e p i l o g u e

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three years later

today was the day, mark and jackson's wedding. jaebum had never been so excited to go somewhere in his life.

mark and jackson had been engaged for over three years and they had finally managed to agree on a place to get married. mark was stressed out from all the planning, but he was happy it was finally here.

jaebum looked over to the clock which read 10:00 am, the wedding was at 4 so he figured they must start getting ready. jaebum proceeded to the stove where he started to make some eggs. suddenly a pair of small feet ran down the stairs, making the boy smile.

"hey dada!"young-sik exclaimed. jaebum picked him up and booped his nose, making the small boy giggle. young-sik looked down at the eggs and smiled, they were his absolute favorite.

"hey bud, why don't you go wake up your mom?"jaebum says, putting down their three year old son. young-sik nods and runs off to his parents' room.

he comes back a few minutes later, jaebum was setting up the plates. young-sik was pulling a very tired youngjae who was rubbing his eyes, over to jaebum. young-sik was put into his seat as jaebum got some coffee out for his boyfriend.

"we are basic jaebum,"youngjae says as jaebum slowly rests his lips on the other's. jaebum laughs and nods his head, placing it on youngjae's shoulder. he moves his hands down to the boy's stomach.

"young-sik you were in here,"jaebum says, making the boy turn his head in confusion. he giggles as youngjae slaps jaebum's arm.

"don't tell him that then you'll have to explain how it works,"youngjae says. jaebum laughs and wraps his arms around youngjae's neck. youngjae looks up at him as jaebum smiles.

"you're so beautiful youngjae,"jaebum mutters out, making the boy blush a dark red. youngjae slaps his arm and jaebum laughs as a ding is heard. jaebum goes and grabs his phone, reading the text that said they had to be ready in an hour.

"okay young-sik, eat fast but not too fast, we have to get ready for uncle mark's wedding,"jaebum says, making young-sik let out a squeal.


the boys pull up to mark's house, jaebum went around and got young-sik out of his car seat. youngjae looks back at them, smiling at his boyfriend and their child. jaebum was such a good father and youngjae couldn't have asked for anyone else to be in his life.

the boys walked to the door, a frustrated jinyoung opening it and letting out a thank god as he pulls the boys inside. mark's voice could be heard around the house as he was freaking out. it was his wedding day and of course it would be stressful.

"is the cake all ready? does everyone know what time to get there? is jackson's suit okay-"

"mark, you need to calm down,"youngjae says, going over and putting his hands on mark's shoulders. jackson was currently at the venue, setting up things with yugyeom and bambam.

"why did i let the three crackheads go set up our wedding?"mark says, tearing up. this day was supposed to be special. young-sik hops down from jaebum's grasp and rushes over to mark.

"mark calm down, i promise everything will be just fine,"youngjae says, guiding the boy to have deep breaths. he tells jaebum and jinyoung to go to the venue, that him and young-sik would stay and help mark. the boys nod and leave.

"okay mark, we need to get you ready no more crying,"youngjae says, young-sik jumping up and down in his little suit, nodding his head. mark takes in a breath and nods his head, letting youngjae take over.

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