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I blinked a few times, this wasn't happening. Every single nerve in my body fizzled to nothing, the blood evaporated from me. I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Jodie?" he croaked his bottom lip quivering. Hayes let out a yawn and then looked to see our visitor. Carter's hands went into fists as you could just see the anger rise throughout his body.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!". He shouted Hayes started to move out of bed, I reached for him to stop, it wasn't the best idea to show carter that Hayes and I were indeed naked. Hayes got his boxers and shorts back on.

"Listen carter-" Hayes said coolly but carter interrupted him.


Fuck. I thought as I grabbed my clothes frantically, pulling them on beneath the covers.

"Hell no, I'm not some douche bag like that, and for you to think of me like that is pretty shitty." Hayes yelled back walking near carter. Where the hell was everyone. As if on command, Gilinsky, Cameron, and Nash came in.

"Yo what's the problem?" Nash said over their voices. Then nash looked around.

"Whoa wait.... did you guys?" Cameron says before Nash can. carter tenses even more, I swear if he does he'll explode, if he hasn't already.

"Hayes and Jodie fucked." carter said, his angry glare turning towards me. "why? you know what it doesn't matter, I'm sorry I ruined your happy moment." Carter said sarcastically at me. Hayes grabbed his shoulder and turned him around.

"Don't bring her into this." Hayes say through gritted teeth.

"I bet this wasn't her first, sorry kid, I'm sure she's gotten around. she's like that." carter spat at me and it was like a slap in the face.

"Hey shut the fuck up, you don't talk to a lady like that." Hayes says defending me.

"She isn't a lady." as soon as the words leave Carter's mouth, Hayes's fist is there to replace them. The whole room goes dead silent. Then it goes into fast forward. Carter launches at Hayes and the rumble begins. Jack and Cameron jump onto the two and pull them apart.

"This is all my fault." I say turning away from the two. Nash grabs my shoulders.

"It's not your fault at all." he taps my nose and walks over to the two boys. Hayes shakes Cameron off and walks to me. As Hayes talks to me I watch as carter spits blood out of his mouth. Hayes grabs my face.

"Jodie I'm talking to you." his voice snaps me out of Carter's glare of hatred.

"I'm so sorry." I say holding his wrists and he shakes his head.

"Baby it's not your fault, what he said isn't true." in any other situation I would've smiled at him calling me baby, in this one it hurt me even more. My finger gently moved over his already swollen eye. my sadness turns into anger, as I remember all the hurtful things carter said to me.

"You sir." I say pushing past everyone, carter still fuming, arms locked by gilinsky.

"Are an asshole and, for your information, I was a virgin. Shows how well you know me, and secondly, if you want to be with me, maybe you should've said something before someone else did.

I stared into the eyes of my best friend. Though I could barely recognize him, he was hidden behind a beaten face and pure anger.

Mel walks in her hand locked with Taylor's. She let's out a loud gasp and covers her mouth with both her hands when she takes in the scene. Taylor comprehends what's happening quicker than her and pushes her protectively behind him.

"What the hell is going on." Nash takes in a deep breathe.

"Well I guess Jodie and Hayes slept together, carter walked in on them sleeping and carter here was a total ass about it, and then Hayes punched him, and they got in a fight and Jodie just burned carter..." Nash said. Taylor looked just as shocked as Mel.

"Carter seriously?" Mel said peaking over Taylor's shoulder.

"Ever hear of knocking." carter snorted.

"I didn't think id walk in on my two best friends cuddling." He spat. Hayes grabbed his shirt and my hand and pushed our way out of the room.

"Get away from me." gilinsky said pushing carter away from him. "Make one move on them, and I will not hesitate to put you to sleep." He said stepping in front of carter.

Jodie Daphne cooper does not cry. Today she did.

I sit on a balcony, Hayes's long arms wrapped around me as I sob into his chest. Hayes was shocked, so he just sat there and rubbed circles in my back.

"Shhh baby it'll be okay." I looked up at Hayes.

"No it won't, do you see your face, have you seen Carter's?" he placed his finger on my lips.

"First off have you seen your face. you look like Rudolph." Hayes said tapping my nose. I laughed oddly and pushed Hayes playfully. "secondly, yes I did that too him and he fucking deserved it." I sighed and hiccuped. This is why I never cry.

"I'm sorry." I say burying my face into his neck. He gently smoothes my hair down.

"You shouldn't be, it's really nobody's fault, honestly it's kinda his and mine. First off, I didn't stop to lock the door. He didn't knock, and he didn't tell you how he felt about you." he stopped and ran his thumb back and forth over my cheek. "though I'm happy about that part." I laughed at Hayes and he lifted my chin, kissing my lips lightly.

"This is late and not how I wanted it, but Jodie, will you be my girlfriend?" he says shyly and a little disappointed in himself. I smile.

"Of course you turd, now we need to find you some eyes... I mean ice." I say laughing. I grab his hand and pull him up.

"Yes dear." Hayes says sarcastically. I smile and realize that when it's just Hayes and I, he blocks out everything around me, and all I hear is his voice. I like that about him.


Holy shit




Jodayes is together.

Everyone get #CarterVsHayes trending

Hahah jk don't, but um, who's side are you on?

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