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Mel's pov

I lay in bed, my hands pressed against my stomach. I feel horrible. Taylor sits worried next to me.

"It's okay baby, you're strong." I close my eyes and sigh. Everyone thinks it's just a stomach bug, but carter knows that this stomach thing is going to last for the next seven months.

"Well I guess this puts off wedding planning." he says standing up, I huff.

"Don't sound so glum." I say Taylor shakes his eyes but smiles at me.

"I'm not being anything, I just want you to get better." he places a kiss on my forehead then says he's going out for a bit. I just nod and close my eyes. My phone chimes, carter asking if I'm home alone.


"Wow you look hot." carter teases me when he walks into my room. I flip him off and groan as I roll over to face him.

"I'm fine you know I just don't feel so hot." carter let's out a short laugh.

"Yeah you don't look it either."

"Carter!" I laugh and he smiles at me. He stares at the ground for a bit and then sighs.

"You going to tell Cameron ever?" I close my eyes and shake my head.

"I don't know when I'm supposed to, I mean the minute I tell Cameron he'll be gone in a second. Well maybe that's what I want, for him to leave." carter stands up suddenly.

"No no that's not what you want!" he almost shouts. I'm taken aback at his sudden movements.

"Whoa okay okay calm down carter." he sits back down and gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Sorry I just think you should be with Cameron."

"I'm with Taylor and that's final." carter bites his lip.

"And that's great it just...."

"It just what carter?" carter shrugs.

"I dunno haha." I roll my eyes and lay completely on my back. carter needs to spill what he's hiding because it's driving me crazy.

"You're going to have to tell me sometime." I say as he stands up and leaves. He looks at me sullenly.

"You're going to have to tell him sometime." then he leaves.


My morning sickness finally slows down, allowing me to finally get up and move around. I'm actually going to Jodie's place to say good bye to her. I'm truly going to miss her. We've been a crew forever and now we are splitting up.

"Jodie I know this is bad timing, but only carter knows right now." I say pulling Jodie aside into her kitchen. She looks at me suspiciously.

"Don't freak okay?" she sighs and crosses her arms.

"I'm pregnant." Her eyes go wide and then she exclaims with excitement.

"Shhh, nobody knows." She calms down and then looks at me with confusion.

"Wait why? how far along are you?" I sigh, this is the part she isn't going to like.

"I'm nearing three months." she sits there and doesn't understand. then she does the math. her jaw falls and she shakes her head.

"No fucking way!" she whispers and I nod.

"Mel, you've gotten yourself into some serious shit." I rub the bridge of my nose.

"I know, I know." Jodie starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?" she sighs

"Mel, I love you to death truly. But there is a point when I'm going to draw a line. It's my turn to be selfish, Hayes and I have this brilliantly bright future ahead of us, and honestly I don't have time or your drama. Congratulations, really. At least you are going to have a kid, but I don't want your baby daddy drama in my life." she shakes her head and walks away. I can't help but feel a stabbing feeling in my heart. I grab my purse and leave without a goodbye.


I sit in my car in the parking lot at mcdonalds, eating French fries. Suddenly a knock rings out. I look to my right to see a girl with bright blonde hair and bright blue eyes to match. I roll down the window.

"Can I help you?" she smiles, it's a chilling smile that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Yes you can, I know you're Mel right?" I nod and set down my food.

"I'm here to tell you that... you need to stay the fuck away from Taylor." I sit up straight and look at her like she's insane, because she is.

"Excuse me."

"He's never loved you, he only dated you because he felt bad for your sorry ass. But now this little thing has become a big thing, he's not marrying you. He'll be marrying me, so you can kiss your little princess wedding goodbye. He was too kind to tell you, but mi not. So get the fuck away from Taylor, and bye the way, when he was in the 'hospital' he got checked out two day early, by me. I was here first, always have and always will be. You are nothing compared to me, he said so himself."

With that the flips her blonde hair and struts away. That's the Dakota girl. that's his co star, the one he went to the vmas with. Then it all makes sense. I close my eyes and lean my head against the steering wheel. I'm alone truly.

Taylor doesn't really love me. I pushed Jodie away, carter has been weird lately and I told Cameron to leave.

Everyone close to me is gone, and the only person to blame is me.


Carter walks in the door and I attack him. I break down in tears as he stands stiffly in my arms.

"Mel is this going to become a normal thing because you know I don't do hugs." I step away and nod. He hands me the box of tissues.

"So uhm what's wrong?" I sigh and set my hands in my lap.

"Every fucking thing, anything we thought too crazy to happen, is happening."

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