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His lips pressed hard against mine while my fingers intertwine with the hair on his head. He tilts my head ever so slightly to the side and begins to slowly kiss my neck. One hand finds the hem of my underwear, my eyes screw shut as pleasure runs through my body. my legs are spread as he positions himself between them. my hips raise and meet his and our bodies slowly grind against each other. He moans, though it's real quiet, it causes every nerve in my body to explode.

It feels so good, My hands run up his back. "Mel." he moans my name now and I know exactly how he feels. The euphoria between us both is intense as ready as both our bodies are. then there is a knock on the door. We don't stop, we slow down, but not to a stop.

"I love you." he moans in my ear. "I love you too." I moan back as I feel him gently thrust into me. But instead of being blinded by pleasure I'm a bit more aware of my surroundings. I'm not in my hotel room, I'm in another. My eyes close yet again when he finds my g-spot. It's so confusing because I've never slept with Taylor, so him automatically finding it is surprising.

"God I love you." he whispers in my ear and after I say it again, I realize maybe it's not Taylor. For some reason I don't care, our bodies work faster and for some reason, my hips knew exactly how to move making a loud moan escape his lips. I pressed my lips against his and it causes me just to melt. Both my hands were in his hair, and that's when I realize it isn't Taylor at all. My lips form the words before my mind can.

"Cameron." it comes out as a hushed moan. I can feel both our bodies collapse as we both finish.

"Mhm?" he says rolling off of me and next to me, placing a kiss on my forehead. My eyes go wide as his arm wraps around me. I'm completely undressed spooning up to Cameron. We just had sex.

Then there is another knock on the door.

"Babe just go to sleep it's nothing." his words calm me though my body listened to his words and sunk down next to him.

The door bursts open just as I close my eyes and Cameron rests his chin on my head.

"What the fuck is this!" The familiar voice of Taylor screams.

I sit up drenched in sweat. I rub my eyes and look around my room. I'm in my hotel room, I am not naked and Cameron is not snuggled up next to me. It was a dream.

I throw of the covers and tiptoe across the hallway to Taylor's room. I softly knock on the door.

A very adorable half asleep taylor answers the door.

"Babe?" he says noticing my demeanor. He pulls me into his arms and rests his head on my chin.

"Bad dream?" I nod and he lifts me up, shutting the door behind us with his foot.

"Taylor I love you, you know that right?" I say fiddling with a loose string at the hem of the bed. The heat between my thighs killing me. Stupid ass dreams. Taylor grabs my hip and pulls me into his chest.

"Of course I do, now let me enjoy this rare occasion of cuddling with the love of my life." I smile and sigh, Taylor finds sleep, I can only hear the sound of Cameron and I's exchanges of love, something we used to do often.


The next morning I woke up smiling as Taylor stood in front of the mirror adjusting his bandana.

"What?" he asks and I raise an eyebrow.

"I need to go grab some clothes." I say getting up and starting for the door. Taylor grabs my arm and pulls me up to him.

"You aren't going anywhere." he hands me a pair of shorts and undergarments. he digs around a suitcase a then throws a tie dye shirt at me. "You always wear this one." I say looking at it and he shrugs.

"It looks better on you." I smile and walk into the bathroom, quickly changing.


Jodie stands as Hayes has an arm wrapped around her waist. My grip on Taylor's hand tightens as my eyes go wide.

"What the hell is that?" I ask motioning our hands toward them. He shrugged.

"I have no freaking idea." he says pulling me closer as the guys notice us.

"Do you want me to wear a stamp that says Taylor's girl?" I ask teasing him about his possessive tendencies. He smiles and kisses my lips, it's not like the feeling of Cameron's.

"That would be amazing." We seperate as I walk up to the jodayes action going on.

Jodie and Hayes let out hoots and hollers. "Shut up you two."

"So you guys had sex." Jodie says bluntly and a little too loud. Some of the boys look at me. My face turns beat red. not with Taylor but with Cameron.

I grab her shoulder and pull her away from everyone.

"Yeah Cameron." her jaw hangs wide open and she's speechless.

"Oh god no like okay it's hard to explain."

"Holy shit you slept with him?" she exclaims. I clamp my hand over her mouth.

"Shut up, no it was a dream, but the thing is, I liked it, it was just like the old days. Like our bodies would just fit and we exchanged I love you's multiple times and, then after we were like laying there all cuddled up and then Taylor busted into the room." Jodie just stands there dark eyes wide.

"Whoa, you have issues." I shake my head.

"So after I woke up I went straight I Taylor's room and slept in his arms. I love Taylor, not cameron." I whisper. Jodie crosses her arms.

"Your vagina doesn't agree." I slap her shoulder.

"Jodie shut up god." she chuckles and then her smile turns into a devious smirk.

"Hey Cameron, how'd you sleep?" Jodie yells beckoning him over. I feel my heart fall into my stomach. I turn around and there cameron is, in a gray muscle tee showing off his beautifully sculpted body.

"You're drooling." Jodie says teasing me, I'm not, but mentally I'm having a battle. Cameron approaches us and I can smell his familiar cologne, my body aches to just wrap my arms around him and just stand there in his arms. But then I remember how he acted that night, how he just shut me out.

"Yeah I slept good actually." He said cracking his knuckles.

"Did you have any dreams?" Jodie asks and I face palm.

"Yeah but it's not really important, everyone has dreams right?" Cameron says our eyes connecting.

"Right and that's all they are." I say walking off to my current and the only one I want to be with, Taylor.


"It's a problem." I say walking back to my room jodie has her mouth full of cotton candy.

"You know what the problem is?" SHe says cleaning her teeth out. "You know what it feels like, you know the details and you know the emotions and physical feelings of it all, which makes you crave it even more." I bit my lip.

"Better yet, let just stop thinking about it okay?" We stop at our new hotel room and she slides the card in.

"Maybe you should like sleep with taylor, not like sleep sleep with him, but y'all should cuddle and crap." Sh says pushing through the heavy room door. I shrug. I mean it's a good idea but I dont know. Jodie groans as I don't answer her thought.

"Jesus Mel, Y'all have been dating for a real long time, what are you so afraid of!" She says throwing her arms out, her voice raising a little. My stomach flips and her face pales. I shake my head and let go of my suitcase, leaving it on the floor as I rush out of the room.

I guess no one will truly understand how I feel, what I went through. All I can do is live my life and go with the flow. One thing Camwron taught me to do, well one of the many. He taught me to live life.

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