t h i r t y t w o

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"almost time for the baby to come!"the nurse says, looking at the screen as youngjae nods his head. jaebum was starting to get nervous around this time. there were two months left until he would be a father. that was terrifying for the male.

"how are you holding up?"she asks, looking up at jaebum who smiled, hiding the fact that he was absolutely horrified. he wanted to be the best dad out there. he wanted to be there for youngjae and he wanted every moment of every day to be spent protecting the two people he loves the most in the world.

"im excited,"jaebum replies, looking up at the screen. jaebum had recently told youngjae about having a baby shower, and more importantly, a gender reveal. thankfully, the younger had agreed and they were going to have it a week before the baby was due. this left a lot of pressure on their friends, but chani and jisung decided to join in and help as well.

the doctor walks in and smiles at the couple. it had been a few weeks since they last saw him and they were happy to be back. this one man had helped them so much throughout the last seven months of youngjae's pregnancy, and they were so thankful.

the boys wanted to get the doctor something for all his help. they wanted to thank him for not judging them and overall being one of the most helpful people in the teenagers lives. jaebum grabs the basket that youngjae had put together the night before, handing it to the doctor with a wide grin spread across their faces.

"what's this?"the doctor asks, smiles making the room full of love and appreciation. youngjae lets out a giggle and explains what it was for. thanking the doctor deeply. youngjae gives him a hug once he finishes the session and the doctor pulls jaebum aside as youngjae makes one of their last appointments.

"are you sure you're doing alright, you seemed pretty tense in there."

"i am just scared i won't be a good dad,"jaebum sighs, looking over at youngjae who was smiling at the receptionist. the doctor places a calming hand on the boy's shoulder. jaebum looks over at him and the doctor laughs.

"every parent goes through that. i can already tell you will be the best father ever,"the doctor says, patting his back and sending him off to youngjae. jaebum looks back and mouths a thank you to him, smiling widely.

"bummie! our little angel will be here soon!"youngjae bounces in his seat, making jaebum place his jaw in his palm and stare at the boy who acted as if he was five years old. youngjae pouts and blushes, hiding his face in the car seat.

"is this how chani felt?"youngjae mumbles out, looking over at jaebum who just continued to stare at him. youngjae squealed and shakes his head.

"what do you mean?"jaebum asks, turning his head in confusion, and smiling when youngjae gasps.

"oh my god!!! i didn't tell you! so basically i was with chani and his crush walked by and,"jaebum drifted off, falling in love over and over again with the boy who was rambling on about his day before.

"jaebum are you listening?"he asks, giving him a stern look. jaebum laughs and shakes his head, explaining why he couldn't help but just stare and get lost in the other's eyes.

"you're just so beautiful-"

"jaebum! we need to go paint the baby's room,"youngjae exclaims randomly, cutting the older off. jaebum lets out a huff and nods his head, picking up his phone to call mark. he starts the car and mark answers.

"hello?"his voice is shaky and the boys know he still isn't over jackson. anything related to jackson, hell even just his phone lighting up and showing his lock screen, was the biggest heart break to mark. the fact that he was practically trapped killed him. he was trapped in a hole of darkness without his sunshine to save him.

"hey mark. did you want to help us paint the baby's room? i know chen and lay were going to help as well,"jaebum says, sympathy in his voice. mark sniffles a bit and you can hear some shuffling until he responds with a.

"yes of course!!!! ill meet up with you guys now."

hiya!! this is some 2jae shit and the next chapter is going to have some stuff about jackson hopefully, i've been thinking about that chapter for a bit.

question : when is your birthday ?

answer : august 31st (:

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