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As if he felt my presence his eyes lifted and looked directly at me. I faltered for a moment and then bit the inside of my lip.

"Babe...babe." I realized Taylor had been talking to me.

"Sorry what where you saying." he frowned not liking to have to repeat himself.

"Never mind it's not important." I gave him a pouty lip and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Don't be like that Taylor." Hayes came bouncing up to us. His dark hair was a longer than it was the last time I saw him.

"How's it feel not being a junior anymore?" I asked him earning a big grin.

"It feels great." Jodie walked up and looked at Hayes with an eyebrow raised. They'd become real close too, there was something at first but it didnt progress to anything serious, he was a little young for her. she liked her men older.

"I am totally not judging you." She said walking away from Hayes. Hayes blushed and ran after her. I looked around the group of people I called my family. Though thousands and maybe even millions of people knew who we were, this was my family. My parents and brother were off doing their own thing. I hadnt ditched them but the minute I left home we kind of just lost contact, I still see pictures of them and we chat every once in a while, but Taylor and these guys were my family.

We all danced and laughed and had a great time, I turly missed them, Nash was usually busy filiming and Matt was off doing the same, we all had our own lives now and I missed us being close. I mean some of us had gotten too close. like Cameron and I.

Taylor left my side and went to talk to Nash, Cameron came sauntering by. I froze.

"Hello Melanie." he said saying my full name. I bit the inside of my cheek.

"Cameron." I said not coldly but not cheery. Carter came bouncing up.

"Is it me or did it drop fifty degrees." Cam shrugged and carter winked at me, I scowled.

"Well don't be shy now." carter said pushing me into cam. I landed against his soft but muscular chest. For a split second I could smell his familiar smell, I could feel all my muscles relaxing, I could see what we had. His arms wrapped around me and I did the same. I don't know if it was a long hug or a short hug, but I did feel Taylor's hand on my waist. I stepped away quickly and wrapped my arms around Taylor's torso his body automatically relaxed, one thing about Taylor that was very very true, he was super protective and constantly needed reassurance, that is why I never told him about Cameron. I knew that if I told him it would put so much pressure and tension between everyone. I didn't want that.

So I turned the attention from me and looked to carter.

"So I heard Jodie and you are going on a date tomorrow." Jodie and carter stopped talking. Carter's face turned bright red, Jodie looked like she was going to kill me. I smiled at my brilliance and tucked my hair behind my ear. Taylor nudged my side and I chuckled.

"We've got a little matchmaker over here." Taylor said bringing us away from everyone. I didn't smile, I hadn't always been Cupid and matchmaker. Clearly. I hope he changed the subject.

"I wish we were alone." he said nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck. I stared at Cameron, his jaw locked. Maybe I stared too long, maybe I didn't wrap my arms around Taylor I don't know, but Taylor noticed.

"Are you okay?" he said feeling my forehead. I nodded.

"Yeah I'm just a little exhausted." Taylor frowned.

"Why didn't you say so baby cakes, here I got you." Taylor walked off and announced we were leaving. It wasn't a lie, I was extremely tired but I also wanted to get away from Cameron. I walked away, he didn't do anything, just like last time.

I don't remember getting into bed, or even getting ready for bed. But when I woke up, I was in my pjs and my makeup was off. I smiled when I looked at my night stand. A paper note was there

"You're so adorable when you're sleepy, I love you, sleep tight. wish I could've stayed but I know better. :*"

I smiled, throwing myself against the pillows. then I saw the ps.

"We are all meeting at crackle barrel for breakfast, I'll be by to pick you up at 9:30."

I looked at my clock, nine on the dot. I scrambled out of my bed and rushed to the shower.

Settling on one of Taylor's muscle tanks and shorts. No time for makeup, my hair was still dripping and I was sliding on my vans when Taylor walked through the door.

"Oh dayum... who's shirt is that, it is mighty nice yes?" I tried to roll my eyes but couldn't stifle my laughter.

"You're an idiot, c'mon let's go." I grabbed Taylor's hand pulling myself up and pulling us out of the house.

Crackle barrel wasn't packed, thankfully. The boys though now all men, still acted like children. The jacks were doing God knows what. Nash was making weird faces. Carter was laughing with Jodie, Hayes was singing with Matt, cam was throwing sugar packets at Aaron, and poor little Shawn was on his phone texting. Some things just never change.

"Heyyy!" the group said in unison noticing our arrival. I chuckled and waved. Taylor guided me toward our seats. I looked at Jodie and carter, mischievous grins on their faces. I didn't catch on till I sat down and when I looked up, Cameron was right in front of me. I sat up straight, my eyes looking straight to the two twats. Taylor was oblivious to it all as he made small talk with Cameron.

"Any new lady friends?" he asked I watched cam closely.

"I mean there is this one, she's always been and always will." I choked on my tea. All the noise that was coming from our table came to a halt. Everyone stared at me.

"Mel? you okay?" Nash asked starting to stand. I laughed nervously.

"Yeah mhm, never been better." I shot a cold hard stare at carter. He looked down shamefully, and here comes the guilty feeling I get when I yell at carter.

I quickly texted him a sorry as Taylor's hand sits on my knee. Nash clears his throat.

"Man does it feel good to be back with you guys, and I've been thinking why don't we start something up again. Our fan bases are even bigger now and why don't we do another tour.

"Cam and I are done filming for a bit, Taylor, Mel y'all aren't doing anything, carter?" we all shook our heads. Nash's grin grew.

"Sounds like a deal?"

A whole tour with all the guys, and Jodie and Cameron. Everyone.... We'd all be in the same hotel, the same room all of us. Hell yeah I'm for it, but Cameron would be there, every time I turn to my left then every time I turn to my right Taylor will be standing there. Could I make it? would I make it?

"Mel?" Nash said staring at me, I felt my face heat up.

"Yeah I'm in let's go." everyone cheered but my eyes locked with Cameron's. Hi dark eyes reading my soul. A painful piercing experience. Every time I looked at him it was a slap in the face.

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