Know so

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Carter's pov

This is all for Mel. I mean yeah I guess you could say I'm kinda curious as to see what Cameron's thinks. That's why I decided today was the day to hang out with Nash and cam. We were being typical girls and walking around the mall, Starbucks in our hands.

"So how are you two doing with the ladies, Nash you haven't had a girlfriend in forever." Nash smiles and shrugs.

"I haven't found time, I've just been too busy to go out and try to find a date." I chuckle.

"What about you carter?" Cameron says smiling at me. "surely no girl is like Jodie." I scoff.

"And I'm sure no girl is like Mel." Cameron rolls his eyes.

"You're right, Mel is herself and she's the only one." Cameron says taking a drink from his cup. I want to just ask him about Mel and what he thinks.

"I mean you'd think, with Taylor leaving she'd be fed up, she always hated when I left. But this guy goes and leaves for however many months and she's excited. Like what?" Or Cameron can just vent.

"Yeah it's weird. she told me about the book club." Nash laughs.

"Yeah Cameron told me about that." Cameron bites his tongue as he smiles.

"Her and her sassy ass. She was not having any of my shit. She was so salty. Then she had to pull the my fiancé is away. I wanted to just scream. He shouldn't be her fiancé." I shrug.

"You had so many chances though." Cameron sighs and runs his hand through his hair.

"Sometimes I lose hope that she'll ever take me back." bingo.

"I sit here and I just wish I could redo it all, I'd grab her up and never let her go. I'd marry her in a heartbeat, she's constantly on my mind. I sit here and I see all these girls and I can only think about Mel."

"You know, I probably shouldn't tell you all this, but Mel, you fucking drive her insane. She literally came to me at two in the morning to talk about how she can't stop thinking about you." I watch Cameron's face light up.

"So she's hiding." I shrug.

"I guess so." then suddenly he frowns and shakes his head.

"Yeah Jodie fucking told Cameron to leave. to stay away from Mel. And that he was going to fuck up their relationship." Nash says laughing.

"Damn, I could've sworn Jodie liked you two together." Cameron shrugs.

"I guess not I mean I'm scared she'll beat my ass." I laugh.

"Yeah she's tough like that, so wait are you going to try to get Mel back."


"So he totally does think about you." I say in a girly voice. Mel crosses her arms and narrows her dark eyes at me.

"Carter." she huffs and sits down on the couch.

"He loves you though." I mock as Jodie walks into the room. High waisted shorts cling tight and a crop top, all highlighting her curves. And on top of all that, her fucking brilliant hair flows, framing her face.

"Who loves who?" she asks taking a strawberry from the bowl in Mel's lap. Mel slaps her hand away. I shoot Mel a 'don't say who' look and she raises he brows.

"Taylor, Taylor loves me." Mel says Jodie smiles.

"That's great, so I'm sure you have your maid of honor and best man picked out." Mel looks at Jodie with a nervous smile.

"Actually, I have know idea who the best man is going to be." Jodie raises an eyebrow and looks to me. I put my hands up.

"I don't know I hope it will be me." I say, not really caring. "Jodie, why do you hate Cameron." Jodie looks surprised by my question but she quickly frowns.

"Because he is no good for Mel, her and Taylor are getting married. Cameron shouldn't even be in the picture anymore." Mel's mouth falls open and she stares at me with wide eyes. she shrugs and snaps out of her shock.

"What let me guess you don't believe the same thing?" I shake my head.

"I believe that she should be with whom ever makes her happy." Jodie places her hands on her hips.

"Well, sometimes just because someone makes you happy doesn't mean you need to be with them. you make me laugh sometimes but that doesn't mean I need to marry you." I raise my eyebrows.

"So this is what this is about." Mel stands up.

"Whoa whoa whoa okay look, guys, stop. It's my relationships. I understand you both are looking out for me, but don't make issues about it, and don't start arguments. Please, I can't deal with that." We all sigh and Jodie sits next to Mel.

"I'm sorry, to both of you I just I'm tired." I laugh and walk to the kitchen to grab a soda. My phone lights up with a text and I smile as I read it.

"Oo who is texting carter." I blush and look up, shrugging.

"Oh just a friend." Jodie smirks.

"Is this friend female?" Mel questions. I huff and nod.

"Yeah okay she's female." they both squeal and I roll my eyes.

"We are just friends."

"As much as cam and Mel or Mel and Nash." I scoff.

"definitely not cam and Mel, and more so than Mel and Nash." I answer to Jodie.

"I'm going to have to meet this female friend." I smile at Jodie.

"She's way different than any other girl I've ever dated." Jodie screams.

"Ha I fucking told you, you two are dating." I throw my arms up and rest my hands on my SnapBack.

"Okay yeah we've been on a few dates. Her name is jenny and she's super sweet. So if you'll excuse me, I have a date to go get ready for." as I walk out of the room I hear there giggles echo and I can't help but smile and shake my head.

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