We can

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It's the next morning. But this time Cameron slept in my room, and he had his change of clothes. I watch as he faces me, he's about to leave.

"It was fun, while it lasted." I say and he shrugs.

"You are so much better than drugs." He says. He kisses me hard and I kiss back with the same amount of force.

"I'm not going to pressure you to end it with Taylor." he says and I nod.

"I am very happy with Taylor and I think you and I, just we can't ever." he nods.

"I really thought you'd take me back."

"Cameron, I forgave you, that's all you were asking for." he smiles at me.

"You're right." he kisses me one last time and then he's gone out of my room. I sigh and close my eyes. Like jodie said. it never happened, never again.


"Doesn't someone look cute today?" carter says as I walk up to them at breakfast. I smile. I'm wearing simple jean shorts and a black and white Mickey Mouse shirt. My long dark hair is natural and normal black square sunglasses cover my eyes.

"Taylor is going to be here today." jodie smiles.

"Thank fully, I was scared you'd be married if he didn't get out sooner." I roll my eyes. Cameron chuckles and Nash hits him on the shoulder.

"So, animal kingdom, and then wherever we want afterwards right?" Nash asks and I nod.

"So, it should only take us half-" I stand up and laugh.

"Gotta run guys, Taylor is pulling into the parking lot.

Taylor texts me and I smile as I read it.

So I'm looking for the hot brunette girl in denim shorts and long tan leg? with the smirking emoji.

I stand out side and watch as Taylor gets out of the car. He wears a tank top and khaki shorts, his lanyard hangs from his pocket and my cheeks hurt from smiling so big at the sight of him. He walks right to me and picks me up effortlessly and twirls is around. His hands snake through my hair as his lips press against mine.

Taylor's kisses are so much more passionate and tender. He kisses me as if it's our last kiss.

"God I've fucking missed you." I smile.

"I've missed you so much. I was literally insane." he smiles and smoothes my hair out of my face.

Taylor and carter grab his bags and move them to our room.

"You're serious, I get to stay in your room." I shake my head yes and he wraps his arm around my waist.

"I finally get to share a bed with my girlfriend of over a year." he brags to carter, who then raises a brow at me.

"Hmm I wonder what changed her mind." I shrug.

"I realized that, I was stupid and was just afraid. I don't know." carter laughs.

"Okay Mel."


"It's just a roller coaster." I say to Taylor and he smiles.

"And it's just a selfie." I shake my head but move closer to him. My hand is flat against his chest and his arm is around me, his hand holding into my hip. I smile and Taylor kisses my cheek.

"Awe Hayes I love you soooo much, lets take a selfie to show our eternal love." jodie mocks from behind us. I flip her off and Hayes covers Jodie's eyes.

"Don't be jealous." Taylor says turning around with me. Jodie cackles.

"I'm not the jealous type." carter scoffs and jodie shoots him a glare. The ride starts, causing us all to face forward in our seats.


"So are you going to, like what's going to happen?" Jodie asks and I look at her confused.

"What do you mean, nothing is going to change?" she starts to braid her hair.

"So you just slept with him for no reason?" I look around the bathroom.

"Look that was spur of the moment, and the second night we didn't have sex, I just didn't want him taking that medicine." she sighs.

"Jodie, do you really not feel anything towards carter?" she looks at me and then looks at herself in the mirror.

"I know that carter and I have known each other forever and Hayes, I'm finding out new things, it's an adventure."

"So you mean to tell me, once you know everything about Hayes it'll be a boring relationship?" she shakes her head.

"No of course not, look, it's been two months, almost three, we love each other. My mistakes, are more acceptable."

"Jodie, our mistakes are never acceptable. We just gotta pretend like they never happened." she nods and we walk out of the bathroom. I grin when I see Taylor there waiting for me.


"Mel, it's like midnight?" he says as we stumble into our room. I nod and walk to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and washing my face.

When we are all done Taylor turns off the lamp and crawls into bed next to me. I smile and our bodies just mold to each other. I think about Jodie's words.

Sure Cameron and I know each other so well, but in a relationship, you're getting to know the person, I've been dating Taylor a year, and honestly I don't know any other way without him. I said I forgave Cameron, but Taylor would never ever ruin a chance like that for me. I just can't believe, I slept with him. I can't shake the feeling, and that's when I know what has to happen.

I press my lips on Taylor's and I feel him smiling.

"What are you doing?" he asks as I kiss his neck.

"Are you complaining?" He rolls over and hovers over me, pinning my arms down.

"No and I never said stop." He dips his head down and kisses me. He stops for a moment.

"I'm ready for that change." I say and he grins

"Can we...?" He asks and I smile.

"Yes we can."

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