You want

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Mel's pov

I splash the water gently onto my face and reach for the wash cloth. Zeus sits at the door watching me with curiosity.

"He give me you and then leaves, leaving me to train you and clean up after you." I huff and snap for him to follow me outside.

I stand awkwardly behind Cameron, his mother engulfing him into a huge hug. Cameron turns and smiles brilliantly at me.

"Mom this is Melanie, Melanie this is my mom." she smiles at me and surprises me by hugging me as well.

"Cameron always talks so highly of you. You make him happier than he's ever been." she tells me as Cameron rolls his eyes.

"Well I'm going to show her around okay?" his mom nods and he shows me all over his house and his room.

"It's clean, why can't you keep our room clean like this." I tease him and he laughs.

"I haven't been here in a while so it's stayed clean." I wrap my arms around his torso and sigh.

"If I has lived here and grown up with you, do you think we would've dated." he looks down at me and licks his lips.

"Well depending on how you looked with braces." he laughs and I playfully push him. Then his face goes serious.

"Naw, you would've never even looked at me, I was a bit of a loser." I smile and let my hands go up his shirt, resting my palms on his bare chest.

"But you would've been my loser. I love you for you, not for your looks, I mean they are a bonus." he smiles and kisses me. ,

"I wish you had come into my life sooner." I laugh and take his hand, taking us out of his room.

"Why are we leaving." he whines and he stops us. I keep pushing him down the hallway.

"Because I know what happens when you and I are alone in a room." Cameron smirks and bites his bottom lip.

"You're seducing me, stop. It's dangerous." I smile back at him. Then his mom walks in smiling at us.

"Okay guys so I started making dinner." I watch Cameron sigh with frustration and run his had through his hair. He turns to look at me.

"This isn't over baby." he whispers in my ear, causing my knees to go weak.

"You son bullies me!" I shout running away from Cameron. He smiles and runs after me.

The sound of thunder awakes me and I realize I'm sitting on the back patio. Zeus is asleep in the grass. I yawn and clap to wake him up. He looks up at me and I can't help but smile as he jumps to his feet. I grab my phone in my pocket and call carter.

"I think I know what I'm going to do." I hear a groan from the other end of the line and then Carter's voice comes through.

"And that is?"

"I'm going to go talk to his sister, we were really close. She was like the sister I never had." carter groans.

"Mel I hate you sometimes." I stay quiet, not knowing whether to laugh or feel bad.

"If you think that's the right thing, and that it's going to help you. Then you go ahead." I smile against the phone.

"You really like jenny?" I can just see Carter's smile.

"Yeah I do, she's a nice girl." I smile and tell him goodnight even though he tells me it's morning.


I stir my coffee slowly.

"You hate coffee." Sierra says sitting down next to me. I shrug.

"And you told me you didn't want kids." I say and she laughs. She gently rubs her hand up and over her rounded stomach.

"Yeah well I blame my husband." I laugh and sigh.

"So what's up." she says smiling softy at me.

"I need your advice." she nods and waves for me to continue on. I tell her all about Cameron and I's rendevou at Disney. I tell her all about how I can't stop thinking about him.

When I'm finally done, I'm out of breath and though I feel a little light headed, I feel relived.

"You love him." she says simply. "You should see you face. When you talk of Cameron, you just smile with your eyes, it's like no one is in the room and it's just you talking about him. When you talk about Taylor, it's a a painted smile. Forced. Mel, don't get married to this Taylor kid if you don't feel 100 percent." I chew on the inside of my cheek.

"Sierra, marriage is such a big commitment, Cameron understood how I felt. But when Taylor proposed, everyone was there. I couldn't say no." she places her hand on mine.

"What Cameron did was wrong, and if you hadn't had left him and just broken his heart, I would've beaten him up, but I didn't have to. You did that for me. If you and Taylor have a really strong relationship, you'll ride this out. I want you back with Cameron, because you better him. But just because I want something or Jodie wants or carter wants, doesn't mean you need to follow them. It's all about what you want." I sigh and soak up her words.

"I'm glad you don't hate me." she laughs.

"Mel that's stupid, you're a great person, you're human. Everyone makes mistakes. Now if you were dating Cameron and you cheated on him with Taylor, that'd be and issue." I shake my head

"I fucking love him and I hate it." I sigh and cover my face.

"Mel, I know Cameron kind if ruined it for you, but I won't, would you like to go baby clothes shopping with me?" she asks hesitantly. I sit up and smile at her.

"Of course. I'd love too."


As I walk into the library where our book club meets, I feel relieved. I don't feel the dread when I sit down in my chair. I think the groups notices.

"So everyone read I presume." everyone nods.

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