Follow the leader

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*hayes is 18 just fyi*

Maybe she just likes Hayes okay?" I say frustrated with carter. He's sitting here whining about Hayes and Jodie.

"Well she's supposed to like me." I laugh

"Carter it doesn't always work out the way you want. Now go out and do something with yourself." Carter shakes his head.

"I want to go out with Jodie though." I throw my hands up.

"Then freakin ask her geez." Carter's lip goes into a tight line.

"Fine I will." He storms out and I sit there a minute to wonder if he's serious.

Jodie's pov

"Are you sleeping?" I lightly smack Hayes's stomach. He laughs and shakes his head.

"No no I promise." I shake my head and continue to stare at the ceiling.

"I doubt you could pull an all-nighter." I challenge him. I don't even have to look at him to know the huge smirk on his face.

"I doubt your doubt." I roll my eyes.

"Okay we will see who falls asleep first." I close my eyes smiling ear to ear, pretty confident that Hayes will lose.

"If we just lay here, I will fall asleep." He says hiding a yawn. He has a point.

"Well then what should we do." He shrugs and stands up on his knees. I sit up and watch his movements.

"Don't hit me." He says cautiously and I laugh.

"Hayes why would I-" He lifts my chin up and kisses my lips. At first, well there was no at first. My heart was beating out of it's chest as Hayes's lips and mine moved in sync. He hovers over me as my arms wrap around his neck. My fingers grasp his hair and gently pull. His kisses trail down my jaw to my neck, his lips and teeth genlty nipping and sucking. I'm shocked when a moan forms in my throat.

"Hayes what are we doing?" I ask quietly and he stops for a second.

"Do you want me to stop." I smile and shake my head. Hayes returns to kissing my lips, his hand caresses up the side of my thigh causing goose bumps to form over my skin. He slides his hand smoothly under the thick band of my running shorts. My fingers pull harder when I feel his hand gently run over my most sensitive area, my underwear still present.

"Ha- Hayes-." a whispered stutter escapes my mouth.

"It's okay you don't have to hide it." He says into my ear. He pulls away and sits up. He takes hold of my shorts and looks me in the eyes. I nod and he pulls them off. I sit up as well and unbutton his shirt, out lips connecting once again. He slowly lifts my shirt and gently tosses it aside.

"Awe look at you and your polka dot bra." Hayes says tickling me. I laugh and push against him. I watch as he unties the draw string of his basket ball shorts. Falls back on his but and pulls them off. I take the oppoutunity to climb on top of him. He let's his head rest on the mattress as my hair creates a curtain around our faces.

"you are beautiful you know that." I smile and dip my head down pressing my lips on Hayes's. He wraps his arm around my back and unhooks my bra. It's a sense of vulnerability that runs through you. Here you are pretty much naked, for the first time. Sure people see me as this boisterous girl who looks like she's been around. But I haven't and I'm tired of being this innocent girl.

I sit up and Hayes follows. He moves my hair away from my face.

"Hayes I have no clue what to do." I say quietly as I play with the ends of my hair. He smiles and shrugs.

"That's fine, just follow my lead."

"Wait have you." he avoids my question and I don't have time to say anything before his lips kiss my neck. The kisses trail down my chest, my heart is beating irregularly fast but my breathing is halted. Hayes taps my hip signaling the removal of my underwear. I lay back and slide them off. Hayes takes his off in return and I keep my eyes glued to his face. It's not that I'm scared, I'm just truly too immature.

I'm starting to wonder who is the older one here.

I'm propped up from the pillows behind me. Hayes rubs my knees.

"Spread them, I'm going to be gentle." his words are soothing. I slowly let my legs fall and Hayes takes his sweet time. He distracts me with his kisses. I can feel his body get into position. My arms wrap around Hayes's body. I feel him thrust into me for the first time. My nails dig into his back and my own back arches. My body seems to already know what to do as my hips instinctively move against his. Our moans are the only sound in the room, that and the quiet creaks coming from the bed.

Being with Hayes makes me forget everything around us. When I open my eyes Hayes's are alive, the blue in his eyes even brighter. Then he moves faster, the pleasure almost making me scream as my toes curl.

"Jodie!" Hayes moans loudly and I am able to smirk a little. Hayes slows down and I groan with frusteration. Hayes smiles against my neck.

"Don't just slow down." I say quickly. I move myself and hayes lets out a loud moan. I'm close, I can tell by the knot building in my stomach. It's this intense pressure just building and building.

"Hayes, I'm close." I whisper in his ear and a kiss is his response. His thrusts are sloppy and fast and my body is weak. I finish first and not even five seconds later Hayes does the same. He gently lays on top of me, he makes sure not to put all of his body weight on me.

"wow." I breathe out and hayes nods. He rolls over next to me. The cold air hits my hot body and I suck air.

"Here." He says lifting up the duvet, we crawl unders and hayes wraps his arms around me. I rest my head on his bare chest as our body heat warms the both of us. Before we know it, we are both sound asleep.


I'm woken by the sound of my name. It reminds me of how my name sounded coming from Hayes's mouth, the memory exciting me. I open my eyes and sit up, Hayes is doing the same, I look to the location of the sound and I automatically regret waking up.


well damn..... this was difficult to write bc I aint got feels for hayes, so sorrry and what do y'all think it was that woke them up?

"Deborah voice" DO YOU SHEEEPPP IT

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