I think

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"Wow, Nash actually kept the dog alive." I say stepping into the house. Nash rolls his eyes and I throw my purse on the counter. Taylor steps around me as I lean down and pet Zeus.


"So, my manager called." Taylor announces walking into the living room.

"You remember that role I auditioned for back in February?" I nod and set my phone down.

"Well I got the part." I smile and jump up off the couch throwing my arms around him.

"I'm so happy for you!" he laughs but doesn't cheer along with me.

"Wait what's wrong?" he sighs.

"It's great, it really is a great offer, but the problem is, is that we are going to have to fly all over to do scenes and it's crazy." I let my arms fall.

"Oh I see, so you're going away." he sighs and kisses my forehead.

"Only for a bit, only a small handful of months. And look by the time I'm done with filming, spring will be around the corner and then our magical wedding will happen." he says taking my hands and adjusts them like we are going to ballroom dance.

"I'm happy for you, I'm going to miss you, but I'm happy for you. When do you start filming?" he looks at his calendar on his phone.

"They want me ready to fly out to London on the 18th."

"Taylor, it's the 15th." his eyes go wide.

"Holy shit seriously" I nod. He sighs.

"Think about the positives." I say, he shakes his head.

"I'm going to fly you out to where I am every so often." I smile and Taylor presses his forehead against mine.

"I'm going to miss kissing you, and hugging you." he tenderly kisses my lips, slowly pulling on them.

"I'm gunna miss fucking you." he picks me up and wraps my legs around him.

Cameron sets his cup down.

"I swear I asked for sweet tea, not tea flavored water." I smile and the waiter comes back. He looks at my almost empty coke and then at Cameron's full glass.

"Is there something wrong with your drink?" Cameron smiles at me and then looks up to the waiter.

"I mean not really besides the fact that it isn't tea." the waiter stands up straight and I cover my mouth to suppress my giggles.

"Taste it, I'm serious." cam holds the glass up to the waiter. He takes the straw out and places it on his napkin. The waiter looks at him suspiciously and takes the glass.

"I will get you a fresh sweet tea, that is properly sweetened, we also have sugar available for your disposal." he walks away and I uncover my mouth. My laughter finally freed.

"Properly sweetened." Cameron says mocking the waiter with a bad British accent. "Available for your disposal."

"You know what his problem is." I say in a hushed tone. Cameron shrugs his shoulders and leans down to hear me.

"He probably made the tea." Cameron bursts out laughing.

"He probably hates sugar." Cameron says laughing. I laugh along. The waiter comes back and sets Cameron's tea down. Cameron's tastes it and smiles at the waiter.

"Ahh that's some sweet tea." the waiter smiles and walks away.

"Whoa wait, was that-"

"A smile, Cameron you got him to smile, people give this man right here an award." Cameron sticks his head back showing off a couple rows of chins. He waves off an imaginative crowd.

"No but seriously, I don't need an award." I tilt my head and wait for him to continue. He grabs my hand.

"I've got you Mel, you're all I'll ever need."

I throw the covers off of me and reach around for my shorts.

I throw a hoodie over my sports bra and walk out of the house. Zeus tight on his leash. I could call Jodie, but she might be sleeping. I could also call carter.


I knock on Carter's door and wait for him to answer. He Opens the door mid yawn.

"Hello? Mel what the hell are you doing here?" I walk Zeus and I into his house.

"What time is it?" I ask sitting on his couch.

"It's two in the morning." he walks into his kitchen and grabs a water.

"Want one?" I nod and he throws me one.

"I have a problem." I say suddenly and he sits down in the chair across from me. He scoffs and nods.

"Mel we all got problems."

"No I truly mean it." he sighs and sits up straight.

"Okay what's the deal?" I take in a deep breath and close my eyes.

"I am constantly thinking about Cameron." carter laughs hysterically.

"Wait so you mean to tell me, you wake up and walk you and your dog over to my house at two in the morning to tell me you think about Cameron." I pout.

"Okay maybe when you say it like that it sounds really dumb. But look, I'm getting married to Taylor. But I can't stop thinking about Cameron. How we used to be, what it was like. Every time I do something with Taylor, it sparks this flashback of a memory with Cameron." carter rubs his eyes and stares at me.

"Wait so when you and Taylor do the deed. You're thinking about Cameron." I stay quiet.

"Holy shit Mel you can't do that!"

"I know!" I shout frantically. Carter stays silent and I can tell he's thinking.

"Mel, I'm going to say this and have this talk with you once." I nod and pick up zeus, setting him in my lap.

"You and Cameron, you guys were fucking perfect. You were truly meant for each other. He was probably going to propose after his movie was done. You two would've gotten married, it would have been perfe-"

"Carter I don't want to hear this, it isn't helping." he holds up his index finger.

"But, you didn't let me get to the but yet, you and Taylor, you make Taylor happier than cars and that's a lot. Taylor is just, I've known Taylor a long time, before you, he was immature, loud and did the stupidest things. You matured him so much it's unbelievable."

"But carter, it's making one of us happy, I'm not happy." it spills out of my mouth, for the first time. Carter's eyes go wide and I'm sure his face mirrors mine.

"Holy shit. I knew it, I didn't think you'd admit it." I rub my eyes hoping that I don't cry. carter throws a box of tissues at me.

"Look Mel, as your best friend and practically your brother. I don't want you to make such a big commitment and not be happy about it." I wipe my eyes and look at him.

"So you want me to go back to Cameron." he puts his hands up.

"Whoa whoa now now, I didn't say that. I don't want you to be with Taylor if you're not happy."

"But when I'm with him I'm happy, I laugh and smile." carter sighs.

"Mel I think you're forcing it. I think you're afraid of reality. You're still in love with Cameron. You've told your self you're happy with Taylor, you've lied so much you're starting to believe it."

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