I know

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I let my eyes drift to Cameron. He carefully removed the wrapping of his blueberry muffin.

"They got blue berry muffs." I said out loud. Not meaning anyone to hear. Cam's head shot up.

"What?" I blushed at the fact that he heard me. Blueberry muffs had been our thing.

"I said they have blueberry muffs." he smiled and nodded, little moments like these changed my views for only a matter of seconds. I just want to run back to him, to stay. Then Taylor steps in and clouds everything. At least I think he does.


"You've got everything." I said, doubt thick in my voice, at Jodie. She pulled on her blonde hair.

"Mel, I don't know what else to freaking pack. I've got all I need." I looked at her suitcases.

"You forgot the condoms." I said just as carter walked in. His mouth formed an 'o' and he turned on his heel.

"Carter wait, Mel, if anyone needed condoms it'd be you.-" I slammed my hand over her mouth.

"Don't say." I said harshly walking away. I looked at carter his head fell. I sighed and walked upstairs to grab my own bags.

Carter's pov

"I know what you were about to say..." I said trailing off. Jodie frowned.

"Yeah I don't know what came over me, I didn't mean to bring it up." I nodded as I slung my arm around her, her body just molding to mine. This girl drove me crazy with her light hair and dark eyes. Her industrial and nose piercing yet she was so smart. She was what kept me going each day. I think It's safe to say I loved her, but she'd never love me back. Day after day I have Nash and Mel and taylor breathing down my neck telling me to tell Jodie all my feelings.

I was ready to tell her, everyday, to make her mine to hold her hand. Especially with Hayes, I could tell he liked Jodie and I think everyone else did too, hell she might even like him back. Which scared me to death.

"Jodie do you ever just think about people." Jodie scoffed.

"No carter I don't think about people at al.." I rolled my eyes.

"But seriously Jodie okay lately Ive been thinking about y-"

"HHHHEEYYY CARTAH my man." Matt said walking into the living room. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath.

"Hey Matt whats up." Jodie left the room. As soon as she was out of shit I looked straight at Matt.

"That was my only chance!!! I was so fucking close, then you come in and ruin it." I shout, Matt doesn't lose his smile.

"Oh carter I'm proud of you buddy now okay so, tell me the 611 on cam and mel." I just looked at him.

"It's 411 you idiot, and what do you mean there is nothing." I really didnt want to talk about their history, their terrible history might I say. I shuddered at the thought of it.


Mel's pov

The hotel room was nice and I knew that the boys would have their rooms torn to shreds, walls stained and towels sopping wet by the end of the week. Taylor hadn't said if he wanted to stay in the room with me or what. I wanted him too, I wasn't the shy one in the relationship and that kind of bugged me.

'Cam wasn't shy.' My heart reminds me. I shake the thought away.

"Hello beautiful." Nash said grabbing my hand and spinning me around. I chuckled

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