron Dallas, you two were two peas in a pod what happened."

"You and Cameron?" Taylor says looking at me. I look into his eyes trying to figure out what he's thinking.

"Excuse us for a minute." Taylor says grabbing my hand and pulling us into the house.

"Thanks mom." I mouth at her and she looks at my dad.

Taylor pulls us into my room and shuts the door.

"You dated Cameron?" I stare at the floor.

"Yeah." Taylor'a jaw drops.

"Why did you never tell me." I give him a sheepish smile.

"You never asked." he shakes his head.

"How Long were you two dating?" I bite my lip.

"Two and a half years I think." his eyes go wide.

"Taylor I don't understand why this is a big deal?" he looks at me like I'm an idiot.

"Mel, was he the reason you were like that when I met you."

"Yeah I guess you could say so, but babe, you don't need to make a big deal about it. Look it's nothing to dwell on." I say placing my hands on his chest. He places his hands on my hips.

"Look Mel, I'm just a little surprised that you dated one of my good friends for two and a half years, and you never once told me about it."

"I wanted to pretend it never happened. Why do you think I never wore his merch." he shrugs.

"You did too, the fans saw you guys at Disney and took pictures, you were wearing his merch that day." I sigh and rest my head on his chest.

"I spilt syrup on my shirt and I had no other option." he shakes his head at me and kisses my forehead.

"Look is there anything else I should know about?" I shake my head.

Yeah, I also slept with him the night and the night before that and that actually was his shirt that I was wearing. Oh and I may or may not still have feelings for him.

"Nope, not that I can think of? Now what about you? You and Jodie got history?" he laughs and shakes his head.

"No, I don't think she even likes me." I shrug and we walk out of the room.

"Hey, by the way, we take better pictures." Taylor says tapping a picture as we walk by. I look at the picture and feel my face redden. A picture of Cameron and I. one of our first couple photo shoots with Bryant. They are hot photos I will admit. I doubt Taylor and I would take better pictures, but I don't dare say that.

"Mom can you explain why you still have pictures of him and I up?" my mom blushes.

"Well, we figured you two were going to last forever, Cameron is such a good man." I laugh.

"Well it'd be best you took them down because clearly I'm getting married to Taylor." my mom sighs and looks to my dad.

"I suppose you are right. It just isn't appropriate." Taylor chuckles and I wonder if he is truly okay or if he wants to know more. I mean he knows, that we dated. But why do I have this weird feeling that he isn't as calm as he seems.


"So you two got a puppy?" my brother asks sitting down on the sofa across from the one we currently rest on. I smile.

"Yeah Taylor got it, I had been beggin for one and now we've got one." Taylor clicks his tongue and shakes his tongue.

"Got you spoiled, soon she'll want a kid." my brothers eyebrows raise and I shake my head at him.

I can't have kids so you don't have to worry about that.

Is what I want to say. I keep my mouth shut and hope my mother doesn't bring that up either.

"Yeah I guess I am pretty spoiled." He smiles and he takes my left hand, inspecting the ring.

"So are you guys getting married soon?" my dad says sitting down on the couch.

"Well I mean we don't really have a date yet, but we know we want it when it's warm." Taylor nods agreeing with me.

"Hawaii is nice." he says and I raise a brow.

"Hawaii really?" he shrugs.

"Maybe I could finally teach you to surf." We all laugh.

"That'd be a miracle if that klutz learns to surf." I nod. Miracles are always nice. Maybe, Taylor and I will have, miracle child. Or maybe we'll just end up with a few more dogs.

Cameron and I had never discussed kids. He knew it was a touchy subject for me and so we never brought it up. We'd talked about marriage a lot. I thought he was about to propose, but I think he got scared. We all get scared. We do rash things when we get scared. We also sometimes curl up or walk away from the situation. I tend to do the wrong thing often. I think my conscious is trying to tell me, that I didn't sleep with Cameron because I wanted to, but I did because of stress and anxiety.

But I don't believe that for one second.

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