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"No it's not a going away party, I will not allow it. Think of it more as a celebrating our engagement and the celebration of you getting a lead role." Taylor smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"If you say so babe." I roll my eyes and watch as Jodie an Hayes walk onto the patio, joining us.

Jodie's pov

"So Hayes here is going out for this football team." Mel asks, clearly not understanding what we are talking about. we all sit around the bonfire. Nash comes and passes out beers. He stops at Hayes.

"Haha, nope." and keeps walking Hayes rolls his eyes and I rub his arm.

"It's okay babe, it's not that good anyways." Hayes looks at me and raises an eyebrow.

"Really." I huff at him and and pout.

"Don't pull that here." I whisper into his ear. He smiles at me.

"We could always go somewhere else." he whispers back and I smile.

"Mhm, sounds like a plan." Hayes runs his tongue over his teeth, the coughing makes us both look up.

"Care to share what you two are whispering about?" Hayes smiles but doesn't say anything. I don't know what Mel plans to do while Taylor is away. I think she mentioned something about a book club. Seems pretty boring if you ask me, but whatever makes her happy. I also don't know what she's going to do about the Cameron situation. I think now that she's engaged nothings going to happen. Everything is done. and maybe finally there will be some peace between the two. I'm glad Hayes and I talked it out about the carter situation. Though it was just a month ago I still feel bad about what Happened. It still pulls at my mind. I wonder if carter thinks about it too.

Taylor has constantly been staring at Cameron. Not long stares, but shuttle glares. He looks like he's ready to kill Cameron any minute.

"Yeah I'll be working with a lot of famous actors and actresses." Taylor brags lightly.

"Tell 'em who your co-star is." Mel says nudging him. Taylor blushes a litte.

"Dakota fanning. I mean she is freaking hot. I wouldn't have gotten that role if it wasn't for Dakota. " Taylor says laughing.

"Really? you're gonna say that?" Cameron says and mel stares at Cameron with wide eyes. I sit back in my chair and look at taylor. I rub my hands quickly together and smile. This is gonna be good.

"Say what?" Taylor asks sitting up and resting his elbows on his knees.

"Your fiancé is right there and you're talking about how hot your co-star is, you're going to be gone a whole long time, with this women and other crew members. And you think she's 'freaking hot' it's fucking disrespectful." Mel looks at me and I can tell she wants to crawl into a hole.

"Other people also need to lay off the alcohol." Hayes whispers and I let out a short laugh. Oh it's not just the alcohol Hayes, Taylor knows something.

"Dude, don't tell me what's disrespectful okay. At least I know how to fucking treat a girl." Cameron laughs.

"Really, and calling another girl fucking hot in front of the one you're going to marry is how you treat a girl." You can just see the anger boil inside Taylor. Mel stands up.

"I really don't wanna deal with this okay." She walks away and Cameron gets up just as Taylor does.

"Bro I don't know what you're doing?" Taylor says laughing a Cameron's advance towards Mel.

"I don't know what you're doing either?" he challenges back.

"I'm going after MY fiancé. I didn't break her heart. You did." with that Taylor runs off into the house. Cameron stands there, his shoulders slump and he runs his hand through his hair.

"He's fucking right." I hear him mumble, then he walks off. Nash coughs and stands up.

"Well guys it's a nice night isn't it, I mean those stars, so many right?" I bite my lips and stand up.

"I'm gonna go, check on them." I say and Hayes nods. instead of going after Mel and Taylor, I go to cam. I know Taylor can handle Mel and she can handle him.

"What the hell was that?" I ask when I near him. He's stands leaning against his car. He sighs and laughs.

"Mel send you out here?" I cross my arms.

"No I sent myself out here. Why are you defending her like that?" he bites his lip and shrugs.

"I love her of course I'm gunna defend her, I don't know. Ugh. I just kinda snapped I guess."

"Cameron, I'm glad you love her that great, but I'm not gunna let you fuck up her relationship with Taylor." Cameron scrunches his nose up.

"That's the last thing I want, I want the best for Mel."

"If you want the best for her, you'll leave her alone. When you're around her, you sit here and like cast a spell on her and make her forget taylor. She starts having second thoughts and you just mess her up mentally. So stop as leave her be."

"Fine I'll go, I won't bother her, if I'm hurting her I'll leave." Cameron throws his arms up and gets in his car, slamming the door. I sigh and watch him drive off.

He needed to know that he wasn't helping Mel, he's only making the situation worse. If he leaves, soon enough Mel will forget about him and I don't have to worry about her making a dumb mistake.


Okay carter and Jodie are not on the same page, carter thinks Mel should be with Cameron. While Jodie wants Cameron as far away as possible.


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