She isnt

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Cameron's pov.

I watch as Mel walks to the group, she carries herself different. I guess I can say she was almost glowing. Knowing I didn't do anything to make her feel like that makes Me curious as to know who did. She sits down and everyone chats. I clap my hands together and begin to talk.

"Okay so, let's discuss the relationship between Marianne, cornel Brandon and Willoughby. Any ideas." the first person to raise their hand is Phillip, a strong jawed blonde. I was shocked to even see him here, he was late, he didn't even show up the first day besides he looks more like a football kinda guy.

"Yes Phillip."

"Well their isn't really a relationship between cornel Brandon as Marianne, she clearly has no interest in him, and she's all over Willoughb-" Mel interjects

"Uhm cornel Brandon is clearly very much interested in Marianne, Willoughby is no good for Marianne. She should just be with cornel Brandon, he clearly is the better choice." I watch as Mel speaks her opinion. Her hand gestures emphasizing her words. She then looks to me and her cheeks flush a little. I watch as she tucks her dark hair behind her ear and crosses her legs.

"But if Marianne and Willoughby are a no good and cornel Brandon knows it, why isn't he trying to stop her?" She raises a brow at me.

"Because cornel Brandon loves Marianne and wants her to be happy, and if Willoughby makes her happy then let her be."

"But Willoughby isn't going to make her happy forever, she only is in love with him because he saved her." she roll her eyes. "cornel Brandon would give everything to Marianne, he'd move mountains for her, and she's too naive to see that. She's got a new toy so she's blinded." Her jaw falls open slightly.

"She's not blinded by a new toy, and good for cornel Brandon, if Marianne wanted to be with cornel Brandon, then she's have him, but she doesn't." I scoff.

"Exactly, Marianne might not wan cornel Brandon now. The one who actually loves her. But she loves Willoughby, who we all know is only interested in money." Mell laughs and I don't know if we are really talking about the book or us.

"Marianne knows what she wants." Mel says and looks to the group.

"Then why is she stringing cornel Brandon along." she scrunches he nose up.

"She is not, cornel Brandon is doing that to himself."

"So nothing can be Marianne's fault?" she crosses her arms.

"Well plainly, Brandon cornel sees that Marianne is happy with Willoughby, so why hasn't he just left it be."

"Maybe because he knows it isn't going to last, and he wants to be there to goal her when she is hurt, he truly loves her and he isn't going to give up on her, ever." my words are a bit louder than I expected them to be. We are both standing. I cough and sit down she does the same.

"Well, then uhm, I'm sorry for our outbursts. Did anyone else have anything else to add?" the group blinks at me and shakes their heads. I smile and open my book.

"Okay why don't we try to get through the next two chapters by the next time. And be ready to share, I would love to hear from others." I lightly chuckle to ease the odd vibes from the group.

"Well since I can't think of anything else to think of, I guess this concludes our session. See you next week." everyone gets up. As I pull on my jacket I watch as Phillip approaches Mel.

"Hey Mel is it?" he says smiling. She smiles politely back at him.

"Yeah Phillip right? sorry I interrupted you." he waves her off.

"No it's fine, you were really passionate about what you were saying. I think that's really cute." I hold in my laughter. Then I watch as he moves a bit closer to her. He lowers his voice.

"So I was thinking that we should talk more about the book, but maybe also go out to dinner." I roll my eyes and walk up. I gently push the dude away from Mel. Unlike her, I am able to control my jealousy.

"She isn't going to be going out with you." Phillip looks at me weird and crosses his arms.

"And why is that." Mel stands behind me and I feel her start to move around me. I stop her.

"Because she has a fiancé." Phillip rolls his eyes.

"Well I don't see him." I smile.

"You're looking at him. let's go baby." I grab her hand with my free hand and walk us out of the library." I expect Mel to pull away immediately but she doesn't. I want to keep holding her hand, but I know I shouldn't. Besides it feels like her engagement ring is burning a hole through my hand.

"Thanks for helping me out." she says blushing a bit. I smile.

"I didn't want to watch his heart be broken." I say gently pushing into her as we walk. She laughs and pushes me back.

"How come you didn't tell me Sierra was pregnant." she says shocking me. I scratch the back of my neck.

"It wasn't a topic that I was focused on. It also is a topic that could start some issues and I wanted to avoid them." I say shamefully looking to the ground.

"So I heard you got a dog." I say and she smiles. I prepare myself to hear her say Taylor's name.

"Yeah, he's a handful, his name is Zeus." I look up at her and shrug.

"Well I mean if you need help with him, I'm always there. I figured carter would be helping out." she scoffs.

"He's too busy with this girl named jenny." I smile.

"Yeah you can thank nash." she looks at me confused.

"Well we were all out at the mall and there was a girl sitting across from us at lunch, carter totally liked her and Nash got then together." she laughs.

"Carter probably needed some persuasion." I nod.

"So you're home left with a new dog all alone?" I say confused and she sighs.

"Yeah Taylor dumped the dog on me as a gift, and then left leaving me to deal." she says annoyed. We stop walking when we get to her car.

"I'm just glad Zeus gets up the same time I do."

"What do you mean?" she sighs and leans against the car, her book nestled between her arms.

"I wake up early, and usually I go to Carter's. But now I don't want to do that because he has jenny." I give her a small smile.

"Well, I'm here too, I sometimes wake up early too."she smiles back at me. I just want to hug her, to kiss her. I realize I've been staring and I look away, my cheeks hot.

"How'd you find out my sister is pregnant?" she doesn't answer me

"Thank you Cameron, for that." I shrug and push my hands into my pockets.

"Your welcome, it's the least I could do." she shakes her head and sets her book on the car. Then she hugs me. Ik stiff and shocked. I close my eyes and wrap my arms around her. I know I should say something but the only thing I can think is how much I love her. I pull away first, scared I won't be able to control myself.

"If we weren't in a busy public parking lot, I might've kissed you." I say caressing her cheek. She blushes and I feel her cheeks warm on my finger.

"And if we weren't maybe, I'd want you to, oh and I went to visit her." I watch as she gets into her car and drives away. I run my hand through my hair and let out a loud groan.

This is so fucking difficult. I hate it, I just want her mine. I want her back.

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