n i n e t e e n

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jaebum stayed awake the whole night, holding youngjae in his arms and rubbing the boy's arm whenever he gripped jaebum. the young boy's face would instantly calm and he knew he was safe with jaebum.

jaebum was tired. he looks over at the clock which stated 3:24 a.m. jaebum sighs and gets up, making youngjae whine. jaebum shushes the half asleep boy and tells him that he will be right back.

jaebum goes over to youngjae's window, making sure it's locked before sighing. he walks out into the hallway and looks at youngjae's mother, making sure she is safe. she was sleeping soundly and that made jaebum smile.

these three people were the most important people in his life. his beloved boyfriend, his wonderful mother, and their child. and he was going to make sure they were safe. safe from that monster.

jaebum checks the front door and makes sure it's locked as well. he trudged up the stairs and sees youngjae sleeping softly. his lips were parted with small breaths coming out. he sighed and climbed back in, shutting his eyes and falling into a deep slumber.

"youngjae?"jaebum's voice was hushed, he watched in horror as youngjae's father beat the boy. jaebum realizes what's happening and starts to scream out.

"bummie?"youngjae's voice cracked and he let out a pained scream. it was horrible. jaebum felt fresh tears down his face. why couldn't he help him? why can't he run? it was like chains were attached to him.

jaebum's love was bigger than those chains though. his love caused him to rip from the chains and charge after the male like he did as a 15 year old. jaebum beat him, beat him until his knuckles were red with blood.

"b-bummie,"youngjae's voice was barely there, he gasped for breath as he held his stomach. blood rushed out and youngjae knew he lost the baby. he knew his father meant to kill the baby. he knew he meant to kill him.

"jae? baby what's wrong. jae?"jaebum swiftly knocked out youngjae's dad and moved over to youngjae. jaebum's tears poured down once again. he moved youngjae's hands away and stared at the blood.

it hit jaebum. he was going to die. their baby was going to die. youngjae was going to die. and he couldn't save him this time. he couldn't.

youngjae's breath starts to end as jaebum screamed out his name. tears flowing out of his eyes as youngjae's dad regained consciousness. he saw his son laying with a sobbing boy.

"you couldn't save him jaebum. you won't be able to save him jaebum. jaebum, jaebum, jaebum. jaebum! JAEBUM!"jaebum woke up to youngjae shouting his name. jaebum's eyes widen and he pulls the boy into a bone crushing hug, sobbing into his shoulder.

"i l-lost you youngjae. baby y-you were dead!"jaebum sobbed. youngjae put his arms around the shaking boy and let him silently sob. he had waken up to jaebum screaming his name and tears falling down his face.

youngjae had never seen jaebum so, broken. except for when they fought a few days ago. jaebum has never caught onto youngjae and held him with no escape before.

"jae im sorry,"jaebum wept. youngjae shushed and rubbed his back. sometimes every hero needs a break.

"let it all out. let everything out,"youngjae whispered in jaebum's ear. jaebum sobbed more into youngjae's shoulder. youngjae places a few kisses on jaebum's head.

"w-what if i'm a bad dad?!? what if i can't protect you? what if i do something on accident that makes you leave? what if i lose you? w-what if im not ready to be a dad? youngjae what if i lose your love?"jaebum stares into youngjae's eyes. now it was the youngers turn to tear up. jaebum was insecure. youngjae didn't think so, behind all this buff ness. but he was really insecure.

"bummie,"youngjae started, grabbing the other's face softly and turning it to look at his. jaebum's lip quivered again, tears shedding from his eyes.

"i already know you are going to be an amazing father, you know how? because you're going to do everything you can to protect us, and i know you won't fail. you won't do something on accident that'll make me leave because i won't ever leave you again, that day was already torture enough at it was only four hours. so believe me, you will never ever lose me."

"i'm not ready to be a mother. we are only 18 and still in high school, we didn't plan on it but look where it brought us. our child is one of the best things to ever happen to us. and there is nothing you could do to ever lose my love jaebum. everything you do makes my heart flutter. everything that comes out of those perfect lips makes me blush and every day i fall deeper in love with you,"youngjae smiles at jaebum as the older took in everything he just said. jaebum hates himself for being so weak. but what youngjae said really got to him.

"jae,"jaebum whispers, but youngjae was already onto it. he shushes jaebum and climbs onto his lap, pushing his lips forward in a soft and passionate kiss. jaebum melted into the kiss and soon enough they pulled away. jaebum looked into youngjae's eyes and sighs, wrapping his long arms around youngjae and pulling him down.

"what would i do without you,"jaebum smiled, placing an arm around youngjae who cuddles into his chest.

"hm, probably die,"jaebum smacks his chest and youngjae's giggle fills the room.

"i love you so much youngjae,"this made youngjaes heart flutter. he's never felt so much love for another person before. and every time jaebum says it, youngjae dies a little.

"i love you more,"jaebum scoffs and flips them over so he's on top.

"i love you most,"jaebum smirks, lacing the boy's mouth with pecks and leaves one last kiss before turning back around and cuddling him. jaebum closes his eyes once again. falling into a peaceful sleep.

but should he really be sleeping right now?

wOAH idk what happened there i decided to get sappy again. so yeah inside jaebum is a real softy. and he's hella insecure.

question : why do you think he shouldn't be sleeping ?

answer : we will see (;

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