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Jodie's pov

"Oh my gosh I am so jealous of your hair it's perfect." the fan says coming up to me gushing. I laugh and hug her.

"Thanks." we take a few pictures and we chat a bit before the next girl comes up.

"So who's your favorite guy here?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Hayes, oh gosh he is so handsome." I stiffen but crack a smile.

"He is a cutie, Hayes is a loser though." I shout and the girl beside me blushes, Hayes turns to me, his eyes narrow and he smiles, sauntering over to us.

"Is there a problem over here ladies." I smile and the fan laughs.

"Jodie called you a loser." hayes's tongue runs over his teeth. Goddamn he's hot.

"So I'm a loser really." he says getting close to me, there's so many people and he's so close, what the hell is he going to do.

"Fight!" Mel screams breaking us up and I praise The Lord for her. The fan ends up getting a kiss on the cheek from Hayes and a picture

"I got you girl." Hayes mouths from his line and I smile, not the least bit afraid of him.

"Is Hayes wearing makeup?" a girl asks me and I bust out laughing.

"I'm sure he does, he's gay like that.. no I highly doubt he's wearing that, he hates when I do. when me and Mel wear makeup. he hates it in general." I ramble and she laughs.

We all get signaled for our lunch break. Hayes is right there bumping his hip against mine.

"Hey loser." I say and he shakes his head.

"I am not a loser and we all know that." Cameron laughs and nods.

"I mean we all know who won that fight." Johnson says giving hayes a high five. I bite my lip.

"Guys we shouldn't talk about him like that." Everyone turns to me and gice me a 'dafuq' face. I shrug.

"What I'm serious, it doesnt feel right." Cameron sighs and pats my shoulder I back away.

"look, it wasn't okay for Carter to blow up like that and just get jealous. What he said was shit, and he shouldn't have. He was rude, and just was an asshole, he deserved it." I step away from Cameron.

"First off, I don't want your advice, you need to work on your own jealousy problems before you come talking to me, and secondly, so the next time I call someone a whore is mel going to be right there to beat my face in?" Mel's eyes go wide and I know I probably said to much but I didnt care.

"Jodie it isn't like that." I wave my hand up, telling hayes to stop.

"No Hayes, it is that's the problem. Let me be." I walk away and run my hand through my hair, attempting to move it out of my face.

"Jodie wait, please baby." I stop and anger dances through my veins.

"Hayes I told you to leave me alone." He shakes his head.

"See that's the thing, I can't, I want to be there to help you, to be there when you're upset, or angry, happy, mad, furious, confused. I want to be there, so I'm giving you my all, to be there for you. I'm your boyfriend now for Christ sake, I want to be here, so you can push me away all you want, but it isn't going to work." I let out a deep sigh and close my eyes.

"I'm sorry it's just all so much and it just feels different and strange." Hayes takes me into his arms.

"Tell me, tell me what feels wrong. I'll fix it, I will move mountains to make you happy Jodie, tell me." I relax in his arms.

"Don't talk shit about carter, is step 1. We aren't supposed to stoop to his level. Mel always talks of being this bigger person, and so I am for once being the bigger person. What carter said was out of anger." Hayes bites his lip and I know he doesnt agree with a single word I say, but he stays quiet and listens. He nods and agrees.

"Fine, I wont do any of that, but I'm not stopping the others, they all feel different about carter. He's been real shady apparently these past weeks. Starting drama saying he's better than the others and just saying that the fans like him the best." I shake my head.

"hayes I don't care, that's carter's personal life. I don't need to know this stuff. It's not important. He's not this huge impact on my life, I just want to drop all of this and put it aside. This drama caused by him is keeping us from being open about our relationship." Hayes nods and plays with my hair.

"I know and I promise the minute nash says the drama is cleared up, we can be open. No one even knows we are together, and it's so hard not to sit here and just hold you and kiss you." I smile.

"So you could say, I'm pretty irresistable." He shakes his head but agrees.

"Oh and your makeup needs to be fixed, a girl asked me if you were wearing makeup." worry crossed his face.

"what did you say." I shrug and walk away from him.

"You'll never know." Hayes smiles.

"Oh we will see tonight." Hayes says pushing me back into the conference room. Then suddenly he stops.

"Oh and what were you saying about Cam and his jealousy problems. Panic seeps into my body and I mask my face.

"Oh I honestly don't know I just couldn't think of a comeback." I laugh it off and hayes just nods. Cameron's eyes are on me and I know he's still thinking about my words. Hell they way Mel is biting her nails I know she's thinking about them too. I'm also hoping that people aren't thinking Hayes and I are dating, I mean we are but I don't need the guys on us as well.

It's not like I can just go hang out and flirt with the other guys. Hayes has some weird new respect with the guys. It's obscured how a guy can beat up his best friend sleep with a girl and earn respect. It completely blows my mind, but it's them and their ways.

"Hey Mel." I say tapping her shoulder and she raises a brow at me.

"Yes?" she says slowly, I smile and play with my fingers.

"I'm sorry for what I said to Cameron." she smiles and laughs.

"Don't be, everyone has a time to speak their mind. Oh and you and Hayes, are so obvious. Nash is being asked so much. He doesn't know and how does that make Hayes feel?" I look at Hayes who is talking to nash.

"I'm sure he's telling him now. I just I don't know, I yelled at him about the carter thing." Mel sighs.

"I think honestly, it was bound to happen. Carter only went to your room... because he got mad at me for snapping at him. he was whining about being bored so I told him to go ask you out." I run my hand through my hair.

Lunch is announced over and Hayes and I avoid each other for the rest of the day.

"You two can't hide forever." Nash says as we all walk back tired to our rooms.

"We aren't, we are just taking our time." I say my hand locking with Hayes. It just Hayes, Nash and I. Then we see carter walk up to his door.

"Uhm what are you doing out?" Nash says walking ahead of us.

"What? I can't leave my hotel room?" carter is wearing sun glasses and I feel guilt in the pit of my stomach.

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