We are the same

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Mel's pov

Jodie is staring daggers at me and I have no idea why.

"So what did you guys get today?" I ask sitting by carter, he doesn't say anything? I roll my eyes and look to the others at the table.

"So um, what's the plan for today?" Nash nods and clears his throat.

"Well, we are hitting up magic kingdom today." I nod and then Cameron walks up to our table sitting next to me. Jodie look at carter and they have a mental conversation.

"So how's Taylor?" Jodie suddenly asks and I feel the blood drain from my face. Taylor. how could I be so stupid. Then it dawns on me. I fucking slept with Cameron. For real. I close my eyes and gently pinch my wrist under the table, hoping to wake up. I feel Cameron's hand slide onto mine. I look at him as he shakes his head.

"Well I haven't talked to him but, I'm sure he's getting better." Jodie rolls her eyes and I want to ask her what's wrong.


We stand outside the check in place at the resort. I walk up to Jodie.

"What's up?" She turns to me and raises her eyebrows. then she smiles.

"Oh you know, just Cameron's dick." my face contorts into horror.

"What the hell does that mean?" I ask pulling us farther from people.

"You fucking slept with him didn't you?" she says crossing her arms. I run my hand through my hair.

"Seriously that's what this is about?" she nods.

"I fucking brought you under wear, shoes, a bra and shorts? To Cameron's room? With no explanation." I don't know exactly what to say.

"And I am so thankful. Look, I didn't expect it, it just kinda happened."

"Did you and carter even go to a funeral? or did you just fuck each other all day as night? I ask glaring at her. She glares back.

"Seriously, of course, His fucking dad died. Okay we slept together, we were fucking trashed. It was an accident. I would never do that again." I throw my arms up.

"So why can't you understand. Jodie, Cameron takes xanax to sleep." her eyes go wide.

"Seriously, he's that bad?" I nod and she sighs her shoulders slump.

"Look Mel, I'm glad you forgave Cameron or what ever, but I think you went a little to far." I shake my head.

"Jodie, you and I, we are the same." she closes her eyes and walks in a circle.

"NO, okay, Mine was a  drunken mistake, you have no excuse. I'm not going to say anything, we can act like it never happened. Push it aside. But I swear you and Cameron are not allowed to ever touch each other again." I nod and she walks away.

"Wow seriously?" Cameron says walking up to me? I'm not sure what he's talking about so I turn around to walk back to the bus line when I feel him tug on the ends of my shorts. I squeal and place my hands over my butt, jumping around to look at him.

"What are you doing?" he shrugs.

"I would never let my girlfriend out of the house, wearing shorts that short. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at your butt. But other people don't need to see it." I sigh and subconsciously pull my shorts down.

"Well I'm not your girlfriend." Cameron looks around us and then he caresses my cheek. I hear a faint. "Yet." and maybe I'm just hearing things or he really said that. I walk after him grab his hand, pulling him back to me gently. He looks at our hands and then I blush pulling away.

"Sorry, habit." he shrugs

"It's fine, I like your habits." 

We stand in the fast pass line for the haunted mansion ride.

"Walk right through the door please." I feel my eyes go wide when Cameron's hand is on my lower back, leading me. We stand in the compact oval shaped room. A voice plays and then it goes pitch black. Arms wrap around me and lips are pressed against my forehead.

"I've got you." he says and I rest my cheek against his chest. A door opens and Cameron intertwines his fingers with mine. He keeps our hands low and out of view. But I can't help the wide grin on my face.

We sit in the same seat together.

"I know how you get scared easily." he says poking my side. I roll my eyes but nod in agreement.

The ride is dark and spooky and it's just not my forte. Cameron's finger lightly runs up my thigh, causing goose bumps to cover my skin.

"Let me distract you." he says and I hear Jodie's words in my head. But the minute his lips are on mine, everything else disappears. he gently sucks on the thin skin on my sweet spot, I let out an accidental moan. Cameron stops and presses his finger against my lip.

"Shhh, you can't do that here." he says and I roll my eyes. He counties to kiss my neck. his lips gently lulling on my ear lobe, causing chills to run up my spine. I feel tired of being the weak one. I place my hand right on his crotch. He takes in a sharp inhale. I place my hand over his mouth as I gently palm him. Unfortunately, he is stronger than me. He grabs my wrists and sets them to my sides. Cameron shakes his head. He smiles and sits back up straight. our car turns and we suddenly start to go backwards. then we are in a grave yard scene. As we start to near the exit my phone buzzes. A text lights up my phone and I look to read it.

"I'm out tomorrow, I'm fine rn but they are being butts, Love and miss you baby" and a kissy face emoji.

"Now those who don't want to continue on, and have the wish to die, don't forget to have your death certificate signed." a creepy lady voice says. I close my eyes and swallow the lump in my throat. I'm making more and more mistakes. Cameron grabs my hand.

"C'mon." he says and rubs my back.

"It'll be fine I promise." I nod and Cameron and I separate. I'm sure Cameron read the text. I know that whatever is happening between us is not good. It can only last a for  the rest of the day. I can't have this affair while I'm with Taylor. It isn't right but it feels right. But then it feels wrong. One minute I feel like Cameron and I could truly be back, but then Taylor pops into my mind and all my thoughts get smacked away. It's making me mentally exhausted.

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