Book club

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Mel's pov

"I can't believe she just told him to leave like that." I exclaim, scooping some ice cream into a bowl.

"I guess she really doesn't want you with Cameron." I frown at Carter's words and hand him his bowl.

"It doest matter what she wants. It's about what I want." carter shrugs and pour chocolate syrup over his ice cream.

"Wait, do you want to be with Cameron instead?" I shake my head.

"No, I mean I'm perfectly fine." Carter laughs.

"So you say now, Taylor has only been gone a week." I huff and throw the ice creams scoop into the sink.

"And he could be gone for a year, and I'd still be fine. We text and talk as much as he has free time. Besides I am actually doing something with my life." carter stares at me and waits for me to continue.

"I joined a book club." carter drops his spoon and starts laughing. He grabs his phone and opens vine.

"Mel joined a book club guys, a real book club." I put my hands on my hips.

"But I'm serious I do read, carter don't post that." Carter shrugs and laughs

"Too late." I groan and grab a spoon for myself. Is It a joke that I joined a book club. I mean I don't see a big deal about it.


I sit awkwardly in the bean bag. A brand new copy of sense and sensibility is held tightly in my hands, and I'm locked eyes with the leader of this book club.

"Well guys this is our first meeting. So why don't we all share what inspired each of us to join, and your name. Starting to my right and we'll go clockwise from there." I close my eyes and breathe. This can not be happening. I start to get up but, he stops me preventing me from going any farther.

"Whoa now where you going? We just started." I glare and sit back down.

"Besides it's your turn." I shoot him a sarcastic smile and look at the group.

"Hi my name is Mel, and I joined because I needed something to occupy my time while my fiancé is away." The girl next to me, said her name was jenny, reaches out to me.

"Oh is he out on deployment dear." I shake my head and laugh

"Oh no nothing like that it's just that he's away for nothing like that, he's an actor." Her sympathetic smile fades and she moves her hand away from me. I'm a little hurt by her actions. Then I turn to Cameron.

"It's your turn oh great leader." I mock, he just smiles at me.

"You're right, I'm Cameron and I started this book club because I love reading, and I also love hearing other peoples opinions about certain situations." I roll my eyes. Sure didn't care about what I thought when you told me to leave, but okay. I let out a light chuckle and he rolls his eyes at me.

"Do you have something to add Mel?" I lick my lips and cross my arms, setting my book on my lap.

"No not at all continue."

"Well I'm glad I have your permission." I nod and wave for him to continue.


"I just wanted one fucking getaway." I shout throwing the couch pillow across the room. Carter doesn't budge. "I'm quitting, I can't do this." I say and carter shakes his head.

"No no no, look you need to stick with it. you need to show him, that you are completely over him and he can't get to you." I huff at carter and stand up to let Zeus out into the back yard. But Cameron does get to me.

"I finally think everything is going to be okay and it's gunna be fine, hah, never does it ever go that way. I never get a break." Carter laughs and I glare at him.

"You need a break, from someone you don't even see everyday, a break from someone who you don't even text or talk to." I close my eyes and bury my face in my hand.

"I need a break from him in my thoughts. I do see him everyday, I hear his voice, his laugh his smile. All those stupid little things about him." carter sucks air.

"After examining you, I have made a positive decision In your diagnosis. In conclusion, you have a serious case of you need to get the hell over him's." I scoff and play with the hem of a pillow.

"I am over him." carter laughs.

"Funniest statement award of the year, you have just won. How do you feel?" I flip carter off and get up to go grab food from the fridge.

"Mel that's bullshit, if you were over cameron, you wouldn't be standing in the kitchen eating Pringles and obsessing over him." I cross my arms.

"I am not obsessing, he just has this way of getting to me." carter sticks his hands up in defense.

"Look Mel, you are perfectly fine when Taylor is around. Taylor is all you see but when it comes to when he's gone, it's suddenly Cameron."

"Then you go figure out what he talks about, is he over me?" carter laughs.

"Mel this isn't eighth grade. Talk to him yourself." I place my hand on my hip.

"Yeah last time I talked to him it lead to other things, that I shouldn't have done." carter chuckles.

"Fine I'll talk to him, we'll hang out and I'll find out about it all. so you're mind and conscious can be cleared." I smile at carter.

"You're a good friend, and I'm a reck." carter shrugs.

"Someone has to make sure you stay in line."

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